Business Tips

Best Practices for a successful IoT Developer Program

Events and training programs are a main component in many developer programs for IoT – but just how effective are they? This infographic sheds some light into the effectiveness of training and events, based on our Best Practices for IoT Developer Programs report.

Events and training programs are a main component in many IoT developer programs. But just how effective are they?

This infographic sheds some light into the effectiveness of training and events. Insights are based on our Best Practices for IoT Developer Programs report.

Best Practices for an IoT Developer Program

By Stijn Schuermans

As a Senior Business Analyst, Stijn focuses on understanding how technology becomes value-creating innovation, how business models affect market dynamics, and the consequences of this for corporate strategy. He is the lead Internet of Things researcher in the VisionMobile team. He has been writing about IoT since 2012.

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