Business Community

Cloud & Desktop Developer Landscape

How are desktop and cloud development evolving? We’ve prepared an infographic with some key insights that can help you better understand the cloud and desktop developer landscape, based on our recent report focusing on the topic.

How is cloud and desktop developers landscape evolving? We’ve prepared an infographic with some key insights that can help you better understand the cloud and desktop development, based on our recent report focusing on the topic. Here are some of the key insights:

  • 49% of developers are working professionally across both cloud and desktop
  • 41% of desktop developers are creating applications which never leave the browser
  • 54% of cloud developers who use advertising are making less than $500/month

Check out the Cloud and Desktop Developers infographic for more insights:


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By Bill Ray

Bill wrote his first mobile app in 1988, and has been failing to make money out of them ever since. He architected set-top boxes at Swisscom and Cable & Wireless, and was Head of Enabling Technology (responsible for on-device software) at UK mobile network O2. He then spent eight years as a journalist at tech publication The Register, before joining VisionMobile as a senior analyst.

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