
Vue.js vs. React: Which is the Ideal JavaScript Framework for 2024?

The use of JavaScript frameworks has become very important in today’s modern web development, as it is important to identify the best one that will help to develop efficient and manageable applications. When it comes to 2024, two frameworks, Vue. and React, will still be in demand. They are well-supported, have a lot of active users and contributors, and offer features that are useful for various development tasks. 

The following is a detailed comparison between Vue.js and React that will help in determining which of the two is ideal to choose.

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Basic Understanding of Vue.js and React.js

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is an open-source framework created by Evan in February 2014. It aims at aiding coders in developing interactive and effective user interfaces.

Vue is simple, easy to incorporate with other libraries, and it can be applied to the most basic projects as well as complicated applications. It is a minimal feature set that is best defined as simply the view layer and can be easily integrated into some other frameworks or used in an existing project.

What is React.js?

React.js is a JavaScript library, developed by Facebook developers and was established in the year 2013. It is primarily used for creating User Interfaces, especially in scenarios where data ought to be refreshed over time. 

Remarkably, React was the first to propose the concept of the virtual DOM to enhance the speed of rendering. It enables developers to create elements which have their own state and then use these elements to create interfaces.

Vue.js vs React.js: A Detailed Comparison

1. Popularity and Community Support


  • Popularity: Vue.js has recently become popular, specifically in Asia and Europe. It is highly preferred by many users since it has a user-friendly interface and does not require much of the user’s effort when in use.
  • Community Support: Vue has an active community. It is an open-source tool,  has more than 207204 stars in GitHub and comes with numerous plugins, tutorials, and much more.


  • Popularity: React is very popular and has a large market share in the US. Its successful applicability  with large-scale corporations such as Facebook, Netflix, and Airbnb testifies to its popularity.
  • Community Support: React has a huge community. It is an open-source tool, backed up by Facebook Corporation. As of now, it has 223644 stars on GitHub and consist of a rich set of tools and resources available.

2. Learning Curve and Documentation


  • Learning Curve: Vue is considered to be easily learned since it has few lines of code. The features are well-designed, and its unique layout can easily be comprehended by the user who has little or no technical experties.
  • Documentation: Vue has documentation that is both easy to find and clearly written, accompanied with guidelines and tutorials.


  • Learning Curve: React is comparatively tougher and takes more time to learn. This is because the developers must learn about JSX as one of the extensions of JavaScript and must use other frameworks like Redux for state management.
  • Documentation: The documentation of React is better than Vue. However, React lacks in many learning resources as compared to Vue.

3. Performance


  • Performance: Vue also uses a virtual DOM as React, making it more efficient by  avoiding frequent DOM modifications. It also excels at handling dependencies and changes within its reactivity system.


  • Performance: React is optimized because it has a virtual DOM and a fiber that splits the production task into parts. It also makes the updates and rendering to be faster.

4. Flexibility and Scalability


  • Flexibility: Vue is highly flexible and can be adopted in an incremental manner. Vue.js and its ecosystem, like Vuex for state management and Vue Router for routing, work well together.
  • Scalability: It is useful to develop simple and intermediate applications; however, complex applications can also be developed with Vue if structured correctly.


  • Flexibility: React is quite flexible. But when compared with other frameworks, it needs other libraries for making it a complete solution. 
  • Scalability: It is extensible and can be used in the development of large and complex applications because of the component based approach.

5. Ecosystem and Tooling


  • Ecosystem: The Vue ecosystem is quite consistent and logically thought-out. It has various tools that support the building of web applications and libraries, including Vue CLI, Vue Router, and Vuex, making it a complete package.
  • Tooling: Vue DevTools is an extension that provides powerful tools for debugging, and the Vue CLI is a convenient tool for project creation.


  • Ecosystem: Since React has a very large ecosystem, there are many libraries and tools available, but this can make things confusing. Building  projects to optimize their features can be done quite quickly through tools such as Create React App.
  • Tooling: React DevTools are very useful for debugging.  It consists of many other tools that can be used for increasing the efficiency of the development.

6. Integration and Compatibility


  • Integration: Vue.js is very flexible and can be gradually integrated into projects in a hasselfree manner. It incorporates with most other libraries and existing projects to give an enhanced result. It allows flexibility in development of complex and time consuming projects.
  • Compatibility: Vue supports various backend frameworks and platforms, enabling its impactful implementation in various contexts.


  • Integration: React is a versatile and flexible framework that seeks integration with other libraries to end up with a full-fledged solution. Its modularity makes it possible to easily combine with different tools and frameworks whenever needed.
  • Compatibility: Integrates with most environments and platforms, such as server-side with Next. js and mobile development with React Native.

Best Use Cases of Vue and React


  • Prototyping and Small Projects: Vue is relatively easier to use as compared to other libraries and has a good support for integration. This makes it useful in the creation of a prototype and for projects of small as well as medium level.
  • Incremental Adoption: Vue can be adopted into existing projects without the need to rewrite everything from scratch.
  • Enterprise-Level Applications: Some of the companies that have adopted Vue include Alibaba and Xiaomi, proving its effectiveness for large-scale development.


  • Single-Page Applications (SPAs): Due to its efficient rendering and state management, React is one of the best frameworks for building SPAs.
  • Data-Driven Dashboards: It is a brilliant framework for developing real-time dashboards through the use of reactive components, thatallow for easy and efficient update of the data presented to the user. 
  • Enterprise-Level Applications: React is useful in big enterprises since it has a sound architecture and good state management. It is backed by Facebook so it is sustainable and frequently updated.

Which Framework to Choose: Vue.js or React in 2024?

When it comes to comparing Vue.js and React in 2024, it is crucial to consider the specifics of your project and your team’s experience. 

Vue.js is a perfect match for these people who don’t want to struggle with a steep learning curve and complex integration; while, React is more suitable for large-scale applications due to its powerful ecosystem and fat corporate support.

When to Choose the Vue.js Framework?

  • Ease of Learning: The availability of developers with an inclination towards front-end frameworks can be a point of consideration whene choosing Vue.js since it is easier to learn and the documentation is vast.
  • Incremental Integration: Vue is perfect for projects when it is gradually implemented, it can be easily adopted as a part of the project without interrupting the team.
  • Community and Support: In terms of active communities and well-integrated ecosystems, Vue offers a solid and easy-to-navigate development foundation.

When to Choose the React. js Framework?

  • Large-Scale Applications: React is scalable and ideal for large projects that will need more focus on state management and UI.
  • Corporate Backing: If corporate support and long-term stability are important, React’s backing by Facebook offers essential assurance about continuous progression.
  • Cross-Platform Development: In cases where a project needs both a web and a mobile application, the ability to use React and React Native is another benefit.


Both Vue. js and React are great frameworks with their own benefits and are best suited for specific conditions. 

Overall, Vue is the best tool for developing small-to-medium projects and teams that don’t want to struggle with complex learning curves. On the other hand, React possesses a vast and stable environment, the support of large corporations, and the ability to work on large-scale projects. 

Stepping into 2024, the choice between Vue. js and React should be based on the requirements of your project or application, the experience of your team, and the further development of the application. Considering the above factors, this will enable you to come up with the right framework for your project development strategy and goals.

About the author

Harikrishna Kundariya is the Co-founder, Director, & Marketer
of eSparkBiz Technologies – an excellent Software
Development Company. Also, a notable IoT, ChatBot &
Blockchain-savvy Developer. His 12+ years of profound
experience enables him to create Digital Innovations for
Startups & large Enterprises alike based on futuristic
technologies like IoT, Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, and
ChatBot. Adopting a modern yet extremely flexible leadership
approach, he believes in building businesses & lasting bonds
with his clients in the process.

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A Guide to Choose the Right JavaScript Framework for Web Programming

The platforms of JavaScript probably are the best frameworks for developers as well as business organizations nowadays. Already, there is a vast ocean of JavaScript frameworks, with new ones pouring in constantly.  Frontend developers have difficulty in making up their minds as to which framework to stick to, particularly for single-page apps.

There are so many JavaScript frameworks and libraries to choose from on the web. Among the most popular however include React, Angular, Ember, Meteor, and Vue. The frameworks of JavaScript are preferred over others due to their functionality and interoperability. The libraries offer a better functional approach, good scalability, and most important of all platform independence.

JavaScript at present is used on the client and server-sides. The platform helps in designing an enriched user experience with many features to alter web pages in real-time. For fast web application development, JavaScript is the most preferred and acts as the perfect skeleton for single page applications, enabling developers complete focus on the interface elements, expanding the platform capabilities.

To further determine the best JavaScript framework to choose that best fits your web programming requirements, take a closer look at the five best JavaScript frameworks. 

Five best JavaScript Frameworks

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React JavaScript Framework

JavaScript frameworks - React

The brain-child of Facebook: it’s the framework in which the highest viewed social media platform, Facebook is based on. It’s supported by the FB team and also the driving force behind Instagram. It’s the choice of developers for many reasons to create dynamic and high-traffic web apps. 

Deemed as the quickest growing framework, with over 1000 GitHub contributors which increases the use of ReactJS in development with high demand.

React acts as a View in the MVC framework, and could be integrated seamlessly and smoothly into any architecture. One component file has the HTML markup and the business logic. You can either use Flux or a similar JS library for components communication. 

The seamless transfer of data between components is easy with the help of the props objects and the state. Credits to the Virtual DOM and special reconciliation algorithm, front-end gets a considerable boost. Changes could be done by developers in real-time, without having to update the View each time.


The major component of boosting performance is the virtual DOM. Since React is framework-friendly, you could integrate it with other frameworks for inflated compatibility and performance. Moreover, it could be utilized on the client and the server-side. 


Its flexibility is also its downside. It’s not easy to choose from the overabundance of frameworks. It works only on the MVC Framework’s View layer. 

In spite of the inclusion of the major code libraries, in some instances it still needs more code. And since it’s more of a library instead of framework, data changes need manual processing. 

Angular JavaScript Framework

JavaScript frameworks - Angular

The web-app platform is type-script based, making it exceptionally agile. Led by the Angular team at Google, a community of members and testers, it’s an open-source solution. Referred often as an MVW framework, it’s considered the best to use, particularly among startups and medium-size enterprises.

What sets Angular apart from the rest of the JavaScript frameworks is its two-way data binding, which makes backend changes reflect in real time on the user interface. As the most sought-after apps for Single Page Applications, an Angular JS development company enjoys high demand. 

It’s preferred for hybrid mobile apps as well. Features like switches, sidebars, and overlays integrate dynamic functionality to apps. It came about in 2016 with the version 2.0, the immediate release occurred in Angular 4 in the following year, with updates at regular intervals. Angular 5 was released in 2017 followed by 6 in the middle of 2018, then Angular 7 in September of the same year.

The diagram of the architecture identifies eight major building blocks of Angular 2 app.

Components – are a logical code for a JS app, consisting of a class, template, and metadata. 

Modules – used in creating a particular set of instructions. Rather than coding everything in a single place, you could build individual modules, which depend on the functionality. A module contains an export array, bootstrap array, and an import array as well.

Metadata – has the extra data defined for classes and is defined with a decorator.

Data binding – used for binding classes properties in the components.

Directives – a custom element of HTML. Used for extending the HTML functionality, with two directives as part of the Browser Module module.

Services – service is built to provide common functionality across various program modules. 

Templates – used for rendering the View for an app, consisting of the HTML code required for binding, rendering, and directives.

Dependency injection – used for extending module functionality during runtime.


Yields huge performances, which is made possible by type-scripting. It offers libraries and functionalities for nested components, as well as web components support.


It modifies a pre-existing DOM, which makes it slow and inefficient compared to React. It maintains a physical distance between the JavaScript driving an app and the HTML rendered.

Vue.js JavaScript Framework

JavavScript frameworks - Vue.js

Was introduced in 2016. It instilled the better parts of React, Angular, and Ember and put into a handy package. Vue’s learning curve was better than Angular and React.

What makes it stand out among the rest is the two-way binding, optional JSX support, Vue-cli, server-side rendering, and more. The ecosystem of the framework is composed of a view-loader as a component, library, Chrome, Vue.js devtools, Firefox, as well as a dedicated library Vuex to manage app state with the framework. Thus, it’s the better option than its counterparts for SPAs and cross-platform solutions.

You might see the Vue library as a combination of React and Angular, and somehow it’s true. It borrows the concepts of both React and Angular concepts. Layouts and logic, together with stylesheets are stored in a file. It also utilizes props objects and states, the same as React.

A reason to opt for Vue over React nonetheless is that React apps used the Redux library. As the app grows in size, building mini changes across files has the tendency to be tedious. This makes the Vue framework more favourable than others.


A collection of the best parts of the majority of frameworks. Thus, understanding the ease and deployment comes around. Very flexible, as well as facilitates a two-way communication, with a virtual DOM as well.


The downfall with Vue is its high flexibility. The high integrity makes choosing one for development hard. Most users of the Vue.js framework belong to non-native English speakers’ closed communities. The barrier in language is one of the reasons why developers are wary of using it.

React Native JavaScript Framework

JavaScript frameworks - React Native

It was a breakthrough when it comes to mobile application development. Before React, developing an Android and iOS app required various code sets. The whole deployment and coding functionality varied, and took a big toll on the expenses. 

React Native was launched by Facebook a few years back, revolutionizing the phone apps concept. You could write an app code and deploy at the same time on iOS and Android. The great success was the write once, deploy anywhere concept and React since then has been the foremost choice of native application development.

The framework takes the development of mobile apps to an all-new level, using CSS-like stylesheets, JS code, and HTML tags for lay-outing.


The concept of one framework, numerous platforms is a great React Native bonus. It has an extremely streamlined UI, and you could make apps faster with them.


The navigation is a turnoff, and transitions are not smooth either. It lacks the required custom modules for native application development. Native developers moreover are still required to accomplish the task.

Ionic JavaScript Framework

JavaScript frameworks - Ionic

It’s all about performance and nothing else. A cross-platform, and open-sourced, it’s used for developing hybrid mobile apps. A mobile HTML5 framework, it’s solely aimed at performance, using hardware acceleration. What’s great is that it does not require a third-party JS library. 

Ionic could be teamed up with Angular.js for building an interactive application. It comes with a set of its own icon set, called the Ionicons. Then it’s teamed up with reusable HTML classes for building an interactive mobile user interface. The HTML5 framework works with the help of Cordova or PhoneGap. 


A once code for all Ionic2 Concepts makes it favourable for developing an app.  Moreover, it’s open source and thus free entirely. The open source advantage of the huge developer community, as well as testers ascertain that the framework is top notch at all times. The open source benefit of a big community of developers and testers ensures that Ionic is on the top always.


Because of the code simplicity, creating an in-app navigation could be burdensome. It’s a very complicated task. The performance of the in-app is swift as the app when developed for individual devices. Because Angular.js is a must for Ionic 2, Angular.js knowledge is a critical factor in app development.

JavaScript is highly favoured among all the other programming languages. A few benefits are the following.

1. Safety. They are in continuous iteration, therefore they have a large community of members, as well as testers. 

2. Expense. Web applications cost an arm and a leg as most frameworks cost more. Most of the frameworks of JavaScript however are free of cost. This lowers the costs of web development drastically.

3. Efficiency. As earlier mentioned, the JavaScript frameworks are cutters of cost. In addition, they are also time savers, credits to the prebuilt functionalities for a faster web application development.


The whole website development community is extremely agile and continuously updates. Every month, a new framework is being released.  Those that are released are under constant upgrades and enhanced with the latest functions. We hope this guide helps you to choose the right JavaScript framework for you.

Author Bio:

Olivia D. is a technology observer, writer and blogger. Being a tech geek, she keeps a close watch over the industry focusing on the latest technology news and gadgets. Follow me on Twitter.

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