Interviews Tips

How to build a debugging tool and turn it into a business

From a common developer frustration to an award-winning company that has clients like SAP, IBM and Mentor, what does it take to turn a problem into a lucrative business?   I had a chat with Greg Law who is the co-founder and CEO of undo. Greg went from founding his company in a shed to building a business with top enterprise customers. What we all want to know is – how? Read on and get inspired! Could you be the next Greg Law / Undo?

Vanessa: Tell us a bit about Undo.

Greg: Undo is a tool that allows developers to see what their software did and why, at any point in time. The tool (LiveRecorder) allows engineers to record the execution of a program and wind it back to see exactly what it did to identify software defects. You can step line by line in a debugger – forwards or backwards – and see all of the program state too.

Customers use us when they are completely stuck with an issue, and rather than guess what the problem is, they can pinpoint it. There were devs who would spend days, even months trying to figure out the source of a bug, and they try LiveRecorder and it enables them to figure it out in a few minutes.

The tool was originally aimed at the enterprise market, but more recently it has been used by more smaller companies, even those with small teams.

“The pandemic helped change this, there was no more travelling to meet with potential enterprise customers, and thankfully the tool was matured enough that it could be downloaded by people from our website, without the need to support hundreds of support requests.”

It was always part of the grand plan but the pandemic brought it forward.

Vanessa: How did you build your team?

Greg: It’s kind of the classic story. I founded Undo with a good friend of mine, Julian from when we worked at Acorn back in the day. We worked evenings and weekends together, it reminds me of a quote I heard recently, a programmers mantra of “We do these things, not that they are easy, but because we thought they were going to be easy”. We did eventually get to a v1, then bumped into an old friend that Julian and I had worked with at Acorn, he was looking for his next job. He joined us in the shed at the end of my garden, that was in 2013, and he hasbeen with us ever since.

Vanessa: How many are devs on the team?

We have 34 on the team.

Vanessa: Which collaboration tools do your team use to stay on top of the projects?

Greg: Git with GitHub on top of that, in fact in the early days it was just Git.  

We used a todo.txt file and when we had 3 or 4 people that worked really well. It’s quite nice that you mark things in different states in different branches and it all just works. But obviously, it doesn’t scale. We used Phabricator for a while but ended up switching to GitHub.

Google Meet – and all of Google’s G-suite. There were worries about locking into a giant corporation but the convenience of it is too great!

Collaboration is about culture more than tools. We were definitely an “in the office culture” prior to the pandemic, and felt that the facetime, building deep relations and trust were good face to face, and that worked really well. That said, we were already beginning to recruit remotely in some exceptional cases. And of course, that has now changed 18 months ago and we transitioned like everyone else due to the pandemic. 

If the pandemic happened ten, even five years earlier, it would have been alot worse for those in the knowledge industry. Even five years ago video conferencing was expensive so having Google Meet made things a lot easier. The most important thing with remote working is to write stuff down so that you can communicate asynchronously, not just remotely. Google Docs has been very good for that.

Vanessa: What kind of culture do you offer to developers in your company?

Greg: It’s one of those things that is quite hard to define. I cringe so often when I hear people’s answers to this question. It can be cheesy, and buzzwords. Often if a company publishes it’s values, they are actually aspirational values, kind of what they want to be better at, not what they are doing right now. So one of our values is no bullshit. Be honest with each other and ourselves.

That is a key component in building trust, and that’s the biggest one for me. There are the easy kinds of trust, like, do I trust that I can leave my wallet on the desk and it will be there when I get back? Then there are more difficult levels of trust such as:

1) Do I trust your intentions? Do I trust that we are trying to achieve the same thing? 

2) Do I trust your judgment? 

3) Hardest of all – healthy conflict. 

I can say to you: “I feel let down, you didn’t do what you said you were going to do or you didn’t do a good job with that.” I can trust you enough that I can say that, and it’s going to be ok between us. It’s much easier said than done, and though we are fairly multi-cultural sometimes we can be a little bit too English about everything! So we need to be un-English about it, and say what we feel, obviously in a respectable, polite way, to have that trust and transparency.

And that was actually part of why we were quite big in the early days of building the company, not remote first, but having us all together. Not that you can’t build high integrity and high trust remotely, you can, but it is harder.

We were already becoming a remote culture and had a remote office in San Francisco, and we hired people from across the country, like in London.  The first few people you hire will define your culture. As a founder, you have a lot less influence than you thought, culture is a self-defining thing.  With picking the right early hires, we just got really lucky, we had no idea what we were doing. Now we’re in this new world and we hire much more freely regardless of location, and we have the core culture that we can build it on, it actually works really well.

Getting to know you

Vanessa: Have you always wanted to be a developer?

Greg: I wanted to be a train driver! Once I got over that, I got a home computer at the age of ten, my mum sacrificed to get the computer. At first I was just playing games on it (Commodore Plus 4) and she strongly encouraged me to learn and program with it, so I picked up a book to learn, out of guilt really, and from then on I was hooked, all I wanted to do was program. 

Vanessa: Did you go to college and beyond or are you self-taught?

Greg: I took Computer Science at degree and also at A level not many six forms offered that at the time. I realised that it paid well to do something I’m good at. The world developer population is not growing that fast, which is surprising, We need to train more programmers, but we’re always going to have a big undersupply so we need to make that finite pool of programmers as productive as possible.

We need a healthy ecosystem to help people be more productive. Ten years ago, software tools were a brave business to be in. Now it’s one of the hottest places for VC’s to invest in. 

Vanessa: Have you ever been involved in mentorship, either as a mentor or a mentoree?

Greg: We’re all still learning every day, I have mentored. In fact many of our employees are a mentor to me. We’re lucky that there is a healthy ecosystem in Cambridge. It’s amazing really – you can email almost anyone you can think of, even when you’re right at the beginning and they’ll spend a bunch of time with you.

The Future

Greg: Core tooling, slowly they have evolved compilers, IDE’s. Debuggers have not changed much over the years, new tools have come along but the fundamentals have not changed much over the decade

We see waves of tech. There are rapid periods of changes, computer operators were like train operators – if you used a computer for work that’s all you did, and no-one else would be let near them. Then in the 80’s people started using computers as part of their other job, now everyone is using them, and now there are smartphones. As these waves went by, the way we developed changed too – i.e. it goes in waves. Between say 1990 and 2010 the way we develop code was all evolution not revolution. Then suddenly it all changed again, first with agile, then CI/CD, huge amounts of reuse of open source, etc. With these big changes comes an explosion of tooling. It’s really hard to imagine what will continue. I think most of the tools we use today will still be in use in ten years, but they will have been added to. Like how GitHub compliments git, or our stuff does with Jenkins. I’m sceptical on the AI writing code thing – understanding of requirements through context and delivering creative solutions to that – it’s a million miles away from the state of the art. But I do totally see computers helping us to write code – the GitHub Copilot stuff promises to save a bunch of time. But it’s not quite as exciting as it looks because if you think about it, Copilot saves you time typing in the code sure, but what proportion of programming time is actually spent typing the code in? Pretty small. A much larger chunk of time is spent figuring out why that code you typed in this morning doesn’t do what you thought it was going to do! That’s why we started Undo, and I think we’re going to see a lot more around this notion of understanding or auditing exactly what happened.

Collaboration will be key. Asynchronous collaboration. Once you sever the link, you no longer require people to be geographically in the same place, well then you no longer need to be in the same time, either. This has potentially profound implications for how we might work. We have used version control in development for decades which allows people to collaborate remotely and asynchronously; I think these practices have a lot to teach a wider audience in asynchronous collaboration. In kind of the same way that the first word processing applications were actually code editors.

We’re good at writing code, but not at debugging, most devs spend alot of time debugging – remote and asynchronous collaboration through debugging would be great. 

Vanessa: It was great to talk to you Greg!

We love to hear your development stories, get in touch to share yours.


Developer survey prizes: See who’s won in our 21st Developer Nation survey and Referral Program.

We’re super excited to announce the winners of our 21st Developer Nation prize draw. Thanks to over 20,000 of you who took the time to contribute to the developer ecosystem!

If you’re new to our prize draws: developers who take our surveys earn 100 points for every new survey completed, plus 10 points for providing their feedback about the survey. You can see the list of benefits and rewards here.

Winners of the General Prize Draw

Winners of the State of AR/VR Survey Prize Draw

Winners of the Exclusive Community Premium Prizes (for members with 801+ points

Winners of the Exclusive Community Prize Draw – vouchers and surprise swag (for members with 801+ points)

Winners of the Exclusive Community Prize Draw – vouchers and branded swag (for members with 501+ points)

Winners of the Exclusive Community Prize Draw for branded surprise swag (for members with 301+ points)

Winners of the Extra Prize Draws

Winners of the Early Bird Prize Draws

Winners of our Partner Prize Draws

Partners – Baguette, ifanr and wwwhats-new.

Winners of the Referral Program

Over 5,900 developers have joined our Referral Program and 209 were especially competitive in promoting our survey to their communities. Thanks to everyone who took on the challenge! If you want to test your influencer abilities in our next survey, make sure you join our Referral Program. Without further ado, here are the top 50 winners:

We’ve reached out to all winners directly via email. If you recognise your email address but believe you haven’t been contacted yet, you can contact us here.

Wait, there’s more

The lists above only include prize-draw winners and not runner-ups. If the prize draw winners do not claim their prizes within 10 workings of us contacting them, then runner-ups will be invited to claim them instead. 

Special thanks to our prize sponsors Coding Mindfully, CertNexus, Florin Pop, SitePoint, and The VR/AR Association for donating prizes to the survey! Also thanks to our goody bag sponsors Alertdesk, Gitpod, Kontent, Jack Domleo, Linode, and Manning. Are you a company interested in giving away a prize to developers in our next survey? Get in touch!

If you’re not a winner, don’t despair, our next survey, our 22nd global developer survey will be live later this year. We’re already on the hunt for some amazing prizes, and open to your suggestions. What prizes would you like to win? Drop us an email or send us a Tweet.

To ensure that you are notified when our next survey is live, sign up. Don’t forget to make sure the survey notification option is ticked.

Community Interviews

Interview: What is it like working on open-source game development?

I had a chance to speak with Liam Arbuckle, the acting CTO of the game/web development studio/collective (100% open-source) called Signal Kinetics. Liam is based in Australia. 

What is it that you’re working on?

Right now, we’re working on a citizen science game engine (sort of like Project Discovery in Eve Online, but integrating other games as well). We’re aiming to increase science discovery/contribution for everyone through gaming by allowing people/players to: 

1. Contribute to real-world scientific problems/experiments  

2. Help train ml/dl datasets/algorithms (sometimes through their actions in-game) 

3. Engage with users, especially those in the scientific community (we’re working on a service called Arcadia which is basically a fork of Buddypress that will implement features similar to services like Steam & Facebook Games) 

So you are targeting citizen scientists? Is there a particular age range you are targeting?

I believe information should be free, when I was younger, scientific journal access was expensive, also, there is a lack of engagement with the science community in Australia. I want to create something that can’t restrict a person from the science community due to their age, gender, spending ability etc.

What inspired you to create your Game Engine?

I attended Science hackathons, science and gaming, made mars rover, most recently I contributed to the Open Source Rover by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

What else are you working on?

We’re also working on our own game (with potential partnerships with Savy Soda, as an example, in the pipeline) and hoping to make our experience with Arcadia modular:

 1. Users can contribute to scientific research through playing any game in the world by installing a custom add-on designed by the Arcadia developers for the game.

 2. Users can have a “bank” (similar to the Pokemon Home system) that shows their games library, achievements and item list/screenshots in the Arcadia web app.

There’s no real large gaming community to play games online. I want to build a community, where gamers can share screenshots, there’s an overlay to watch people playing games, I want to make mini-games too, there’s no real limit. I used to game on a Samsung phone which had a play status, I could stream to Discord. I want to expand this idea to non-Samsung games, add a community with no limits – basically information freedom, with no blockage or limits.   

3. Users can choose which games to play.

What are your immediate goals?

Get industry connections.

What type of connections are you looking for?

I’ve made contact with Melbourne-based game companies so I’m on track with that. I’m looking for grants, an investment to work on the blockchain element, get connected with a marketing team, get a few 1,000 players to start off with, and then connect with more on social media.

Right now I don’t have the money to finance, we’ve had people come online to help with the open-source. I’d ideally like to get some consistent engagement rather than have contributors that do the occasional work.

If it wasn’t for Covid-19  I would have moved out of Australia, there are huge problems with setting up in Australia, no grants, no infrastructure for tech companies.

I want to start contributing to established games and engines to gain experience, connections, contribute and potentially expand my team’s vision.  

Are there any particular games that you have in mind?

Minecraft, l would love to contribute to that, I Love that you can make mods. I think Minecaft is crying out for more integrations, so I would love to get connections with Mojang. I’ll take any company that has a level of open-source ethos.

Continue working on the game, however, this requires money. A lot. And I’m not rich! I’m primarily focusing on a media kit that will later be used as the basis for a Kickstarter campaign.   

When do you plan to run the Kickstarter campaign?

I won’t have the game finished before the campaign starts, I want to put together a media kit, assets, I’m going to an incubator to learn how to market the game, understand which social media do we target, and which niche users. I have been involved with other Kickstarter projects and know I can’t be too broad with who I target at first. I think in  3-4 months we will be ready to launch the Kickstarter campaign.

I’ve got a team of about ~20-30 people (with most being external/outside collaborators, there are around 10 people that run the show and contribute on a consistent basis). These people have varying levels of experience in game development, design, and web app construction (among other things).

Are you actively looking for more contributors? If so, what level of experience are you looking for?

I’ll take anything, I won’t say no to anyone, I find that the science community say no, if we say no, we’re just defeating the purpose of the project.

We would prioritise people who have c#, and website building experience. Once you get your base established, then start with junior developers. We don’t want to be too closed, but also we don’t want to be too open and not get work completed. 

We are also working on a partnership with the Swedish Power Metal band Veonity to contribute with us on officially licensed songs for our games and the Arcadia platform  – recording is due to start in July which is very exciting!

Did you know that 34% of game developers use C#?

Interview with Liam Arbuckle

When did your interest in development start?

I love Star Wars, at 12 I went into robotics, and in 2016-2017 I worked to build a physical R2D2. In year 10 I started a computer science class at school. Unfortunately, computer science investment in schools is poor, but I had a good teacher that encouraged younger students who were not yet at the age to attend a class to learn in their breaks. I learned Python, and in year 11 I started working on GitHub, learned Ruby on Rails, Gem. 

I ended year 11 and decided I wanted to start developing. There are no astrophysics courses near to me. You can build games and tell stories from computer science.

How do you make decisions when it comes to your next self-improvement step? Do you look at data, attend conferences?

I attended the recent Atlassian conference. Also, there are 20 of us that meet at a bar regularly to talk about problems, I have joined a few teams and am developing professional skills. 

I pitched to investors last year and got 10,000 AUD but it doesn’t last very long in a startup.

I like to see people in the physical world, go to Python global conferences, learning what’s the newest feature with the project that I can use to my advantage.

Has it been a benefit to have online conferences due to Covid-19?

I would never have been able to afford travel to conferences until this year when I’ve started making money, the online conferences are more accessible.

Before, if you are not fully embedded in a developer community, there is not much incentive to go to in-person conferences, there is a huge cost to fly overseas for a conference, and no guarantee that project of interest will be discussed, no guarantee people that people will help you there. There are more frequent conferences now, by more teams, not just big companies doing them.

Do you have a mentor? Or are you mentoring someone else?

I’m a mentor at the University Codjo, mentoring 14-15-year-olds with Autism / ADSD. For me, the computer sciences teacher was a mentor at school, but I don’t have anyone mentoring me right now. I wouldn’t need a mentor right now for teaching me, rather someone who can structure how I do things, I’m not the best, I’m not perfect, people with experience have given great advice to me.

Do you have any words of wisdom for others thinking of building their own games or game engines?

1. I echo the words of “information wants to be free” if everyone open sources and has no barriers, that would be my ideal world!

2. If you want to make any media, games are great, they engage people, I lose interest in reading novels,  in games, there is so much you can involve other people with, everyone can make their own stories. There’s engagement.

What’s in your toolbox?

  • Unity for most of my games stuff
  • Starship, customisable prompt for my terminal – makes everything look so much cooler. I love customising my devices.
  • GitHub
  • Keybase for communications, encryption and there are git integrations.
  • Notion 
  • Visual studio code 
  • Jira by Atlassian – more of an industry-standard than what I was using before.
  • MacBook M1 for on-the-go stuff, I duel boot with Linux when testing.

How do you work as a distributed team? What tools do you use?

Keybase is the main tool, git commits can be seen in there and there are cool bots and tools you can use. It was also acquired by Zoom which shows that things will be great for global teams.

We also use Facebook messenger or WhatsApp for casual talk.

Git commits can be sent there, cool bots, and tools you can use. Was acquired by zoom, shows that things will be great for global teams.

What do you need right now?

Right now direct partnership with companies is needed, funding is so important. Everyone in the team is paying out of their own pockets. The best way we can succeed is with funding so the Kickstarter will work, with partnerships, it will give our Kickstarter legitimacy. 

If you’re interested in joining forces with Liam and his team either as a developer committed to open-source, or a partner, you can reach Liam via his GitHub profile.

We love to hear your development stories, get in touch to share yours.


7 Tips on How to Win In Our Referral Program

Our referral program counts over 2,800 developers who are quick, smart, and masterfully spreading the survey with their local developer groups and communities. We know that all of you are very keen on winning the top referral prizes like $ 200, $700 or $1,000 USD. But only the top 50 will score rewards. So we recently spoke with one of our top 3 referrers from the previous survey, and he was cool enough to share a few tips on how to climb the leaderboard faster. Read, learn, and apply!

1. Spread your influence. Twitter is cool but in some countries Whatsapp, Telegram, and Discord developer groups are more eager to back you up and take the survey to support you. Test a mix of different apps and sites.

2. Be intentional. It’s ok if you share the survey occasionally to boost your ranking. But if you want to get to the top, it’s worth planning ahead. Try to be active on specific days or times when you know other developers will be scrolling through their phones. 

3. Learn about the people before posting. If you’re posting in a new developer group, forum, or Slack channel, it’s worth getting to know the vibe of the group first. Some are more casual, some are all about learning, some love memes. When you share the survey with them, try to blend in as a native. 

4. Some people love to hear about the survey prizes, some don’t. That’s ok. You can focus on saying that the survey is actually a good learning opportunity to discover new tools and platforms.

5. Use the promo material we have prepared for you. Feeling a bit confused about how to promote the survey? Don’t know what to say? Pick a few tweets, banners or promo texts & grab your custom promo link to share with other developers.

6. Remind people that they need to complete the survey, so as to count towards your referrals. Perhaps some have started the survey and paused. Give them a gentle reminder to go back and finish answering the questions.

7. Mention that the survey is closing on August 4th. It helps when people know that there’s a deadline and they need to act fast.

8. We’re donating $0.10 for every response to a charity that developers can select when they enter the survey. That’s a nice way to motivate people to support you and our survey too!

Hope these quick tips will inspire you and keep you in the game so that you can climb the leaderboard and win our top 50 prizes. Just remember to play fair and square and only promote the survey to real developers and software creators (sorry, you can’t ask your mom or cousin to click randomly!). Read our Referral Terms & conditions to make sure you’re playing by the rules. Good luck!


10 books on computer vision and cryptocurrency you should read

In our latest Developer Nation Pulse report we shared data on the top five emerging areas of interest to developers.

Around half of developers say they are working on, learning about, or interested computer vision, according to the insights from our Q1 2021 global survey of over 17,000 developers. Similarly, 45% are interested in cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin).

Recommended computer vision and cryptocurrency books

However, of the developers engaged with computer vision, only 15% are currently working on the technology. Similarly, only 14% are currently working on cryptocurrencies. One in four developers are currently learning about computer vision, while 29% are learning about cryptocurrencies.

So if you belong to these group, the following book recommendations might be just the thing you’ve been looking. This post was created in partnership with our friends at Packt.

Computer Vision books

Modern Computer Vision with PyTorch

Explore deep learning concepts and implement over 50 real-world image applications.

What reviews say:

“I felt the book is very well structured and compiled. Unless you’re looking for something very very specific, you’d be able to find techniques/implementations for any and all types of problems you are working on. They cover algorithms and implementations of basic neural networks, all the way upto RNNs and reinforcement learning with PyTorch. The breadth covered by this book on the number of techniques and algorithms is really amazing.”

Mastering Computer Vision with TensorFlow 2.x

Build advanced computer vision applications using machine learning and deep learning techniques

What reviews say:

“There are many books out there / but this book stands out – very clear explanation of codes and contents, lots of detailed explanations for object detection, classification, visual search, matching and training in cloud.”

PyTorch Computer Vision Cookbook

Over 70 recipes to master the art of computer vision with deep learning and PyTorch 1.x

“This book is good for beginners to learn about writing deep learning model in PyTorch. Book goes from basic linear model to processing videos in PyTorch and covers variety of use cases e.g. use of GANs, Style transfer project.”

Applied Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Self-Driving Cars

Build autonomous vehicles using deep neural networks and behavior-cloning techniques

What reviews say:

“This book is about how to apply deep learning knowledge to solve self-driving car problems. The technologies mainly focus on computer vision areas. It gives readers lots of code samples, which can help readers to understand the concept in each chapter.”

TensorFlow 2.0 Computer Vision Cookbook

Implement machine learning solutions to overcome various computer vision challenges

What reviews say:

“By far, this is one of the best books to understand how to apply deep learning in the field of computer vision. The concepts have been clearly explained. It covers almost everything from image classification, image segmentation, object detection, etc”

Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming, Second Edition

Design and implement computer vision applications with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3

What reviews say:

“This book was very helpful for me because it covers a wide variety of computer vision topics and offers lots of well thought out code examples using Python, opencv, matplotlib, numpy and other computer vision software. I followed his examples on my RPi and found that they helped me get the format and arguments of opencv commands correctly to include little things like commas, parenthesis, brackets, optional arguments and the like.”

Hands-On Image Generation with TensorFlow

A practical guide to generating images and videos using deep learning

What reviews say:

“The book is a great quickstart into representation with neural networks. (I also read it more deeply at times and it is great for that as well. I myself have experience with high-throughput large scale autoencoders with TensorFlow and building Facial Recognition applications. I appreciated this book a lot.)”

Cryptocurrencies books for developers

Practical Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain

A guide to converging blockchain and AI to build smart applications for new economies

What reviews say:

“Addressing such large topics as artificial intelligence and blockchain at best is a very serious endeavor. Whereas blockchain after a decade plus of existence has developed a useful understanding within its marketplace, that is not at all true of artificial intelligence, better just AI. AI is now well beyond 6 decades of existence as a topic and yet remains in an evolving state with much debate and speculation worldwide, especially over ethical and scope issues. So given that the reader of this book may be either one-of or some combination of a professional scientist, a developer or simply someone wanting to learn, then yes, Ganesh Prasad Kumble’s Practical Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain book is both a good and useful read.”

Blockchain Development for Finance Projects

Building next-generation financial applications using Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Stellar

What reviews say:

“This book is for developers who want to learn blocking technology by building financial applications. Kudos to the author on providing coding examples and following it with explanation. Overall it is a good book on Ethereum development and I would recommend it for anyone who wants to learn Ethereum blockchain by building fintech applications.”

Securing Blockchain Networks like Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric

Learn advanced security configurations and design principles to safeguard Blockchain networks

What reviews say:

“This book is for blockchain developers, security professionals, and Ethereum and Hyperledger developers who are looking to implement security in blockchain platforms and ensure secure data management using an example-driven approach. Basic knowledge of blockchain concepts will be beneficial.”

Is there a book or expert that you would recommend to others interested in cryptocurrency or computer vision? Do share in the comments.

Our latest developer survey is live. Let us know which emerging technology you’ll be exploring in 2021.


Hello, world. Meet Developer Nation!

It’s a new era for our community, Developer Economics is now Developer Nation.

Over the last ten years we’ve gathered over 40,000 developers with one thing in common: an unyielding curiosity about what the future holds for software builders. Together with all of you we’ve run 20 global developer surveys, co-created over 300 blog posts, read over 20 reports, pondered over 300 graphs and tried to make sense of the emerging trends in the developer world and what they mean for you and your projects.

Now it’s time to reveal a new chapter. We want to be more than just a survey, a report or a newsletter you interact with from time to time. It’s time to shift the focus from us to you – a diverse group of curious and ambitions software creators who want more from the ecosystem: more support from the platforms, more value for your time, and more chances to learn from each other.

Why Developer Nation?

For the last 10 years we were known as Developer Economics. It helped us earned the trust of tens of thousands of developers over the years. But it’s not helping us resonate with many, many more software creators out there. The “Economics” part especially. We have evolved beyond analysing revenue models for developers. We’ve grown by mapping trends across a wider ecosystem of developer tools, platforms, technologies, and programs. The future is about helping all software creators (developers and no-coders alike) influence how the software is built.

We approached the new name from different angles: blending concepts, metaphors, acronyms, dev jargon, pop culture, creative spelling, crunchy suffixes, Latin words, fringe Greek gods, and more. We came up with 157 name ideas! We then asked around 1,000 of our most loyal members for a feedback. Developer Nation is the name that stood out the most with you. It was associated with trust and excitement.

With a new name comes a new responsibility

Our vision is a software development ecosystem that listens, empowers, and supports software creators to pursue continuous learning, build future-forward solutions without compromises. We want to help you feel confident in your technology choices and included in the conversation about the future of the ecosystem.

We pledge to do this through a global research, sharing with you trustworthy data about emerging software trends, and offering you new opportunities to connect with the people at the service of software builders.

How can you get more involved?

We’ll be testing new programs and channels through which you can connect with other software creators and platform leaders to exchange ideas and experiences.

We want to give you more space and opportunities to speak about the topics that you find relevant and other software builders will care about:

  • What’s in your toolbox?
  • What was your journey to becoming a software creator like? Your biggest mistakes and “a-ha!” moments?
  • Which software development trends need to be questioned and which deserve more attention, in your expert opinion?
  • Which books / podcasts / events / blogs / people inspire you?
  • What projects are you working on and how can our community help you test, give feedback, and earn users or followers?

Find out how you can get involved here.

We’ll still invite you to participate in our global surveys twice a year.

We’d also love for you to read our blog, reports, and newsletter.

It’s a feature, not a bug

Some of our links and form still refer to and your user profile is still a bit of work-in-progress. Hang in there, we’ll get it sorted!

Say hello to our team!

Last but not least, it’s about time you met the people behind the screens who want to turn this into a real community!


7 DevOps books to read in 2021

If you are looking to learn more about Ansible, Azure, Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes, and their roles in DevOps, then this blog post is for you. We continue our series of must-read books with 7 DevOps books to read in 2021, as recommended by our friends at Packt.

Azure DevOps Explained

Get started with Azure DevOps and develop your DevOps practices

What reviews say:

” In my opinion, it is definitely one of the greatest books I ever read for DevOps.
Although I am Azure DevOps certified, I really enjoy reading this book and it gives me an extra overview of what I have learned.
It is well structured and the fact that is simple to read and follow along makes it more attractive. “

Terraform Cookbook

Efficiently define, launch, and manage Infrastructure as Code across various cloud platforms

What reviews say:

” I had the chance to read this book and I was really pleased by its content.
noting that this is not the first book or terraform material that I read, I would say that this book contains valuable structured information with also access to code used in various chapters.
it is certainly an asset for those starting their journey with terraform.”

Practical Ansible 2

Automate infrastructure, manage configuration, and deploy applications with Ansible 2.9

What reviews say:

This book is probably perfect for someone with reasonable experience. It was what I needed as a second book to get a good look at the ecosystem and a second opinion of how to use it. “

Kubernetes – A Complete DevOps Cookbook

Build and manage your applications, orchestrate containers, and deploy cloud-native services

What reviews say:

” Great coverage of common Kubernetes and DevOps tools. I’ve learned about some of the tools I haven’t used before like Jenkins X, GitLab, Fossa, Trivy, Litmus Chaos etc.
Although some of the long YAML files are provided in the GitHub repository I got the digital version, makes it easier to copy paste. “

Kubernetes and Docker – An Enterprise Guide

Effectively containerize applications, integrate enterprise systems, and scale applications in your enterprise

What reviews say:

“If you have worked on Kubernetes at all, you have experienced the frustration of trying to go beyond a cluster that has a single config file and a simple layer 7 load-balancer using NGINX. This book does truly target not only the enterprise user, but any person that wants to learn topics that make Kubernetes a complete offering.

I have been looking into the external-dns project on my list for a few months, but I never got around to doing much – Much to my surprise, when I was reading the topics covered in the book, it mentioned Services and external-dns. Chapter 6, alone, to me is one reason to buy the book since it explained and showed me how to install Metallb with external-dns in easy to understand terms and hands-on configuration.”

Learning DevOps

The complete guide to accelerate collaboration with Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform and Azure DevOps

” I would suggest reading through each section before you work along with the steps. There’s lots of references to other resources that are not necessarily part of the topics being discussed ”

Docker for Developers

Develop and run your application with Docker containers using DevOps tools for continuous delivery

” When reading articles, tutorials and even books, that is very common that at the end of the reading you struggle about how to translate that to a real production situation. Believe me, this book is different. You get to the end with a sense that you are very likely to know what are the next steps to apply what you learned to your existent or new projects. And this means a lot. The book has some great balance from history, concepts, example and practice. ”

What books have helped you deepen your knowledge of DevOps? Do share in the comments. Looking for more books to read? We have also shared recommended Backend and Frontend books.


Five backend books you should read in 2021.

Powering up your backend knowledge? Our friends at Packt have shared five backend books you should read in 2021.

Node Cookbook, Fourth Edition

Discover solutions, techniques, and best practices for server-side web development with Node.js 14

What reviews say:

“Want to learn Node.js, brush up on your skills, or discover the latest features of Node 14 and beyond? This book is for you! Written by a senior developer and Red Hatter, With a thorough presentation of everything Node, Bethany Griggs delivers from cover to cover in this latest Node Cookbook edition.

Node.js Web Development, Fifth Edition

Server-side web development made easy with Node 14 using practical examples

What reviews say:

“This book is great. I had some knowledge about full-stack JavaScript, but this book has already taught me a lot. I wouldn’t say that this book is for a complete beginner to software development (coding), but it’s definitely good if you need to deepen your understanding of JavaScript, or if you’re interested in getting started with JavaScript from another backend language like Python, C#, Ruby, etc.”

ASP.NET Core 5 and React

Full-stack web development using .NET 5, React 17, and TypeScript 4

What reviews say:

“The book had a very methodical approach to building single-page applications through React. I am familiar with React and .NET separately and partly why I could pick up the concepts in the book faster but I believe otherwise too, things are laid out very clearly. Recommend it for beginners.”

Full-Stack React, TypeScript, and Node

Build cloud-ready web applications using React 17 with Hooks and GraphQL

What reviews say:

“Nook has a philosophy of “learning by doing” “

Building Vue.js Applications with GraphQL

Develop a complete full-stack chat app from scratch using Vue.js, Quasar Framework, and AWS Amplify

What reviews say:

“This book is a fantastic deep dive into building an end-to-end application on AWS. I really like the fact that he dove deep into many topic areas, showing how to tie everything together to build something that is a real-world use case. The information in this book can also be used in many other areas so the knowledge is very transferable to other scenarios and use cases.”

What titles do you recommend? Share your thoughts in the comments.  Looking for more inspiration? Here are more book recommendations.


Developer prizes: Look who’s won in our 20th-anniversary survey prize draw and Referral Program.

We’re super excited to announce the winners of our 20th Developer Economics prize draw. Thanks to over 19,000 of you who took the time to contribute to the developer ecosystem!

If you’re new to our prize draws, developers who take our surveys earn 100 points for every new survey completed, plus 10 points for providing their feedback about the survey. You can see the list of benefits and rewards here.

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The lists above only include prize-draw winners and not runner-ups. If the prize draw winners do not claim their prizes within 10 workings of us contacting them, then runner-ups will be invited to claim them instead. 

Special thanks to our prize sponsors SitePoint, DeveloperWeek, Basecode, Sketchfab, HTB Academy and @Coding for donating prizes to the survey! Are you a company interested in giving away a prize to developers in our next survey? Get in touch!

If you’re not a winner, don’t despair, our next survey, our 21st will be live later this year. We’re already on the hunt for some amazing prizes, and open to your suggestions. What prizes would you like to win? Drop us an email or send us a Tweet.

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Five frontend books you should read in 2021

What skills are you planning to learn as a frontend developer this year? Our friends at Packt have shared five frontend books you should read in 2021. 

React and React Native

A complete hands-on guide to modern web and mobile development with React.js

What reviews say:

“I have books in my library older than most of the people I work with, maybe 200+ at this point and I would put this among the top 10 for content. Great book if you’re looking to get into React and/or React Native and the follow-along code samples actually work – big kudos!”

Svelte 3 Up and Running

A fast-paced introductory guide to building high-performance web applications with SvelteJS.

What reviews say:

“This is not just a book about Svelte. Sure, you do build an app using Svelte 3, and while building it the author gradually (and with clear examples and explanations) introduces the concepts and syntax of the Svelte framework.

However, what I enjoyed the most about this book was how it was a practical guide for building static web apps. You’ll start with some overview of why static web apps (or JAMstack apps) are powerful, and then you get on to building. From setting up VS Code, all the way to production… and even with automated testing and DevOps!”

Learning Angular, Third Edition

A no-nonsense beginner’s guide to building web applications with Angular 10 and TypeScript.

What reviews say:

“This book is typically useful for any front-end or full-stack software engineer who is completely new to the web development or has some JavaScript web development experiences but wishes to jump into the Angular world playing with the typescript.”

Modern Web Testing with TestCafe

Get to grips with end-to-end web testing with TestCafe and JavaScript.

What reviews say:

“This is a very good book for

– Beginners who are looking for step by step clear instructions to use TestCafe right from setting up the environment all the way to writing expert level e2e automated tests

Current TestCafe users to learn TestCafe internals and best practices.

The other aspect I like about this book is, it also provides compares between Selenium and TestCafe. This is very helpful for current Selenium users trying to switch to TestCafe and best use the benefits TestCafe provides.”

Vue.js 3 Cookbook

Discover actionable solutions for building modern web apps with the latest Vue features and TypeScript.

What reviews say:

“This book is a good introduction to Vue.js 3.0 and the main features which vue.js contains. The book contains a lot of examples, which gives you a good overview of the different possibilities that you have when working with vue.

For example, it discusses about vue files, plugins, vuex store, mixins, decorators, props, slots, vuelidate, and vue router, among others.”

Have you read any of these books already? Do you have other titles that you’d recommend? Share your thoughts in the comments.  Looking for more inspiration? Here are more book recommendations.

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