
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

Almost every aspect of our life is turning digital now and this increases the risk of cyber crimes and threats. Based on the FBI’s Internet Crime Report of 2023, there were a record number of cybercrime complaints exceeding 880,400 which led to potential losses of over $12.5 Billion. This indicates a huge increase in businesses as well as individuals suffering from the rise in cybercrime.

Cyber criminals and hackers are always on the lookout to breach digital spaces through scams, phishing attacks, identity and data thefts, etc. To prevent and be safe from such attacks, organizations must improve their cybersecurity strategies leveraging the latest technologies, including Artificial Intelligence. In the following post, we’ll read about the importance and applications of artificial intelligence in the field of cybersecurity.

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Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

Traditionally, most cybersecurity efforts like incident response, monitoring and identification of threats, etc. were time-intensive and manual. This caused a delay in remediation tactics, increased exposure, and increased vulnerabilities against cyber attackers. 

However, in recent years, organizations have benefited a lot by incorporating AI solutions to their cybersecurity operations. AI helps automate several labor-intensive core functions and transforms workflows into streamlined, continuous processes. This maximizes protection against cyber threats and speeds up remediation strategies.

Applications of AI in Cybersecurity

AI helps organizations improve their overall cybersecurity and even helps with managing third party risk in a better, efficient manner. It tracks patterns of system usage to detect malicious activities and predict attacks before they take place. AI-enabled monitoring works 24×7 and allows organizations to take preventive measures and mitigate threats.

Phishing & Malware Detection

AI is excellent when it comes to threat detection and prevention. It analyzes large amounts of data from different sources and identifies odd user patterns that may lead to malware or phishing attacks. AI detects shifts in employee behavior like clicking on a phishing or scam email unintentionally, or notifying about any type of security breach.

This is perfect for providing security against phishing and malware attacks and with endpoint security maintenance. For malware and phishing attacks, AI distinguishes between what is normal or what is suspicious, stopping it before it compromises your network or data. Upon detecting malware, it automatically removes malicious files with minimal response time. Also, it checks all email content, sender info, etc. to identify and stop phishing attempts.

Automating Security Operations

AI automates the threat detection system, processing billions of network requests, user behaviors, data points, and more. Doing this manually would take days but AI does this in real-time and offers analysis side-by-side. This helps search automatically for vulnerabilities and making sure that cybercriminals cannot exploit these weak spots. AI recommends timely security updates, and automates operations that identify and remove threats.

Organizations are readily using AI to automate the adoption of new security technologies. AI-based cybersecurity frameworks go through enormous volumes of data to detect threats and mitigate them instantly. Thus, AI allows the development of a complex, high-level cybersecurity environment without disrupting the day-to-day activities of an organization. 

Prediction of Breach Risks

Most big organizations have a large amount of IT assets and it becomes difficult to protect their data against security breaches or thefts. AI helps with identifying the types of attacks and breaches that may take place and also identifies the data sets and components that are most likely to be targeted in a cyber attack. Most developers are already working on models to tackle this issues. 

They use cognitive learning to stay alert for any unauthorized login at vital security access points. Such models detect remote attacks quite early which stops potential large data breaches from taking place. Also, these AI models notify the users regarding attacks so they can add more layers of protection. When organizations are notified about breaches and hacks early, they can allocate their resources and efforts towards improving their cybersecurity strategy more efficiently. 

Advanced Vulnerability Assessment & Risk Mitigation

Cyber criminals always use new, advanced methods for attacks and most organizations need help to tackle these new vulnerabilities and assaults. AI-based solutions examine the users’ activity, server and networks, device activity, etc. to detect advanced vulnerabilities. This helps with real-time defense against threats and risks by working on the reported vulnerabilities.

AI also helps with automated responses to cyber assaults from different sectors. It creates top-notch cyber threat responses by analyzing enormous volumes of technical logs, patterns of network traffic, and global threat intelligence, and correlating all of this. This allows organizations to improve their incident response timing and enhance security solutions.

Advanced User Authentication

AI helps tackle unauthorized access to data and secure portals by incorporating advanced user authentication techniques. It provides user-friendly and secure authentication methods using biometrics like facial recognition, voice recognition, fingerprint, etc. 

Apart from this, AI also keeps a check on several user behaviors like mouse movements, typing patterns, and more to authenticate users. This helps with the identification of any unauthorized access attempts or potential data breaches and assaults. 


Artificial Intelligence is here to stay and every organization, no matter the industry, should leverage it to improve their daily operations. As a result of digital transformation, cyber attackers are always looking for opportunities, and AI plays a vital role in improving cybersecurity techniques and practices. 

We discussed several applications of AI that organizations can implement for cybersecurity as well as for managing third party risk.You can get vital insights about your security protocols, make better decisions regarding online safety, and automate your daily cybersecurity functions through AI.   

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AI Tools in Development: A Comprehensive Guide

Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest buzzwords in recent times. AI this, and AI that. It’s everywhere! 

As a developer, you’re probably familiar with this novel technology that has the potential to change the way you work. In fact, the numbers say it all – 63% of developers engage with AI-assisted development.

In this guide, we’ll tackle the importance of AI tools in development. Plus, we’ll cover its benefits and why adding it to your digital arsenal can help you excel as a developer.

A Developer’s Perspective on Artificial Intelligence

Before anything else, let’s take a look at how this technology affects developers. For them, artificial intelligence serves as a challenge and an opportunity. 

It’s a challenge as it introduces the concepts of machines learning from data, when traditional programming concepts are based on explicit instructions. This shift challenges developers to adopt a new thought process – one where algorithms can continuously evolve.

At the same time, it represents a massive opportunity by allowing them to innovate and solve problems quickly. Suddenly, the issues that couldn’t be solved by traditional programming are now within reach, thanks to the advancement of artificial intelligence.

The Most Popular AI Tools in Development

As a developer, you must learn to roll with the punches in the AI sector, given its fast pace of development. Doing so will require you to work with cutting-edge AI tools that help streamline your workflow. Here are some of the most popular AI tools that you can use as a developer:

Code Generation – GPT 3

GPT-3 is arguably one of the most popular AI tools that you can use as a developer. It was developed by Open AI in the pursuit of creating smart and trustworthy artificial general intelligence systems.

This tool excels in generating code. With its ability to understand various contexts and programming languages, it can provide accurate and relevant code suggestions. 

If you’re looking for a language model that generates code snippets, predicts code, refactors it, and helps you with algorithmic writing, then this is one of the tools that can fit the bill.

Code Analysis – Deep Code

To improve the quality of your code, Deep Code can do the job. By employing machine learning algorithms, it learns from a vast source of data to recognize patterns and gain insights into the best coding practices – all while reducing errors.

Perhaps one of its biggest strengths is its ability to provide context-aware suggestions, as compared to solely relying on rule-based analysis. This helps Deep Code make more nuanced recommendations for developers.

Natural Language Analysis – DialogFlow

Chatbots have found their place in many industries. In finance, chatbots can be used in private equity fund administration. In healthcare, they can be used to assist in the diagnosis of diseases. 

Developers lead this effort by integrating natural language processing (NLP) capabilities into applications with tools like DialogFlow. With its user-friendly interface, developers can easily customize how websites and applications respond to different queries.

Project Management – Trello

Trello has always been one of the leading project management tools across all industries. This tool allows you to add what you call ‘Power-Ups’ – features that you can integrate into your boards on Trello. 

With the boom of artificial intelligence, there have been Power-Ups that make use of AI technology. Notes & Docs, for example, is an AI-powered tool that can help you take down notes in a much more efficient manner – whether it be through summarizing them, simplifying them, or proofreading them.

Testing and Quality Assurance  – Selenium

Before you release a web application, it must undergo adequate testing and quality assurance. Selenium is one of the AI-powered tools that can deliver in this aspect. 

There are a few products that support the integration of AI with Selenium: headspin, Healenium, and testRigor. All of these boast unique features that upgrade Selenium’s capabilities when it comes to test automation. For example, Healenium uses machine learning algorithms to manage and modify web components.

Benefits of AI Tools in Development

Now that we’re aware of the role of AI tools in development, let’s have a quick rundown of the benefits they provide:

  • Higher Productivity: By automating repetitive and routine tasks in web development, artificial intelligence tools can help developers focus on more complex aspects of their work.
  • Cost Efficiency: The cost benefits are endless – automated testing, code analysis, and bug detection all reduce the need for extensive testing, saving a huge amount of resources.
  • Advanced Data Analysis: AI excels at analyzing vast amounts of data at high speeds and precision. Through this, developers can make data-driven decisions throughout the development workflow.

Final Thoughts

That being said, the role of artificial intelligence in development is indeed significant. 

Whether it’s generating new code or testing it for quality, AI tools are capable of assisting developers in these tasks. Not to mention, several benefits come with using AI-powered tools – one being increased productivity.

One thing’s for sure. If developers want to use AI to its fullest potential, they have to stay up to date with the latest developments, as this is the key to pushing the boundaries of development even further.


Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Revolutionize Digital Onboarding with Automated Efficiency

Let us discuss digital onboarding which is like the fancy term for how businesses bring in new folks but with a cool twist.

So, imagine the old way with tons of paperwork and slow processes. It is where digital onboarding plays its role.

However, why does this matter?

Well, it is all about making things smoother and quicker. Technology is like the magic wand that transforms the usual and makes it way more efficient.

Now the heroes behind the scenes are called PrestaShop developers. They are like the architects who are building the digital world where everything just clicks.

Digital onboarding used to be a paperwork marathon, but thanks to PrestaShop developer, it is more like a digital dance. They make sure everything flows seamlessly and turn the old-school into a digital masterpiece.

This article is like a journey, where we’ll explore this digital onboarding thing to figure out how tech, especially the PrestaShop developers, turns the regular into something super cool.

So, come along as we dig into this world where technology meets the everyday that are making things not just better but downright awesome!

Keep reading and let us discuss.

Understanding Digital Onboarding

Let us dive into the world of digital onboarding which is like the high-tech way of saying, “Welcome aboard!”.

Definition and Importance:

Digital onboarding is like the tech-savvy version of introducing someone to a new job or place. It is not just a simple welcome but a cool and efficient way of getting people started. You can think of it as the digital red carpet for newbies. It makes the whole joining-in thing smoother and more enjoyable.

Evolution of Digital Onboarding in Various Industries:

Now, let us talk about how this digital welcoming has evolved. It is not just for one type of job or industry. It is everywhere. From big banks to small tech companies, everyone is using it. It is like a universal language for making sure the start of a new job feels just right. You can imagine it as a tech makeover for the old-school “first day on the job” routine and making it fit perfectly in every job and industry.In a nutshell, digital onboarding is like the superhero cape for welcoming people to new places or jobs. It is not just a fancy term but the cool way tech is changing the game that is making every beginning a little more awesome.

Challenges in Traditional Onboarding

Let us take a stroll into the world of old-school onboarding which was like a blast from the past, where everything was done by hand, and paperwork ruled the show.

Manual Processes and Their Limitations:

Imagine a time when welcoming someone to a job meant drowning in paperwork. It’s like doing a complicated dance with forms and signatures, and it is not always smooth. This old way of doing things was a part of what we call traditional onboarding. It had its share of lots of problems as well.

In that traditional world, manual processes were like roadblocks that were slowing down  everything. It was like using handwritten notes in a world where everything’s digital. Mistakes happened and things got lost, delays became the norm. Not exactly the red-carpet welcome we all dream of.

Time and Resource Constraints:

Now, let us just think about time slipping away and resources being used up on all this manual stuff. Time that could be better spent on exciting things is just wasted on paperwork. Resources that could fuel growth are drained by endless administrative tasks. It is like being stuck in a time warp when the world is moving forward. This is why we need to shake things up, moving from the old-school to a digital era where time and resources work hand in hand for a smoother journey.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

It is time now to dive into the world of onboarding where things get a futuristic twist thanks to two cool players called AI and Machine Learning (ML).

Introduction to AI and ML in the Context of Onboarding:

Imagine a future where welcoming new team members is not just a routine but a digital symphony. That is where AI takes the spotlight which is like the tech rockstar making the onboarding experience more personal and tailored to every person.

How Automation Enhances the Efficiency:

Here is the cool part called automation, this is more like having a helpful robot friend. With AI and ML working behind the scenes, this digital assistant makes things smoother and faster. It tackles repetitive tasks, so humans can focus on what they do best which is adding that personal touch where it matters.

In this new era of onboarding, AI is not just a tool. It is the magic wand making things more personalized and efficient. You can get ready for a journey where tech and human touch team up to create an onboarding experience that is not just welcoming but downright extraordinary.

Key Benefits of AI and ML in Digital Onboarding

Let us discuss the benefits of AI and machine learning that are making a positive change In the world of onboarding process.

The Speed and Accuracy Improvements:

Imagine onboarding as a race and guess who just got a turbo boost? Yep, it is Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Now, things are not just fast. They are lightning-speed. Back in the days when tasks used to take forever. Now, they are done in a snap. But it’s not just about speed. It is like having a super-smart buddy ensuring everything is spot-on which is like a conductor that is making sure every instrument plays the right note.

Enhanced Security Measures:

Let us chat about security which is the superhero that is keeping your info safe during onboarding. With the watchful eye of AI, it is not just a static shield. This can be like having a security wizard that learns and adjusts things, it remains ahead of any dangers that are turning the onboarding space from a defenseless zone into a secure fortification, all much appreciated to our computerized gatekeeper called AI.

The Personalized User Experiences:

Onboarding isn’t just an expedient and secure issue But it is almost making it feel like its made only for you. Here comes the cool portion called personalized client encounters which is fueled by our computerized buddy, AI.

You can think of an onboarding journey that feels as if it was tailor-made for you which is like a super comfy custom dress. AI makes onboarding not just a routine but an adventurous event that is making you feel not just welcomed but truly understood.

In the onboarding world, AI is not just a helper, in fact it is the superhero making everything efficient, secure, and personalized. This is not just a tool but the enchanting spell turning onboarding into a smooth journey that is tailored for each new team member.

Future Trends and Innovations

It is the time to explore the future trends and advancement in the world of AI and machine learning that is taking the onboarding world to a new level.

Anticipated Advancements in AI and ML for Onboarding:

Let us take a peek into the future of onboarding which is like looking into a crystal ball where the stars of the show are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Get ready for some cool changes coming our way.

Imagine if AI becomes your onboarding buddy, not just doing tasks but predicting what you need before you even ask. It is like having a super-smart sidekick that learns from every interaction that is making onboarding a personalized journey guided by the magic of AI.

The Potential Impact on Business Operations:

Presently, let us have a conversation around what happens when this enchantment spreads. It isn’t almost onboarding; it is like a ripple impact changing how businesses work. You’ll be able to think of commerce operations like a well-played symphony. With AI driving the way, it gets to be super effective, each move calculated with the assistance of keen calculations.

As AI and ML keep getting better, their impact on business operations is like a big, positive wave. It is not just about making onboarding smoother. It is about changing the whole game.

These expected improvements are not just updates. They are like a big shift that is turning business operations into a smart and dynamic success story. The future is not just digital. It is smart, and AI is taking the lead.


The fantastic finale of our travel into the world of onboarding advancement. It is just like the end of an incredible appearance that’s clearing out us with the echoes of how advanced onboarding is changing the diversion.

As we see at this computerized move, it is like a blend of ancient and unused coming together. The complicated ways of manual onboarding are getting a high-tech makeover, much appreciated to the computerized specialists.

The music of speed and precision, top-notch security, and individual touches, all driven by the superhero called advanced onboarding that paints a picture of advance. It isn’t fair to change. it is just like the music coming to its peak that’s an ideal blend of human warmth and cool tech. Within the onboarding world, the end of the AI and ML is like a guarantee that’s bringing a time where each onboarding encounter isn’t a fair schedule but a well-thought-out story.

So, as the appearance wraps up, we deliver a round of praise to this advanced advancement. Advanced onboarding takes the highlight which is turning the regular into a smooth, secure, and personalized execution.

The onboarding story goes on, presently with an advanced touch to guarantee that each unused starting isn’t a fair presentation but an extraordinary involvement.

Community Tips

The importance of the development of AI in your professional career

There is no longer a stage in the creation of artificial intelligence when the technology is in the experimental phase with minimal proof of concept. Organisations all over the globe are struggling with how to incorporate it into their culture and locate the appropriate individuals to lead artificial intelligence and machine learning initiatives because they are aware that it is a force that must be reckoned with.

According to research, sixty percent of Indian businesses are under the impression that Artificial Intelligence (AI) would have a disruptive effect on their industry over the next two to three years. According to a survey, the number of available positions in the fields of analytics and data science has increased by thirty percent between April 2021 and April 2022.

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and automated systems is opening up prospects for companies, the economy, and society.

Automation and artificial intelligence have been around for some time, but current technological advancements are expanding the capabilities of machines to perform more and more. According to the findings of our study, society needs these advancements to create value for companies, contribute to economic development, and make progress on some of the most challenging social issues that we face.

The rise of AI and new jobs

Although the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, powered by AI, will continue to dramatically transform the world and the way we work and live, it is possible that AI may not result in a significant rise in employment. Instead, artificial intelligence will result in the creation of more employment than it eliminates via automation.

These newly generated positions will call for new skills, which in turn will entail considerable investments in upskilling and reskilling programs for both young people and adults. However, private companies and public administrations may – and are obligated to – collaborate to confront this transition and welcome the beneficial effects of AI on society.

According to the Global Artificial Intelligence Study conducted by the year 2030, AI would cause a software projected rise of $15.7 trillion, or 26 percent, in the total GDP of the world. The expansion of GDP will be driven by consumer spending to the tune of around sixty percent, with increased productivity accounting for approximately forty percent of the overall expansion.

Reskilling and Upskilling

For corporations and authorities to reap the advantages of AI in terms of productivity and profitability, they will need to work together on huge reskilling and upskilling initiatives. These projects will assist workers in retraining and preparing for new and upcoming employment opportunities.

Artificial intelligence can automate 3 percent of employment opportunities over the next few years. Increased digitalization brought about by COVID-19 may speed up this process. As artificial intelligence develops and becomes increasingly self-sufficient, thirty percent of all employment and forty-four percent of people with low levels of education will be in danger of being automated by the middle of the twenty-third century.

According to the World Economic Forum, during the next five years, almost half of all employees will need some kind of further training or retraining to be adequately prepared for changing and new employment opportunities. The fast speed of technological progress necessitates the development of new models for employee training to adequately prepare workers for a future dominated by AI.

The development of workers’ soft skills, which can’t be replicated by artificial intelligence, should be a priority for businesses. It seems probable that the importance of creative thinking, leadership and emotional intelligence will only continue to rise in our ever-changing world.

Since 2018, AI and IoT have managed to land in the top 3 on the list of Emerging Technology Top 10, and with valid reasons that showcase the strength of AI and IoT, alternatives are abundant SUCH helping businesses generate productivity improvements, end up saving time, and raise profits. In other words, AI and IoT are helping businesses create a better future.

Businesses seek managers who can embrace the power of artificial intelligence to make successful business choices that may reform ineffective business models and establish new ones that can have an oversized benefit as the competency of AI continues to rise. With proper training and appropriate programs applicants can make their career in AI may explore the concept of combining value creation and value appropriation in corporate CRM Development Company and changing current organizational procedures and offers.

Author Bio – Ethan Millar is a technical writer at Aegis Softtech especially for computer programming like, Java, Big Data, Hadoop, dynamics AX, and CRM for more than 8 years. Also, have basic knowledge of Computer Programming.

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The Significance of AlphaGo: Has a golden age for artificial intelligence just dawned?

In recent years artificial intelligence (AI) has returned to the forefront of technological debate. That debate has moved on from when, and even whether, computers will ever display intelligent behaviour to how smart they will get, how quickly, and what the implications are for society. Although there are multiple approaches to creating AIs, the ones that involve machine learning from large datasets are generally outperforming all others. The results from such systems are often so impressive that large companies are rushing to hire data scientists, collect more data, and apply the latest machine learning techniques to inform their management decision making. Google’s DeepMind team recently demonstrated that without any human in the loop they can build a system that makes complex strategic decisions better than a human expert. Their approach suggests a way forward for building such systems in many diverse fields.


The game computers couldn’t beat

The announcement from the DeepMind team that their AlphaGo program had defeated the European champion at the game of Go was a highly significant landmark in AI. Not only did they accomplish a long-standing ‘grand challenge’ in AI and surpass rival Facebook’s efforts by an enormous distance, but the way the system works is in many ways very human-like. At first glance it’s easy to dismiss game-playing AI systems as not immediately applicable to real-world problems. The ‘world’ the AI operates in is incredibly simple compared to our physical world – in the case of Go, a 19×19 board where a black or white stone can be placed on each intersection. However, [tweetable]advances in AI from the pursuit of better Go playing programs are already being used[/tweetable] in real-world applications elsewhere. Also, the ‘deep convolutional neural networks’ that AlphaGo uses to ‘perceive’ the board are similar to those currently being employed to push forward the state-of-the-art in image and speech recognition, as well as natural language processing.

It’s different this time

Back in 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue beat the world Chess champion, Garry Kasparov. How is this different? First, Go is significantly more complex than Chess. There are nearly an order of magnitude more moves possible from every position and each move can have a bigger impact on the strength of a player’s position. Second, Deep Blue used a supercomputer and some hand-crafted heuristics to effectively do a brute force search of all reasonable future move combinations to pick the best move to make next. This was nothing like the way a human would play Chess and also not generalisable to other problems.

In contrast to Deep Blue, AlphaGo combines two deep convolutional neural networks with a Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm to select moves in a way that’s quite similar to the way a human would play. The first neural network, called the policy network, picks a few promising positions for the next move. A human player doesn’t systematically evaluate all possible moves, rather through experience they develop an intuition for moves that should make their position stronger. They would struggle to explain why they selected a specific move over others in many cases. This suggests they’ve developed a model for how to play that exists below their conscious awareness. AlphaGo’s policy network is trained to predict the moves that expert players would make using a dataset of 30 million different positions from real games. The second neural network, called the value network, estimates how strong any given position is. It was trained, simplifying slightly, using the results of the policy network alone playing against itself from 30 million distinct positions. The Monte Carlo Tree Search is then used to look ahead from each move selected by the policy network at the opponent’s likely responses and AlphaGo’s subsequent moves. However, rather than search all the way to the end of the game, the value network is used to evaluate the end position after a sequence of moves. This is also similar to human play, looking a handful of moves ahead to assess the probability of gaining an advantage with each possible move. The lookahead searches are shallow (constrained by the processing power and time allowed for a move) and yet the results are better than existing leading systems that look much further ahead but with much less sophisticated move candidate selection and position evaluation capabilities.

Widely applicable artificial intelligence

This might all still sound a long way from a truly human style of thinking but if we abstract and generalise it slightly then it becomes more familiar. For any goal-oriented behaviour in a complex or changing environment we can assess our current situation versus our goal and generate some options for moving towards the goal. We can then simulate or predict the results of taking those actions and evaluate the new situations we could get into. We choose the option that moves us closest to our goal, or has the highest probability of moving us closer to that goal. This is just a description of iterative planning.

AlphaGo has shown that we can train a machine-learning system to emulate the options a human would select in a relatively-complex environment. If we simulate the immediate results of those selections we then just need to evaluate where we get to with each option. Again: machine learning comes to the rescue. If we can acquire or generate enough data we can train another machine learning system to perform the evaluation. None of this is really a new idea but now it has been demonstrated to be good enough to beat a professional at Go, it’s a fair bet it can be made to work for a huge range of other problems too. This is possibly why it’s such a landmark for AI research. It’s a challenge that until very recently was thought to require a completely new breakthrough in AI and probably another decade of research (and Moore’s Law) to get us there. It turns out the techniques we’ve already invented, when suitably combined, can achieve very intelligent behaviour.

Dawn of a golden age?

There’s an outside chance Go just happened to be a lot easier than we thought, or just unusually suited to these ‘deep learning’ techniques. However, given the progress that’s being made with deep learning on other longstanding AI problems it seems more probable that [tweetable]we’re about to enter a golden age for AI[/tweetable]. In this context it’s interesting to note that AlphaGo beat the European champion a month before Google opened the source code for their TensorFlow deep learning framework (which prompted Microsoft to follow suit with theirs). These open source moves can be seen as part of a land grab for talent and mindshare. The techniques are the subject of published research and efficient implementations are valuable but nowhere near as much as the data required for training and the talent to utilise it. Then of course, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and a bunch of startups will all offer managed solutions for training and running these kinds of framework on their clouds. As the significance of DeepMind’s accomplishment sinks in, more researchers and developers will rush to jump on the machine learning bandwagon and there will be no shortage of tech giants waiting to welcome them aboard.