In our most recent (Q3,2022) Developer Nation survey we took a close look at the way developers engage with the Metaverse and NFTs. We explored different levels of engagement (from simple interest to actually working on them) and explored different patterns of interest across other technologies as well as on a regional level. Today we take a look at how developers are engaging with the Metaverse and NFTs.
“50% developers are interested or involved in the Metaverse some way”
The data shows that developers appear to be more interested in the Metaverse compared to NFTs. Possibly because Developers involved in NFTs are also highly involved in other projects, especially cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
“45% of developers involved in NFTs are highly involved in other blockchain projects and 55% are working on cryptocurrencies”
There are more developers learning about the Metaverse (50%) than they are learning about NFTs(20%). Also, developers working on the Metaverse identified Quantum Computing as the no 1 technology they wish to learn about.
Here’s a video of us discussing the infographic.
In terms of regional distribution, most developers working on the Metaverse and NFTs reside in North America.
Find out more in the infographic below.