
When the problem is: incomplete bug ?reports

Fall in love with the problem.

We love sharing stories of small teams or even groups of friends getting together and developing innovative products. What’s more interesting is the journey they take as well as the difficulties they face and the learnings they acquire.  Today we shed light on the story of a small product team who left their jobs to work on an idea that at first seemed simple but turned out to be quite an adventure! Here is the story of Adopto Bug Fixing – an automated bug reporting tool that helps tech teams receive fast and detailed bug reports.

Our adventure as a startup starts with a product team composed of a product manager, a tech lead, a full-stack developer, a UI designer, a QA tester, and a user researcher. We’ve always shared the desire to build something new to be proud of, so one day we decided to leave the previous company for which we were all working and follow the dream of building our own product-based startup.

“Fall in love with the problem” is the most popular recommendation shared among product people, and those founding a new startup. But here we’re talking about a startup whose 80% is made of builders, people who love to do one specific thing: build solutions. As Dan Olsen once said, “We live in the solution space”, and this is probably the truth when talking about a tech team. So we initially tried to use a shortcut: validating a solution without having validated the problem, as many did before us. We began this adventure with a solution in mind, a leftover from our previous experience, and we tried to look for a fitting problem, and for a market segment that could be interesting. A bit like when you are a child playing with geometric wooden shapes and you try to fit a circle where you should put a square. A true nightmare. 

Like many of you surely know, what you should be doing before developing a product, and even more during the very first months of a product-based startup, is NOT building and developing solutions. Your time and energy should be focused on a series of problem discovery activities, ranging from customer interviews, and market research, to competitor analyses. Luckily for us, after banging our heads against a few brick walls, we realized that the solution we were developing wasn’t going far because there was no problem-solution fit, so we hit the brakes and pivoted away.

We braced ourselves with patience and started our quest for a problem that was worth solving and could make us passionate about. “Since we are a product team”, we said, “let’s start exploring some product-team-specific processes”. We deep-dived into processes related to developing new features and those related to the resolution of bugs and technical incidents. Of course, fixing bugs appealed to us much more than developing new sexy features! 

We’ve spent the last four months doing customer discovery, interviewing potential customers, talking to them on LinkedIn and Reddit, on Discord channels, and in many product communities active on Slack (p.s. If you ever need feedback on any product you’re working on, I’d suggest getting in Mind The Product, The Product Folks, and The Product Coalition. Everybody is super generous with their feedback and ready to help out). As you can imagine, we had to work against the natural tendency to find shelter in the solution space, especially when at first we couldn’t get many people to talk to. But we managed, mostly because we were scared otherwise we would have to pivot again, and that’s a very painful process, as some of you can surely confirm. So after having chatted with hundreds of people among product managers, customer support reps, and account managers working for companies of various sizes, colors, and shapes, we validated that indeed there is a real problem with bug reporting.

Apart from some specific peculiarities that define every company, the current process that is followed in many places can be simplified like this: bugs (or presumed ones) found by end-users are reported to customer care or customer support, who are then responsible for the thankless task of manually collecting some technical information that is often hard to get -just imagine you need to ask an average user to share the screen and use the browser inspector to be able to check console logs. Then the customer support agent gets to open an issue to report that information in a ticketing system, following a more or less structured process.

This process creates a clear bottleneck: the team responsible for the resolution of the bug receives a report that is usually not very detailed. Not only doesn’t that help identify the steps to reproduce the error, but incomplete reports often lack the technical specs needed to distinguish between a real bug and a device/user-specific error, or even a bad design. This is why, once the ticket is opened, bug reporters and developers initiate a conversation that goes back and forth several times to request the missing details. Sometimes, customer support agents are even forced to reach out again to the end-user to find out more about the bug. This bottleneck is strongly felt by both parties involved: it is an eternal ping-pong that leads to a waste of time, without having any assurance that the bug will eventually be identified and fixed.   Here we’ve collected some of the most interesting learnings we gathered on the way. We’d love to share them with you: 

1. There is no need for a process…until you actually need one!

The very first thing we learned during our customer interviews is that there is a specific moment when you realize that your team won’t survive if you don’t put in place a somehow structured bug reporting process.  We noticed that teams usually move from receiving direct calls or Slack messages from colleagues finding bugs to having a dedicated space to collect all reports. You can have a basic version of this, like a shared spreadsheet, or an #issues Slack channel where the tech team manages to gather all complaints shared by colleagues. Those in need and the bravest, too, even go a step further and build a template to guide colleagues in what details they need to reproduce and triage the bug, so they can quickly define its priority in the backlog.  

What are the details that if present speed up the whole bug reporting process?

  • Where is the bug? – That is, all information that allows the team to exclude problems that are not widespread, but related to certain devices, OSs, browsers, app versions, or even user IDs.
  • Steps to reproduce – The actions that led the user to find the issue. The golden rule is “the more detailed, the better”. Usually, this information can be obtained only by directly asking the end-user to describe the process they follow that brought them to the bug. 
  • Expected behavior – Bugs are very often unfortunate design choices that produce some friction when using the product. To be able to spot these non-bugs, it’s important to ask the user to clarify what behavior they were otherwise expecting to see.
  • Technical details – In an ideal world, frontloading helps make the bug resolution process overall more efficient. This is why it is a good practice to immediately collect all those technical details which could later help testers and developers identify the issue, such as network requests, and console logs. When reproducing the bug is not straightforward, details like these come really in handy. Yet, collecting them is a real pain for non-technical colleagues who have to directly ask customers and users. Imagine asking a user to share their screen and activate the Browser inspector so that you can collect the logs. A bit of an extreme situation, especially when dealing with users with low digital literacy.  
  • Priority – The goal is to provide the tech team with an estimation of how quickly they should act on the bug and plan accordingly for the next sprint. This metric can be determined by different factors, such as the number of users that could experience the bug, or the importance of the feature that results affected, but also the impact of the reporting client on the company’s total revenue.  

Unfortunately, the truth is that all the effort put into providing colleagues with a template that guides them to report a bug doesn’t always pay off. There will always be someone who won’t follow the suggestions, who prefers to spontaneously make a phone call or send a Slack message directly to the product manager or a developer. And from here we move to the second learning.

2. Templates are useful, but never enough

At least once in our professional life, we’ve all witnessed a colleague who refused to adjust and use a new tool that would have facilitated and sped up not only their work but everybody else’s. This is because the adoption curve for an internal tool of this kind follows the sinusoidal shape of any other technological innovation introduced in the last two centuries (but have a look here to read how the pace is gradually speeding up).

What’s important to bear in mind is that for any new tool or process, there will be one or two colleagues out of ten who will enthusiastically try it out – the so-called innovators and early adopters. Of the remaining eight, though, seven will need to be convinced, pushed, and engaged even just to give it a try, and one-two will likely never accept change. This is the truth, it hurts, but the sooner we accept it, the better. 


3. Priority is not mathematics

Chatting with many product managers we identified another point that is very, very painful: even when you have some guidelines about how to estimate a bug priority, non-tech colleagues always report “High priority”.

“Consider, high priority is given even when they are talking about a typo or a misaligned button in the interface of an internal-use-only platform”, many confess with frustration.

This is truly one of those cases where you get nowhere: every team has its own KPIs and success metrics. If we ask a customer support rep, they will say their goal is closing support tickets as fast as possible. If we interrogate an account manager, it is high retention rates and an NPS equal to or higher than 9. And indeed, helping the unsatisfied user or client by making sure the problem is fastly and efficiently handled seems a very high priority for these roles, which are usually the most active in reporting bugs and technical issues in the first place.

Work chronicles

The only thing we can do is take this factor into consideration, and use some empathy –  yep, exactly the same empathy we try to use with our users! These colleagues have different goals and jobs to be done, so get ready with a bug triage process that is independent of the level of priority that they will mark. From here we move to the next learning: the (oftentimes unsatisfying) conversations between the tech team and non-tech colleagues.

4. “Yep, sure! I’ll let you know” doesn’t work

We’ve just mentioned that the product/tech team’s KPIs are quite different compared to those of colleagues working in sales and customer support. Let’s play a role game and get in our colleagues’ shoes -we have to apply that empathy we mentioned above: I’m a customer support agent and a client contacts me to report a technical issue, I bring this information to the tech team after collecting as many details as I can (although I’m sure the developer won’t be satisfied, as usual). It should go without saying that my need is to be able to check the status of my report so that I can show the client that I’ve not forgotten about them, I’ve paid attention and made sure their problems will be solved asap. Even when they contact me again the following days. It’s easy now to empathize with this colleague, isn’t it?

Then you should be surprised to hear that many of the customer care reps or account managers we talked to are not satisfied. The “Yep, sure! I’ll let you know” they receive from their tech colleagues doesn’t satisfy their simple needs. Most importantly, it doesn’t give them the chance to do their job at their best. Of course, we cannot expect the same colleague to then go the extra mile to gather all the details to make our job easier and less frustrating, am I not right?  

Companies that believe in a powerful alignment between product and sales/customer care invest a bit and provide non-tech colleagues access to the product’s task management platform (e.g., Jira, Trello, or ClickUp just to name the most mentioned). In this way, as a task progresses, the colleague receives a notification and can address the angry client who’ll get in touch again the following day.

5. QA testing is not sufficient 

The very last learning we want to share is about testing, and here we really collected mixed feelings. On paper, all product teams acknowledge how important it is to have a testing procedure in the pipeline before releasing changes to production. This procedure should guarantee that code is error-free, what’s known as Quality Assurance (QA) testing, but also that the user experience and the app usability are optimized, known as User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Everybody agrees this should happen.

Yet, about half of the people we interviewed confessed they don’t have dedicated resources for testing activities. In some cases it’s the product manager that carries out the task, testing the product and trying to imitate dummy user’s behaviors, such as clicking on the wrong buttons. In other cases, it’s the developers who test what they just built – and here we could (but won’t) start the huge debate on the validity of this practice (refer to this article to check popular arguments on the topic).

Nevertheless, there are several organizations where not only is QA testing done properly, but it is also automated to be very efficient and limit human errors. Nowadays many tools automatically notify you when they find code-specific errors, nothing new on this site. Yet, as many confirmed, the problem is that many bugs are not really bugs (strictly speaking, only code-specific errors are). Most of the time, the “bugs” are actually unfortunate UI/UX choices that the user perceives as technical issues. These cases represent the majority of the reports that tech teams receive, according to the product managers we interviewed, and there isn’t much we can do except bracing ourselves with patience and a desire to improve.

Adopto Bug Fix

You are probably wondering how our startup’s story ends now that we’ve finally learned to carry out a proper customer and problem discovery. After all the interviews, the individuation of the problem, of the job-to-be-done with the various pain points associated with it, we finally moved to the solution space. And here we started defining and building Adopto Bug Fix: an automated bug reporting tool that helps tech teams receive fast and detailed bug reports, without wasting time and precious resources in back-and-forth conversations with customer care and end-users.

Picture this: a user gets in touch with customer support to report a technical issue, the rep simply asks the user to press a keyboard shortcut, or click on a button on the app, and to reproduce the same steps that led to the error in the first place (this last one is a standard procedure that customer support usually carries out when receiving a report). That’s all!

Adopto Bug Fix works with a snippet of code that is pasted into the target platform’s code. It behaves like Siri: it’s quiet and invisible to the users’ eyes unless it’s activated. After the activation (with a keyboard shortcut or a click on a button), Adopto starts recording the session and collects a series of information. Among the information that it collects: there is a screen recording to check the user’s behavior on the app, the user clicks and text input, console logs, and network requests. But also specs about device and OS, screen resolution, and user ID. All these structured details are then conveyed in a report that the team can access from our platform. The report can be easily shared in any task management system. In this way, you can exploit the existing communication process you already follow to share updates with non-tech colleagues (we mentioned this at point 4).

As for today, we are in the Beta phase, meaning that we are improving the user experience and developing new functionalities thanks to the help of some product teams that have started using Adopto in their bug reporting workflows.
These teams are young (not talking about age, but about product maturity), have a WepApp currently under development, receive many incomplete bug reports from end-users and colleagues, and have tried to solve the problem with a solution that didn’t bring the expected results. If you see yourselves in this description and believe Adopto could make your team’s life easier, check out our webpage and sign up to become a member of our Beta program!

Sign up for free for our Beta program

Analysis Community

Spotlight on Developers in China & the Rest of East Asia

What are some of the key differences between developers in East Asia, including the Greater China region, and the rest of the world? In the 22nd edition of our Developer Nation Survey we collected insights from developers and software engineers in East Asia to try to answer this exact question. Here is what we found!

“A fifth of the global developer population is located in either the Greater China region or the rest of East Asia”

We split the Greater China area from the rest of East Asia to provide more regional granularity. In terms of relative size, we find that almost a fifth (18%) of the global developer population is located in either the Greater China region (9%) or the rest of East Asia (9%). Breaking down East Asia into countries, we see that more than half of the developers here are spread across two countries: Indonesia (32%) and Japan (21%). When comparing developers across regions, we can see that just over a third (34%) of developers in the Greater China region have six or more years of experience, which is notably less than developers globally (43%). Furthermore, the Greater China region has a much smaller concentration (4% vs 22% globally) of highly-experienced developers (16+ years). With generally lower levels of experience in the Greater China area, aspiring developers may find starting a career here less competitive than developers in regions with higher levels of experience.

“East Asian developers outside China have similar levels of experience to the rest of the global developer population”

Both groups have a little more than a third (34%) of their developers with 11+ years of software development experience. However, East Asia’s data are largely propped up by Japan. The developer community in Japan tends to be highly experienced, with almost six in ten developers (59%) having 16+ years of experience. No other country has a higher concentration of developers with this level of experience. 

Developers in the region are mostly either self-taught or have an undergraduate degree in computing

The journey to coding mastery lacks a clearly defined path. Developers typically state they’ve used more than two learning methods on average to learn how to code. In general, the self-taught method is the most popular among developers globally, with more than 60% using this method. However, our data shows that the proportion of self-taught developers fluctuates significantly across regions.

In the Greater China area, the most popular method for developers to learn how to code is via an undergraduate degree in computing, with 50% having used this method. This is significantly higher than developers in other regions (41% -42%). We generally see a higher concentration of professional developers in Greater China (83%) than we do in the rest of the world (70%). It could be that the job market in Greater China more often requires a degree in computing or engineering, which would also explain why self-teaching is used less often in this region.

Developers in the rest of East Asia, however, tend to follow the learning trends of developers in other regions. Here, we see the self-taught method is the most popular method (61%), followed by an undergraduate degree in software engineering (41%). Analysing the data at a country level, we see developers in Indonesia are more diverse learners. Developers in this country stated that they used three methods on average when learning to code. Indonesian developers are more likely to learn via self-teaching, online courses, and developer boot camps than any other developers in East Asia. This is quite different from their peers in Japan who are the least likely to use online courses and bootcamps to learn how to code. Instead, developers in Japan are most likely to use the self-taught (63%) and on-the-job training (45%) methods when learning to code.

“Less Stack Overflow, more and

Next, we explore how developers interact with the popular online community, Stack Overflow, to understand their engagement levels with programming support. Stack Overflow has become a standard support community for many developers, with more than eight in ten (85%) of the general developer population reporting they’ve used or visited this popular question and answer site.

Our focus on developers in East Asia and the Greater China area shows Stack Overflow’s popularity falls below the global average. Developers in these regions are around three times less likely to visit Stack Overflow than developers in other regions. Developers in the Greater China area are the least engaged, with only 19% having an account, and only 11% having earned at least one badge. Developers in this region have other home-grown Q&A site alternatives, such as, which could be contributing to the lower adoption of Stack Overflow.
Developers in Japan are skewing the perception of this region. Developers in Japan have even less activity on Stack Overflow than developers in the Greater China area. Here, only a little more than a third (36%) stated they use Stack Overflow. Furthermore, only about 5% have an account. Like developers in the Greater China area, our data does show usage of Stack Overflow increases among Japanese developers who have gained experience in software development, indicating that less experienced developers are using other platforms for support. Like China, Japan has other home-grown options like where developers can field programming support from their peers, which may be the place new Japanese programmers visit more often to get answers to their questions.


Developer Nation Community, turning the page to a new chapter [New job opportunities included]

The Developer Nation Community is definitely not new. It goes back to a long time ago, when communities were not as much in the spotlight as they are today. Our mission has always been to keep its ears open to the voices of software creators and share back data and insights from our global surveys.

Over the years, we have worked on several initiatives to grow and engage our community and – no complaints – we have managed to win the hearts of thousands of software creators around the world.

This is why we are now very excited to be taking the Developer Nation Community to its next level.  And let us give you a quick tour of what we are working on currently. 

A value proposition that is closer to what software creators expect from us. 

We have always championed the importance of being data-driven when making decisions. And this is even more crucial when decisions are tied to one’s professional career and growth. To that effect, we have shaped our mission accordingly. Thus, we will focus on helping developers be their best and we will do that by helping them answer burning questions such as :

What software developer careers are out there? 

Which ones have the most demand? 

What skills or formal training should I acquire? 

How can I become more productive and efficient?

We are aiming to create a space where software creators can set the right foundations for their career,  learn how they stack up against emerging software development trends,  get tips and discover opportunities for professional growth as well as plan wisely their next moves.

Investing on people

To be able to support our community members and keep true to our mission we have decided to invest in a new Community Team and this is why we are currently recruiting for two roles. We are hoping that by bringing in more people we will be able to build on the value we can bring to our community while focusing on having an even more personalised relationship with them.  We would love it if these roles were to be filled by existing community members, so if you take a look at the job descriptions and you feel you are up for a new challenge, we would like to meet with you.

On the people front, we are also very excited to announce that Vanessa, our current Developer Advocate, will take up a new challenge as our Developer Success Executive. She will continue to listen to developer feedback, and work with the Developer Committee, and her mission will be to focus on prizes and benefits for software creators in our community.

Community Lead

As our first Community Lead you will have a significant impact on designing and executing the Developer Nation Community strategy – one of SlashData’s strategic priorities. You will grow, engage and motivate a global community of software engineers focusing on providing them with resources that will help them grow in their career journey and plan their next move.

We are looking for an avid communicator who loves engaging with developers, has excellent organisational skills, and has a solid tech background. They should have at least 1-2 years of experience in community building, growing, and/or engaging roles and will be very fluent in English – both written and spoken.

Apply here

Developer Advocate

As the Developer Advocate you will be a key part of the future of this global community of developers coming together to learn from each-other, share experiences, creating content with the aim to help developers grow in their careers, foster relationships between senior developer mentors and mentees, and connect developers globally with major technology platforms.

You will engage and motivate a global community of software engineers making sure to constantly provide them with content in various formats as well as engage in conversations to help them grow in their career journey and plan their next move.

Apply here 

  • A community-led approach

The next chapter of the Developer Nation community will come with a wide range of initiatives. Would you like to be among the first to get involved?

  • Content contribution

We are open to all types of formats (podcasts, blogs, videos, webinars, Twitter space discussions etc) as long as the topics resonate with our mission and comply with our values.

  • Events and meetups

We will soon go into the space of organising events for the Developer Nation community. If you have any ideas or would want to be part of them, please reach out and we can brainstorm together!

  • Mentorship

Are you in need of a mentor or perhaps you are a particularly skilled mentor? Or do you just want to help? In any case, this is a great opportunity to be part of a grassroots initiative where the community is actively engaged in peer support. 

For all of the above and also for anything else you wish to share with us please drop us a line at community[at]


Git Internals Part 1- List of basic Concepts That Power your .git Directory

Git is the most popular and commonly used open-source version control system in the modern-day. However, we barely focus on the basic concepts that are the building blocks of this system. 

In this article, we will learn about the basic concepts that power your .git directory.

The .git directory

Whenever we initialize a git repository, a .git directory gets created in the project’s root. This is the place where Git stores all its information. Digging a bit deeper you can see the directory structure as below:

$ ls -C .git
COMMIT_EDITMSG  MERGE_RR    config      hooks       info        objects     rr-cache
HEAD        ORIG_HEAD   description index       logs        refs

The detailed structure looks like the following:
|-- HEAD
|-- branches
|-- config
|-- description
|-- hooks
|   |-- applypatch-msg
|   |-- commit-msg
|   |-- post-commit
|   |-- post-receive
|   |-- post-update
|   |-- pre-applypatch
|   |-- pre-commit
|   |-- pre-rebase
|   |-- prepare-commit-msg
|   `-- update
|-- index
|-- info
|   `-- exclude
|-- logs
|   |-- HEAD
|   `-- refs
|-- objects
`-- refs
    |-- heads
    |-- remotes
    |-- stash
    `-- tags

Directories inside the .git directory

The .git directory consists of the following directories:

This directory contains scripts that are executed at certain times when working with Git, such as after a commit or before a rebase.

You can use this file to ignore files for this project, however, it’s not versioned like a .gitignore file would be.

Contains the history of different branches. It is most commonly used with the git reflog command.

Git’s internal warehouse of blobs, all indexed by SHAs. You can see them as following:

$ ls -C .git/objects
09  24  28  45  59  6a  77  80  8c  97  af  c4  e7  info
11  27  43  56  69  6b  78  84  91  9c  b5  e4  fa  pack

These directory names are the first two letters of the SHA1 hash of the objects stored in git.

You can enquire a little further as following:

$ ls -C .git/objects/09
6b74c56bfc6b40e754fc0725b8c70b2038b91e  9fb6f9d3a104feb32fcac22354c4d0e8a182c1

These 38 character strings are the names of the files that contain objects stored in git. They are compressed and encrypted, so it’s impossible to view their contents directly. 


The workbench for git rebase. It contains all the information related to the changes that have to be rebased.


The master copy of all refs that live in your repository, be they for stashes, tags, remote-tracking branches, or local branches. 

You can see the existing refs in your .git directory as below:

$ ls .git/refs
$ ls .git/refs/heads
$ ls .git/refs/tags
$ cat .git/refs/tags/v1

Now, having discussed the directories inside the .git directory, let’s explore the files that reside inside the .git directory and their uses.

Files in the .git directory


This file contains the commit message of a commit in progress or the last commit. Any commit message provided by the user (e.g., in an editor session) will be available in this file. 

If the git commit exits due to an error before generating a commit, it will be overwritten by the next invocation of git commit.

It’s there for your reference once you have made the commit and is not actually used by Git.

2. config:

This configuration file contains the settings for this repository. Project-specific configuration variables can be dumped in here including aliases. 

$ cat .git/config
    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    ignorecase = true
    name = Pragati Verma
    email =

This file is mostly used to define where the remote repository lives and some core settings, such as if your repository is bare or not.

3. description:

This description will appear when you see your repository or the list of all versioned repositories available while using Git web interfaces like gitweb or instaweb.


FETCH_HEAD is a temporary ref that keeps track of what has recently been fetched from a remote repository. 

In most circumstances, git fetch is used first, which fetches a branch from the remote; FETCH_HEAD points to the branch’s tip (it stores the SHA1 of the commit, just as branches do). After that, git merge is used to merge FETCH_HEAD into the current branch.

5. HEAD:

HEAD is a symbolic reference pointing to wherever you are in your commit history. It’s the current ref that you’re looking at. 

HEAD can point to a commit, however, typically it points to a branch reference. It is attached to that branch, and when you do certain things (e.g., commit or reset), the attached branch will move along with HEAD. In most cases, it’s probably refs/heads/master. You can check it as follows:

$ cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/master


When doing a merge, this is the SHA of the branch you’re merging into.


When doing a merge, this is the SHA of the branch you’re merging from.


Used to communicate constraints that were originally given to git merge to git commit when merge conflicts and a separate git commit is needed to conclude it.


Enumerates conflicts that happen during your current merge.

10. index:

Git index refers to the “staging area” between the files you have on your filesystem and your commit history with meta-data such as timestamps, file names, and also SHAs of the files that are already wrapped up by Git. 

The files in your working directory are hashed and stored as objects in the index when you execute git add, making them “staged changes.”

11. packed-refs:

It solves the storage and performance issues by keeping the refs in a single file. When a ref is missing from the /refs directory hierarchy, it is searched for in this file and used if it is found.


In this article, we covered a brief overview of the basic concepts that make up your git directory. These are the fundamental components of Git as we know it today and use on a regular basis. We’ll be learning more about these Git internal concepts in the upcoming articles.

Keep reading. In case you want to connect with me, follow the links below:

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Pragati Verma is a software developer and open-source enthusiast. She has also been an active writer on various platforms and has written for many organizations as a freelance writer. As a Junior Editor at Hackernoon, Pragati helps numerous writers every day to publish their content on Hackernoon.

In her spare time, Pragati loves to read books or watch movies.