
SOA vs. Microservices: Which is the Right Choice For Your Firm?

With various styles to create and structure apps available, SOA and Microservices architecture have become two go-to methods for savvy software teams to design, launch, and smoothly maintain the latest applications for cloud environments. Additionally, 94% of companies worldwide used some form of cloud services in 2023; a 14% increase from 2020.

Witnessing notable growth between 2018-2023, the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Governance Software Market is expected to grow considerably by 2030. Over 90% of organizations have also adopted or plan to adopt microservices.

In this article, we’ll explain these two popular approaches to application software development, their benefits, and which is the best choice for your enterprise.

SOA vs. Microservices

What is SOA?

Developers use a range of architectural styles to effectively organize modern software systems within the cloud. Used to structure applications to align with specific standards and best practices, whilst providing cross-platform app consistency, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a method that allows software developers to create independent business applications that can communicate across a diverse range of platforms and languages.

Organizing software systems as a collection of services, SOA services:

  • Offer a modular method of splitting up monolithic (single codebase) applications into smaller parts.
  • Function independently of development technologies and platforms.
  • Use loose coupling to minimize the impact of changes and failures within large enterprises.
  • Communicate with each other over standard protocols.

So, why are increasing numbers of enterprises looking to improve their business outcome driven enterprise architecture by adopting an SOA approach?

What are the main benefits of SOA?

SOA delivers several benefits for developers. Most notably:

  • Sustainability
  • Better collaboration
  • Ease of integration
  • Centralized Governance
  • Technology Diversity

For example, Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRMs) use SOA structures to manage various aspects of customer interactions and data. Improving a wide range of industries, call centers use customer relationship management to enhance their services even further. One of the most common call center problems and solutions is agent burnout, with savvy enterprises using workflow automation software and other automation tools to reduce agent stress.

Another tool to unify your understanding of technology and enable integrated business planning is business capability modeling. Helping enterprises realize their unique possibilities, while reducing IT redundancies and costs too, business capability examples include inventory management, online booking capabilities, and more.

What businesses use service-oriented architecture?

Suited to enterprises with complex IT environments, SOA’s streamlined integration features are often used by large enterprises. These include:

  • Financial services, e.g., banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions.
  • Healthcare providers.
  • Telecommunications.
  • Retail and E-commerce.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Government Agencies.
  • Transportation and Logistics.
  • Hospitality and travel.

As you can see, SOA benefits enterprises with diverse application portfolios and where agility, interoperability, and scalability matter most. 

Examples of SOA architectures

Used to address issues such as data sharing amongst stakeholders and interoperability between disparate systems, here are a few examples of how a healthcare provider might implement SOA.

  • Integration of Electronic Health Records (EHR): SOA allows health providers to implement different functionalities for managing electronic health records (EHR) in real-time, e.g. patient registration, medical history, laboratory results, etc.
  • Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS): Healthcare providers deploy clinical decision support systems (CDSS) to help clinicians make evidence-based decisions. SOA is used here to develop modular and reusable services for implementing a range of clinical decision support functionalities, such as allergy alerts.
  • Health Information Exchange (HIE): The health information exchange network is used to share patient information with other healthcare enterprises securely. SOA aids the development of interoperable services for sharing patient data, e.g. demographic information, test results.
  • Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring: SOA supports the development of services for telemedicine, e.g. virtual consultations, secure messaging, remote sensor data extraction.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: SOA gives health providers the opportunity to scale resources based on demand and ensure high performance healthcare IT systems.

What are microservices?

While each SOA service offers full business capabilities, microservices architecture has evolved from traditional SOA architecture to specialize in single tasks. So, rather than building an expansive monolithic application, microservices are small, self-contained building blocks that strengthen the structure from within.

Found in a range of applications and stretching across multiple industries, companies that use microservices architecture to enhance the buyer experience include Netflix, Spotify, and Twitter. Each one of these examples uses microservices to manage essential functions closely, such as user authentication and recommendations.

SOA vs. Microservices

What are the benefits of microservices?

Yes, SOA and microservices architecture both support independent development, scalability, and technology diversity. But what are the main differences when it comes to the benefits?

When implementing microservices, Java is a popular choice for many developers. Designed to work together yet perform specific tasks, here are five advantages of microservices architecture that developers need to be aware of.

  • Adaptability
  • Decentralized data management
  • Decentralized governance
  • System resilience
  • Greater testability

To make sure each microservice has a clear role and purpose, it’s also worth considering Domain-Driven Design (DDD). Enabling the smooth development and maintenance of complex software systems, microservices perfectly align with the DDD model; allowing each microservice to focus on a specific subdomain. So, whether it’s a domain or a .uk domain name, by aligning services with the business domain, it’s that much easier to understand and manage.

Compared to monolithic architectures, as microservices are designed for independence and isolation, they’re often easier to test. Testing smaller segments of functionality can boost the reliability of the testing process.

By leveraging data analytics, using visualization tools, and comparing an enterprise’s architecture with industry benchmarks, enterprise architects deliver insights and recommendations for optimizing and developing your company’s technology. Modern Enterprise Architecture from Ardoq, for example, offers an effective way to evaluate existing capabilities and take them to the next level.

Who uses microservices architecture?

Beneficial for enterprises that prioritize scalability and rapid innovation, microservices architecture often benefits:

  • Startups and digital-native companies e.g., tech companies.
  • Social media platforms.
  • Streaming services.
  • Fintech companies.
  • Online marketplaces.
  • Gaming companies.
  • Travel and hospitality platforms.
  • Healthcare technology providers.

Microservices are ideal for enterprises that put agility and quick software updates first.

SOA vs. Microservices

Examples of microservices?

Used to create feature-rich platforms for streaming media content to millions of users, here’s an example of how a streaming platform might implement microservices:

  • User Authentication and Authorization: Dedicated to managing user authentication and authorization, microservices separate authentication into a dedicated service. This ensures security and scalability at every touch point across multiple devices.
  • Content Management: Streaming services maintain a microservice responsible for content management, including metadata for movies, TV shows, music albums, or podcasts. Its decoupling feature enables streaming platforms to handle large volumes of content updates and provide personalized recommendations based on user viewing or listening history.
  • Playback and Streaming: Without microservices, there would be no playback or different streaming options for different devices and platforms. Breaking playback functions into smaller, specialized microservices ensures a smooth streaming experience for users, no matter the network conditions or device capabilities
  • Personalization and Recommendation: Streaming service microservices analyze user behavior, viewing history, preferences, and social interactions to provide personalized recommendations.
  • Billing and Subscription Management: Integrating with payment gateways and CRM platforms, microservices handle billing and subscription options like plan upgrades/downgrades and payment processing.
  • Analytics and Monitoring: Microservices also collect, process, and analyze data from user interactions, system events, and infrastructure metrics. Microservices provide real-time insights into platform performance, user engagement, content popularity, service availability, and more.

When would developers prefer microservices?

  1. Large enterprise-scale projects.
  2. Agile development practices and decentralized teams.
  3. Projects that require technological diversity.
  4. Projects that require frequent updates and independent deployments of services.
  5. For building new, independent services.

When should SOA be used?

  1. Smaller software development projects with less complexity.
  2. Organizations with a more centralized structure.
  3. Suited to standardized technology stacks.
  4. Projects that need minimal updates.
  5. For integrating legacy systems.

Regardless of when your team implements SOA or microservices, it’s important that they understand how to use both types of architecture. Adopting a skill management platform to identify any skill gaps means you can provide software developers with the necessary tools and support to ensure your business benefits.

So, to summarize:

Service oriented architecture (SOA)Microservices
Maximizes app reusabilityFocused on decoupling
Systematic changes require modifying the monolithSystematic changes create new services
Continuous Delivery and DevOps used but not widespreadStrong emphasis on DevOps and Continuous Delivery
Focused on enterprise functionalist reuseMore focus on “bounded context”
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is used to communicateMuch simpler messaging systems used to communicate
Supports multiple message protocolsUses lightweight protocols, e.g. HTTP or REST
Common platform used to deploy servicesCloud platforms typically used
SOA services share data storageEach microservice can have independent data storage
Established governance and standardsEasygoing governance, with more emphasis on team collaboration and freedom of choice
SOA vs. Microservices

Final Thoughts

It’s clear to see that enterprises with legacy applications gain the most from SOA architecture, whilst microservices are preferred when multiple microservices need to be deployed with ease and finesse.

Largely dependent on the size of the project, as well as your team’s expertise and company culture, taking a hybrid approach to both architectures is a feasible option to consider too.


Vue.js vs. React: Which is the Ideal JavaScript Framework for 2024?

The use of JavaScript frameworks has become very important in today’s modern web development, as it is important to identify the best one that will help to develop efficient and manageable applications. When it comes to 2024, two frameworks, Vue. and React, will still be in demand. They are well-supported, have a lot of active users and contributors, and offer features that are useful for various development tasks. 

The following is a detailed comparison between Vue.js and React that will help in determining which of the two is ideal to choose.

Basic Understanding of Vue.js and React.js

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is an open-source framework created by Evan in February 2014. It aims at aiding coders in developing interactive and effective user interfaces.

Vue is simple, easy to incorporate with other libraries, and it can be applied to the most basic projects as well as complicated applications. It is a minimal feature set that is best defined as simply the view layer and can be easily integrated into some other frameworks or used in an existing project.

What is React.js?

React.js is a JavaScript library, developed by Facebook developers and was established in the year 2013. It is primarily used for creating User Interfaces, especially in scenarios where data ought to be refreshed over time. 

Remarkably, React was the first to propose the concept of the virtual DOM to enhance the speed of rendering. It enables developers to create elements which have their own state and then use these elements to create interfaces.

Vue.js vs React.js: A Detailed Comparison

1. Popularity and Community Support


  • Popularity: Vue.js has recently become popular, specifically in Asia and Europe. It is highly preferred by many users since it has a user-friendly interface and does not require much of the user’s effort when in use.
  • Community Support: Vue has an active community. It is an open-source tool,  has more than 207204 stars in GitHub and comes with numerous plugins, tutorials, and much more.


  • Popularity: React is very popular and has a large market share in the US. Its successful applicability  with large-scale corporations such as Facebook, Netflix, and Airbnb testifies to its popularity.
  • Community Support: React has a huge community. It is an open-source tool, backed up by Facebook Corporation. As of now, it has 223644 stars on GitHub and consist of a rich set of tools and resources available.

2. Learning Curve and Documentation


  • Learning Curve: Vue is considered to be easily learned since it has few lines of code. The features are well-designed, and its unique layout can easily be comprehended by the user who has little or no technical experties.
  • Documentation: Vue has documentation that is both easy to find and clearly written, accompanied with guidelines and tutorials.


  • Learning Curve: React is comparatively tougher and takes more time to learn. This is because the developers must learn about JSX as one of the extensions of JavaScript and must use other frameworks like Redux for state management.
  • Documentation: The documentation of React is better than Vue. However, React lacks in many learning resources as compared to Vue.

3. Performance


  • Performance: Vue also uses a virtual DOM as React, making it more efficient by  avoiding frequent DOM modifications. It also excels at handling dependencies and changes within its reactivity system.


  • Performance: React is optimized because it has a virtual DOM and a fiber that splits the production task into parts. It also makes the updates and rendering to be faster.

4. Flexibility and Scalability


  • Flexibility: Vue is highly flexible and can be adopted in an incremental manner. Vue.js and its ecosystem, like Vuex for state management and Vue Router for routing, work well together.
  • Scalability: It is useful to develop simple and intermediate applications; however, complex applications can also be developed with Vue if structured correctly.


  • Flexibility: React is quite flexible. But when compared with other frameworks, it needs other libraries for making it a complete solution. 
  • Scalability: It is extensible and can be used in the development of large and complex applications because of the component based approach.

5. Ecosystem and Tooling


  • Ecosystem: The Vue ecosystem is quite consistent and logically thought-out. It has various tools that support the building of web applications and libraries, including Vue CLI, Vue Router, and Vuex, making it a complete package.
  • Tooling: Vue DevTools is an extension that provides powerful tools for debugging, and the Vue CLI is a convenient tool for project creation.


  • Ecosystem: Since React has a very large ecosystem, there are many libraries and tools available, but this can make things confusing. Building  projects to optimize their features can be done quite quickly through tools such as Create React App.
  • Tooling: React DevTools are very useful for debugging.  It consists of many other tools that can be used for increasing the efficiency of the development.

6. Integration and Compatibility


  • Integration: Vue.js is very flexible and can be gradually integrated into projects in a hasselfree manner. It incorporates with most other libraries and existing projects to give an enhanced result. It allows flexibility in development of complex and time consuming projects.
  • Compatibility: Vue supports various backend frameworks and platforms, enabling its impactful implementation in various contexts.


  • Integration: React is a versatile and flexible framework that seeks integration with other libraries to end up with a full-fledged solution. Its modularity makes it possible to easily combine with different tools and frameworks whenever needed.
  • Compatibility: Integrates with most environments and platforms, such as server-side with Next. js and mobile development with React Native.

Best Use Cases of Vue and React


  • Prototyping and Small Projects: Vue is relatively easier to use as compared to other libraries and has a good support for integration. This makes it useful in the creation of a prototype and for projects of small as well as medium level.
  • Incremental Adoption: Vue can be adopted into existing projects without the need to rewrite everything from scratch.
  • Enterprise-Level Applications: Some of the companies that have adopted Vue include Alibaba and Xiaomi, proving its effectiveness for large-scale development.


  • Single-Page Applications (SPAs): Due to its efficient rendering and state management, React is one of the best frameworks for building SPAs.
  • Data-Driven Dashboards: It is a brilliant framework for developing real-time dashboards through the use of reactive components, thatallow for easy and efficient update of the data presented to the user. 
  • Enterprise-Level Applications: React is useful in big enterprises since it has a sound architecture and good state management. It is backed by Facebook so it is sustainable and frequently updated.

Which Framework to Choose: Vue.js or React in 2024?

When it comes to comparing Vue.js and React in 2024, it is crucial to consider the specifics of your project and your team’s experience. 

Vue.js is a perfect match for these people who don’t want to struggle with a steep learning curve and complex integration; while, React is more suitable for large-scale applications due to its powerful ecosystem and fat corporate support.

When to Choose the Vue.js Framework?

  • Ease of Learning: The availability of developers with an inclination towards front-end frameworks can be a point of consideration whene choosing Vue.js since it is easier to learn and the documentation is vast.
  • Incremental Integration: Vue is perfect for projects when it is gradually implemented, it can be easily adopted as a part of the project without interrupting the team.
  • Community and Support: In terms of active communities and well-integrated ecosystems, Vue offers a solid and easy-to-navigate development foundation.

When to Choose the React. js Framework?

  • Large-Scale Applications: React is scalable and ideal for large projects that will need more focus on state management and UI.
  • Corporate Backing: If corporate support and long-term stability are important, React’s backing by Facebook offers essential assurance about continuous progression.
  • Cross-Platform Development: In cases where a project needs both a web and a mobile application, the ability to use React and React Native is another benefit.


Both Vue. js and React are great frameworks with their own benefits and are best suited for specific conditions. 

Overall, Vue is the best tool for developing small-to-medium projects and teams that don’t want to struggle with complex learning curves. On the other hand, React possesses a vast and stable environment, the support of large corporations, and the ability to work on large-scale projects. 

Stepping into 2024, the choice between Vue. js and React should be based on the requirements of your project or application, the experience of your team, and the further development of the application. Considering the above factors, this will enable you to come up with the right framework for your project development strategy and goals.

About the author

Harikrishna Kundariya is the Co-founder, Director, & Marketer
of eSparkBiz Technologies – an excellent Software
Development Company. Also, a notable IoT, ChatBot &
Blockchain-savvy Developer. His 12+ years of profound
experience enables him to create Digital Innovations for
Startups & large Enterprises alike based on futuristic
technologies like IoT, Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, and
ChatBot. Adopting a modern yet extremely flexible leadership
approach, he believes in building businesses & lasting bonds
with his clients in the process.


Advanced git: Demystifying git Remotes and git cherry-pick: Powerful Tools for Collaboration

Collaboration is key in the world of Git version control. But keeping track of changes from multiple developers can get tricky. This blog post dives into two essential Git features—remotes and cherry-pick—that empower you to streamline your workflow and effectively manage contributions.

Understanding Git Remotes: A Bird’s Eye View

By default, your GitHub repository typically has a single remote—the origin, representing the main repository you cloned from. However, in larger projects with multiple developers, things get more interesting. Often, developers create personal forks before they push their code.This allows them to work on a separate copy of the code base, and once they are satisfied with the changes, they can merge back into the main codebase.

Here’s where remotes come into play. They are references to additional copies of your Git repository, potentially containing valuable contributions from other developers.

Let’s use an Open-Source project: Lottie

Imagine we’re working with the fantastic Lottie by Airbnb, a library that renders After Effects animations on mobile platforms. We’ve cloned a fork (iayanpahwa/lottie-android) and want to explore changes made by other contributors to lottie (gpeal and felipecsl).

Adding Remotes: Reaching Out to Other Forks

To access these developers’ workspaces, we can add them as remotes using the git remote add command:

git remote add <remote_name> <repository_URL>

For example:

git remote add gpeal
git remote add felipecsl

Now, using git remote -v, you can see all configured remotes, including their URLs.

Fetching the Goods: Downloading Changes

With remotes in place, we can retrieve changes from other contributors using git fetch.

  • Fetching from a specific remote:
  • Fetching from all configured remotes:
	git fetch --all

This downloads the commits made by these developers without integrating them into your local working directory yet.

git cherry-pick: Borrowing the Best Bits

Git cherry-pick allows you to meticulously select and apply specific commits from other branches (including those fetched from remotes) onto your current branch. This is particularly useful for integrating contributions from multiple developers, testing them individually, or incorporating specific fixes.

A Real-World Cherry-picking Scenario

Imagine you manage an open-source project that receives a wave of pull requests. You might want to test these contributions together before merging them. Here’s how cherry-picking can help:

Create a New Branch:

git checkout -b my-test-branch
  1. Fetch Necessary Code (if not already done): Use git fetch as explained earlier.
  2. Cherry-picking Commits: Once you have access to the desired commits, cherry-pick them one by one using their commit hashes:
git cherry-pick <commit_hash>

For instance, to test a specific commit (648c61f5275998c461347b5045dc900405306b31) by contributor gpeal:

git cherry-pick 648c61f5275998c461375647845dc900405306b31 [ commit made by gpeal ] 

This brings gpeal’s changes to your my-best-branch for isolated testing.

Remember: Cherry-picking can rewrite history, so use it cautiously. Always create a dedicated branch for testing before integrating changes into your main codebase.

Wrapping Up:

By mastering remotes and cherry-pick you can effectively collaborate on Git projects, leverage valuable contributions from others, and ensure a smooth and efficient development workflow.

Feel free to reach out with any questions! Happy coding! Do check our blogs on git internals for more learning: 


Managing Complex Dependencies with Google’s repo tool

In my last blog, I discussed managing dependencies with git submodules. However, when working with large projects that have many dependencies, traditional methods like git submodules can become cumbersome. Google’s repo tool emerges as a powerful solution specifically designed to handle this challenge.

What is repo tool?

repo is an in-house dependency management tool developed by Google. It excels at managing many dependencies, making it ideal for projects like the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and custom Android ROMs.

Unlike git submodules, which are an integrated git feature, repo functions as a separate executable script. This necessitates installation before diving in.

Installation (Choose your adventure!)


Create a directory for Repo:

mkdir ~/bin

Update your PATH environment variable:

export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

Download and make Repo executable:

curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Google repo tool


Use Homebrew to install Repo:

brew install repo
Google repo tool

For other platforms, refer to official docs:

Manifest Magic: Defining Dependencies

Repo relies on a manifest file stored in a separate Git repository. This XML file is the central hub, outlining where to fetch project dependencies, their storage location, and specific revisions (commits).

The beauty of Repo lies in its ability to manage multiple manifests. Imagine a huge, complex project like the Android Operating system with 100 dependencies. You could create a dedicated “lib.xml” manifest to fetch those specific libraries, eliminating the need to include hundreds of unrelated dependencies from a broader manifest. Similarly, the testing and compliance team can have “qa.xml” and “compliance.xml” to manage extra QA and compliance-related dependencies separately, which might not be needed in production but required during development. Both could also have the same libraries but different versions. Hence repo using manifest.xml makes handling dependencies extremely flexible. 

For this demo, we’ll keep things simple with a single “default.xml” file.

Creating a Manifest

Clone the Example Repository having our manifest:

git clone

Examine the default.xml file:
This file specifies the main Project (ex, EazyExit) with two dependencies, FastLED and PubSubClient, along with their corresponding URLs, paths, and revision IDs.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<remote fetch="" name="EazyExit" />
    <project name="FastLED.git" path="lib/FastLED" remote="EazyExit" revision="c1ab8fa86f6d6ecbf40ab7f28b36116a3c931916" />
    <project name="pubsubclient.git" path="lib/PubSubClient" remote="EazyExit" revision="dddfffbe0c497073d960f3b9f83c8400dc8cad6d" />


Note: The manifest allows for various configurations, including project branches and alternative remotes (like Bitbucket or GitLab). Refer to the official documentation for a comprehensive list:

Putting it All Together: Fetching Dependencies

  1. Push the default.xml file to your GitHub repository (if using the provided example).
  2. Create a project directory (e.g., EazyExit).

Navigate to your project directory and initialise Repo

Google repo tool

3. This command establishes the current directory as your project workspace.

Fetch dependencies using the repo sync command:

4. This command retrieves all dependencies specified in the manifest and stores them according to the defined paths.

By leveraging repo, you can effectively manage many dependencies within a single, streamlined workflow.

Repo empowers you to manage complex dependencies with ease, promoting a more flexible and adaptable development process. Checkout our other blogs on: 


How Git Submodules Can Save You Time (and Headaches): Taming the Dependency Beast

In software development, we rarely build projects entirely from scratch. We leverage open-source libraries and frameworks to accelerate development and avoid reinventing the wheel. But managing these dependencies can quickly become a tangled mess, especially as projects grow and dependencies multiply.

This blog post explores a simple yet powerful Git feature called git-submodule, which streamlines dependency management and keeps your codebase clean and organised.

Git Submodules

The Downside of the Manual Approach

Many developers resort to simply manually cloning and directly pushing dependency code into their main project’s codebase. While this may seem convenient at first, it creates several challenges:

  • Version Control Issues: Updating dependencies becomes a manual process, increasing the risk of compatibility issues and security vulnerabilities.
  • Upstream Changes: New features or bug fixes in the original library require manual integration, which is time-consuming and error-prone.

Introducing Git Submodules

git submodules allow you to integrate external Git repositories (containing your dependencies) directly into your project. This creates a modular approach with several benefits:

  • Independent Updates: You can update submodules individually without affecting your main project code.
  • Version Tracking: Submodules track the specific commit hash of the dependency you’re using, ensuring consistency and reproducibility.
  • Modular Codebase: Your project remains clean and organised, with dependencies clearly separated from your core code.

Putting Git Submodules into Action

Let’s walk through a practical example. Imagine a project named “submodule-demo” that relies on two libraries:

  • FastLED: A library for controlling LEDs
  • PubSubClient: A library for implementing an MQTT client
Git Submodules

Here’s how to leverage git-submodules to manage these dependencies:

  1. Project Structure: You can create a dedicated directory (e.g., lib) within your project to store dependencies.
  2. Adding Submodules: Use the git submodule add command to specify the URL of the external repository and the desired submodule path:
cd your_project/lib
git submodule add
git submodule add
Git Submodules

This fetches the code from the specified repositories and stores them within the lib directory.

3. Initialising and Updating: Anyone cloning your project can easily initialise and update the submodules using the following commands:

git clone <your_project_URL>
cd <your_project_URL>
git submodule init
git submodule update
Git Submodules

Alternatively, you can use the --recursive flag during cloning to automate these steps:

git clone --recursive <your_project_URL>
Git Submodules

4. Version Control: Git submodules record the specific commit hash used from each dependency. This ensures everyone working on the project uses the same library version, promoting consistency and preventing compatibility issues.

Beyond the Basics:

While submodules default to fetching the latest commit from the dependency’s main branch, you can specify a different branch or commit hash. Refer to the official Git documentation ( for details on advanced usage.

Key Takeaways

By embracing git submodules, you can effectively manage dependencies, improve code organization, and streamline project collaboration. This approach promotes a more modular and maintainable codebase, saving you time and headaches in the long run.

Feel free to explore our other blog posts on Git internals for further insights!

Git Internals Part 1- List of basic Concepts That Power your .git Directory

Git Internals Part 2: How does Git store your data?

Git Internals Part 3: Understanding the staging area in Git

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