Developer Nation Broadcast

The state of Enterprise IoT Development and MQTT with Kudzai Manditereza

This episode explores the exciting world of Enterprise IoT with Kudzai Manditereza, a Developer Advocate at HiveMQ. Ayan and Kudzai delve into three key areas:

  1. Enterprise IoT Development: They discuss the unique challenges and opportunities associated with developing and implementing IoT solutions for businesses. This involves exploring various technologies, platforms, and considerations specific to enterprise-grade deployments.
  2. Digital Transformation Across Industries: Kudzai sheds light on how digitization is transforming various industries, from manufacturing and healthcare to logistics and retail. He shared how companies are leveraging IoT to improve efficiency, gain real-time insights, and create innovative products and services.
  3. Kudzai’s Role and MQTT: Ayan and Kudzai explore Kudzai’s role in helping traditional companies navigate their digital transformation journeys and adopt IoT solutions. They discussed how Kudzai leverages his expertise to bridge the gap between traditional business models and the possibilities of IoT. The conversation also touched upon the role of MQTT, a popular messaging protocol, in enabling communication and data exchange within IoT ecosystems.

This episode offers valuable insights for businesses considering or embarking on their IoT journeys. By listening to Kudzai’s expertise and Ayan’s engaging discussion, listeners can gain a better understanding of the potential of Enterprise IoT, its impact across industries, and how it can be leveraged for business growth and innovation.

Developer Nation Broadcast

The state of Data Science and future of Generative AI with Anand Mishra

In this captivating episode, we delve into the dynamic journey of Anand Mishra, the CTO of Analytics Vidhya, a frontrunner in the Data Science realm. Anand shares his transformative evolution from a Data Scientist to assuming the pivotal role of CTO, illuminating the intricate pathways and milestones that shaped his career trajectory. As we navigate through his experiences, listeners gain invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of Data Science, particularly amidst the burgeoning influence of AI.

Anand provides a compelling narrative on where the field of Data Science is headed, painting a vivid picture of its metamorphosis under the relentless march of artificial intelligence. From the intricate nuances of modern data analytics to the potential unleashed by generative AI, Anand’s perspective offers a glimpse into the future of this rapidly evolving domain.

With each anecdote and observation, Anand weaves a narrative that not only captures the essence of his personal journey but also serves as a compass for those navigating the ever-changing seas of Data Science and AI. Join us as we unravel the tapestry of innovation and exploration in this thought-provoking conversation with one of the foremost voices in the field.

Tune in to uncover the untold stories, gain exclusive insights, and embark on a journey of discovery that promises to illuminate the path ahead in the enthralling world of Data Science and AI.


Understanding Practical Engineering Management – Developer Teams & Hiring with Mirek Stanek

This episode features Mirek Stanek, an experienced Engineering Manager and author of the blog “Practical Engineering Manager.” Ayan and Mirek engage in a conversation covering several crucial aspects of software development:

  • Software Project Planning: They delve into the art of planning software projects effectively. This involves discussions on setting goals, defining clear roadmaps, breaking down tasks, and utilizing project management tools and methodologies.
  • Managing and Motivating Engineers: Mirek shares his insights on building and leading successful engineering teams. He discussed strategies for fostering communication, collaboration, and a positive work environment, along with techniques for keeping engineers motivated and engaged.
  • Climbing the Ladder: Aspiring engineers can gain valuable knowledge as Ayan and Mirek explore the topic of career advancement in software development, skills and experiences needed to progress, strategies for professional development, and navigating career transitions.
  • Hiring: The conversation also touched upon the complexities of hiring talented engineers. Mirek, with his expertise, might share insights on building a strong hiring process, conducting effective interviews, and identifying the right individuals for the team.

This episode offers guidance for both aspiring and experienced software engineers, providing valuable insights on project management, team leadership, career growth, and the hiring process. By listening to Mirek’s expertise and Ayan’s engaging discussion, listeners can gain valuable knowledge and practical tips for navigating the world of software development.


Cross-Platform Apps, Solopreneurship, and Course Creation with Simon Grimm

This podcast episode features Simon Grimm, a multi-faceted entrepreneur and content creator behind DevDactic,, and the Ionic Academy. The discussion revolves around three key areas:

  1. Cross-Platform Applications: Ayan and Simon delve into the world of cross-platform app development, exploring the benefits and challenges of building apps that work seamlessly across different platforms like mobile and web. They also discussed various frameworks and tools available for efficient cross-platform development.
  2. Solopreneur Journey: Simon shares his experiences and insights as a solopreneur content creator. He talked about the initial steps he took, the challenges he faced while building his ventures, and the strategies he used to stay motivated and productive.
  3. Course Planning and Execution: Ayan and Simon delve into the process of planning and executing courses, likely specific to the context of Simon’s online academies. They also discussed topics like identifying course themes, structuring content, building engaging learning experiences, and reaching the target audience.

This episode offers valuable insights for aspiring developers, content creators, and solopreneurs interested in learning from Simon’s experience in building successful online businesses and educational platforms.


Exploring the Landscape of Enterprise Development: A Regional and Technological Perspective

Forget about dusty old maps and boring stats – imagine navigating the ever-changing jungle of enterprise software development! It’s like discovering hidden tribes of people who code in modern programming languages (Python! Kotlin!), use cutting-edge CI/CD tools – Jenkins, CircleCI and work in big teams and have years of experience bringing an idea to life from the ground up by writing the most optimised code. It’s like building magical castles in the cloud. 

That’s where we’re headed, adventurer! We’ll trek through Silicon Valley’s glittering skyscrapers, sneak into Bangalore’s secret startup dens, and even chill by the beach with coders from Africa brewing the next big tech revolution. No region is off-limits! Along the way, we’ll decode the whispers of rising tech trends – AI whispering innovation to your data, blockchain building invisible fortresses, and old giants like Java shaking hands with nimble new stars like Swift. We’ll peek into everyone’s toolbox, from open-source bazaars to enterprise treasure chests, and maybe even borrow a cool gadget or two.

All this, based on our most recent pulse report, Q3, 2023, which you can find here. But before that, if you  are a professional developer or know someone who is, consider participating in our ongoing 26th Developer Nation survey and contribute to the optimisation of the developer experience.

Enterprise Development isn’t just about gadgets and gizmos. This is about the passionate humans behind the code – the keyboard warriors battling bugs, the dreamers sketching the future, and the masterminds building software that’ll change the world (one line at a time!). Learning about enterprise developers is essential for a holistic understanding of software development, especially in  large organizations where the challenges and requirements are distinct from those of smaller projects. This knowledge can benefit various stakeholders, from business leaders and project managers to individual developers and technology enthusiasts. 

So, grab your coding backpack, your adventurous spirit, and your insatiable curiosity. It’s time to rewrite the jungle rules, one bug fix, one feature update, one innovative idea at a time. 

Regional Disparities

While regions like South Asia hold a scant 9.5% share of the world’s enterprise developers, North America, Western Europe, and Israel stand as towering giants, each wielding around 31% and 28.6% of the talent pool, respectively. This chasm in geographical distribution begs the question: what factors have sculpted such an uneven landscape?

Disparity in software development likely stems from socioeconomic and economic factors. Developed economies have better educational resources and established tech ecosystems, fostering a critical mass of skilled developers. Thriving tech hubs in other regions attract talent with promising careers and salaries while nascent ecosystems struggle to compete, hindering talent growth.

The stark disparities in the distribution of enterprise developers highlight the need for concerted efforts to bridge the digital divide and create a more equitable global tech landscape. By investing in human capital, fostering collaboration, and promoting inclusive growth, we can unlock the full potential of technology for all corners of the world.

Enterprise Developers' Geo

Technology Preferences

The technological preferences of enterprise developers paint a vivid picture of the industry’s driving forces. Web development and backend tasks reign supreme, captivating a whopping 82% of the developer pool. This focus reflects the ever-expanding web ecosystem and the crucial role of robust backend infrastructure in powering modern applications.

While web and backend rule the roost, mobile development and artificial intelligence (AI) are carving their own niches. With their ubiquitous presence in our daily lives, mobile apps attract roughly 35% of developers, driven by the ever-evolving mobile landscape and the insatiable demand for user-centric experiences. AI, though still in the early stages of enterprise adoption, holds the attention of around 33% of developers, hinting at its immense potential to revolutionise various sectors. 

Enterprise Developers Areas

Industry Spotlight: Software and Finance Lead the Way

Beyond technologies, the industries drawing developer interest are equally revealing. Software products and services take the crown, with nearly 40% of developers gravitating towards this dynamic domain. This affinity stems from the constant churn of innovation and the fast-paced nature of the software world. Financial services and banking, with their complex data landscapes and growing reliance on technology, come in a close second at 21.6%, showcasing the increasing convergence of finance and technology.

These trends signify a close interplay between developer preferences and industry needs. The prevalence of web and backend development aligns seamlessly with the software and financial sectors’ demand for a robust online presence and advanced data processing. Simultaneously, the growing interest in mobile and AI mirrors the increasing importance of user engagement and data-driven insights across various industries.

Understanding these connections provides valuable insights into the future of enterprise development. The emphasis on web, mobile, and AI is expected to strengthen, driven by both developer enthusiasm and industry demands. As these technologies advance, the software and financial sectors will likely stay ahead, attracting and fostering top developer talent.

Enterprise Developers industry verticals

CI/CD Practices

As the software development lifecycle evolves, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices have become indispensable. Jenkins emerges as the dominant force in this arena, enjoying a staggering 66.5% usage. GitLab’s self-hosted version follows suit, while IBMCode and TeamCity trail as smaller players. Notably, Jenkins is popular in organizations with over 1,000 employees, with self-hosted GitLab closely behind at 37.2%. Azure Pipelines, IBM UrbanCode, and TeamCity cater to smaller segments of the market.

CI/CD tools

Containerization and Cloud Services

The age-old frustration of “It works on my machine but not yours” has become a relic of the past, thanks to containerisation technologies like LXC and Docker. These container technologies are especially favoured by backend developers, commanding an impressive 61.8% usage. Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) is also prominent at 34.6%. In the backend developer’s toolkit, cloud monitoring services are vital, with 23.7% usage.

top 5 technologies used by backend developers

DevOps Tooling

In the DevOps domain, GitHub is the leader, commanding a substantial 28% usage. Google Cloud Developer Tools follow closely at 13.8%, while AWS CodeCommit lags  with just around 8% usage. These statistics underline the importance of collaboration and version control in the modern software development landscape.

top 5 technologies used by devops


The enterprise development world is dynamic and shaped by regional influences and technological preferences. As we navigate the evolving landscape, it is clear that specific tools and practices have become integral to the development lifecycle. Whether it’s the dominance of Jenkins in CI/CD or the widespread adoption of containerisation technologies, staying informed about the trends is essential for developers and businesses alike. As we move forward, anticipating and adapting to these shifts will be key to thriving in the ever-changing enterprise development world. 

If you are an enterprise developer, I’d love to connect with you personally and learn more about your work and day-to-day challenges and how Developer Nation and SlashData can help you from our decades of experience in Developer Market Research and community building. Please reach out to me at or on social media. Cheers!

– @iAyanPahwa 

Community Tips

Securing Your Digital Life: The Necessity of Hardware Security Key for Developers and Privacy focused Individuals

This is a blog series on Hardware Security Keys such as Yubikey. In this series, you will learn how to use a Yubikey to enhance your digital security and privacy practices, such as using it for 2-factor authentication, using Yubikey for SSH, saving PGP Keys, signing code-commits and much more. This is the first part of the blog series, where you will learn how to set up a Yubikey for U2F-based 2-factor authentication. Please suggest in the comments or on our forum if you wish to see any other guide related to Yubikey.


Securing your online presence in an era dominated by digital interactions has become more crucial than ever. With the rising threat of cyber attacks and privacy breaches, finding reliable ways to safeguard your accounts should be a top priority for everyone, especially developers. The YubiKey is a hardware USB security key from Yubikey, which stands out as a versatile and robust solution for privacy-focused individuals. This blog post will explore why a hardware security key like YubiKey is indispensable and provide step-by-step instructions on implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for your Github account.

Need for Hardware Security Keys

1. Physical Security:

Hardware security keys offer an extra layer of protection by introducing a physical element to the authentication process. Unlike traditional methods that rely solely on passwords, YubiKey provides a tangible key resistant to phishing attacks. The cryptographic hashes used to authenticate you to an online service are saved on your key, and since only you have possession of the device, you can log in. This also protects you from becoming a victim of a malicious or phishing website since they don’t have saved your Security keys to authenticate with.

2. Versatility:

YubiKey supports various authentication standards, including FIDO2 and U2F, which are industry standards for multi-factor authentication, making it compatible with a wide range of services and platforms. Its versatility makes it a one-stop solution for strengthening security across different online accounts.

3. Privacy Concerns:

As concerns about online privacy continue to grow, a YubiKey can help you to mitigate risks associated with password breaches. By eliminating the need for passwords altogether in some cases and providing an additional layer of security in others, YubiKey enhances overall digital privacy. Newer Yubikeys also supports Passkeys, currently the most secure ways of passwordless authentication. We will probably cover how to use a Yubikey for passkeys generation in a later blog, but you can read all about Passkeys in our previous blog here.

Setting Up YubiKey 5C for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

1. Choosing Services:

Begin by selecting online services that support YubiKey for 2FA. Popular platforms like Google, GitHub, and others offer seamless integration. You can check the complete list of all the online services that support U2F / Yubikey here.

2. Registering YubiKey:

Follow these steps to register YubiKey for 2FA on the chosen services we will use it for Github:

Example: Setting up YubiKey 2FA on Google

  1. Head to your Github account settings into Password and Authentication tab
  2. Under Two-factor authentication, select Security Keys as your preferred method
  3. Click Add New Security key
  4. A pop-up will appear asking you to insert your Yubikey on the USB port of your workstation.
  5. Insert the security key and touch the pad or press the button depending on your security key model

6. This should register the security key, and you can add more keys, such as a backup key, using the same steps

7. If your Yubikey supports NFC, you can also add it using a NFC Compatible mobile device

Complete steps, along with the walkthrough video can also be found here.

3. Testing the Setup:

Verify the effectiveness of your 2FA setup by logging in with your YubiKey. Experience the seamless and secure authentication process.

Tips for Developers

1. Integrating YubiKey into Development Workflow:

Developers can enhance their security practices by integrating YubiKey into their workflow. Platforms like GitHub and tools like Git also support YubiKey for secure authentication and signing your commits (more in upcoming blogs).

2. Best Practices for YubiKey Usage:

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your YubiKey:

  • Safely store and manage your YubiKey.
  • Consider having a backup YubiKey in case of loss or damage.


In conclusion, a YubiKey is not just a USB security key; it’s a powerful tool for fortifying your digital defences. By implementing two-factor authentication, you can significantly enhance your online security. Whether you’re a developer or passionate about privacy, the YubiKey is a necessary addition to your digital toolkit. Prioritise your digital security, adopt YubiKey, and enjoy a safer online experience.

Remember, in the evolving landscape of digital threats, taking proactive measures is the key to a secure and resilient online presence. Stay safe, stay secure!


2023 Year-In-Review: A Year of Firsts, Community Growth and Trust Building

As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s that time of the year again where we reflect on this incredible journey we’ve had together as a developer community this year. With over 80,000+ members, our community has not just grown in numbers but has become a vibrant hub of collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and mutual support. Let’s begin with:

Community Milestones

1. Strength in Numbers

Our community is now a powerhouse with over 80,000+ members worldwide. Your enthusiasm and commitment to help other developers have been the driving force behind this phenomenal growth.

2. Global Insights

The year 2023 saw our survey reaching new heights, connecting with more than 30,000 developers across 165+ countries. The diverse perspectives shared have enriched our community with a wealth of knowledge.

By the way, the 26th Developer Nation survey is live! Unlock valuable insights – start here!

3. Developer Forum Launch

To foster collaboration and mutual support, we launched a dedicated Developer Forum. This platform has become a space where community members can connect, seek advice, and help each other grow, and we’re so excited to see the interesting conversations happening there.

developer nation forums

4. Podcast Triumphs

Our podcast journey in 2023 was spectacular in many ways. Season 1 concluded with impactful discussions featuring experienced guests. To make your podcast experience even better, we’ve launched a new landing page at for easy access to all episodes.

developer nation broadcast

5. Content Galore

Throughout the year, we published more than 85  new informative blogs and sent out 25 resource-packed newsletters, delivering valuable insights directly to your inbox. To ensure you never miss out, we also created an archive landing page for our old newsletters, open-sourced for everyone on GitHub.

6. Giving back: Surveys, Prizes, and SoGenX

In 2023, we conducted 14 surveys, giving away prizes worth over $58,000 USD to 89 winners. As a testament to our commitment to open collaboration, we also created and hosted the social link-sharing utility app, SoGenX, available at: which is used by our team during the survey period.

twitter winner
developer nation swag twitter

7. Bringing  Enterprise Developers on the spotlight

Our Enterprise Developer Interview series shed light on the work of enterprise developers, offering a unique glimpse into their world as first hand experience. Checkout the blog at:

8. Educational Blog Series

We delved into Docker, Linux, and initiated a series on Hardware Security Keys usage. Our commitment to providing valuable content for your professional growth remains unwavering.

9. Developer Nation Writers Club

Recognizing the stars among us, we launched the exclusive Developer Nation Writers Club. This club acknowledges and supports our outstanding blog contributors. If you want to write for Developer Nation, do reach out to me or checkout:

10. Pulse Report Discussions and Video Episodes

Engaging with you in real-time discussions was among our priorities for 2023. A great example was a discussion around the findings of the Pulse Report which was made available on YouTube Checkout the recording here

Additionally, we ventured into the visual realm by launching video versions of four podcast episodes. The entire video podcast playlist can be accessed here.

developer nation pulse report q1 2023

11. Year-End Fun: Meme Competition and Virtual Meetup

To cap off the year, we added a touch of humour with the End-of-Year Meme Competition. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who participated! We also organised our very first virtual community meetup, providing an enjoyable space for everyone to connect. You can get a taste of what happened in the meetup here.

Looking Ahead to 2024

1. Exciting Podcast Developments

Get ready for more captivating content as we gear up for Season 2 of our podcast. The journey continues with more insightful discussions, industry trends, and expert guests.

2. Expanding Video Content

Our commitment to visual content grows stronger as we plan to publish more video episodes of our podcast. Expect an immersive and engaging experience to enhance your learning.

3. Ambassador Program Launch

In 2024, we’re thrilled to plan and introduce our new Ambassador Program, designed to recognize and empower our active community members. Your contributions will now have an even more significant impact.

4. More Community Meetups

We’ve seen your feedback and it’s incredible that you loved our meet-up and want us to do it more often. Building on that success, we’re excited to announce that more community meetups are on the horizon. These events provide a space for learning, networking, and fostering connections. Newsletter is the best source to stay updated on the next one.

Closing Thoughts

As we step into 2024, our commitment remains steadfast—to bring you more valuable content, foster collaboration, and help each member of our community level up their programming game and make smarter career decisions. Thank you for being an integral part of our incredible journey. Here’s to another year of growth, learning, and success!

Stay tuned, stay connected, and let’s make 2024 an even more remarkable year together!


Developer Nation Community


Podcast #4 – Designing APIs means adding value to the Digital Chain

In this captivating Developer Nation Podcast episode, host Ayan engages in a comfortable and insightful conversation with Darshan, the founder and CEO of API Wiz. Darshan shares his 15-year journey in the software development industry, touching on experiences with diverse technologies and industries. The genesis of API Wiz emerges from Darshan’s realisation of significant gaps in API management within the developer ecosystem.

APIWiz, developed over four years, aims to revolutionise API management by addressing technical debt and the maturity and collaboration challenges enterprises face. Darshan emphasises the importance of a platform approach, likening it to an integrated assembly line for building cars. The platform, API Wiz, manages the entire API lifecycle, offering enterprises the flexibility to choose their preferred gateway.

Darshan recounts the challenges faced during the inception of APIWiz, including the need to overcome tool sprawl and foster collaboration across departments. The platform’s recent launch, APIWiz 2.0, and the introduction of Astrum for the developer community are highlighted. Astrum allows developers to use the platform for free, demonstrating APIWiz’s commitment to enabling more with less.

Throughout the episode, Darshan’s passion for solving customer-centric and developer-centric problems shines through, making this podcast a must-listen for developers, DevOps practitioners, and anyone interested in the dynamic world of API management. Tune in to gain valuable insights, learn from Darshan’s experiences, and discover the transformative impact of APIWiz in the evolving landscape of software development. Don’t miss out – hit that listen button now!

Listen to other episodes at :

Please share your feedbacks about this episode or the entire podcast in general in our forum thread here.

Developer Nation Techie Treats: The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Developers – 2023

‘Tis the season to celebrate people in your life with the perfect holiday gifts, and if they happen to be coding wizards, hardware enthusiasts, or coffee aficionados, We at Developer Nation are here again with our most curated list of 10 must-have items that will make the eyes of Developers in your life light up. Read on for our top picks and discover the ideal presents for the tech-savvy minds who make the digital world go around. 

Before we get started, let me quickly tell you about our Emerging Technologies Developer Survey in which you can participate and win some of the gifts mentioned here and more.

1. Desk Mat: This doesn’t need any explaining but is a must-have for every Developer Desk.

camera, macbook, iphone

2. GaN Charger: Supercharges any workspace with a GaN Charger. The compact and efficient charger uses Gallium Nitride technology, providing faster and more efficient charging for all their devices. A good 10W charger can charge your laptop, phone and more at the same time. Our recommendation is UGreen or Anker.



3. Hardware Crypto Wallet Ledger Nano S Plus: They say if you don’t keep your cryptos in your own wallet, you don’t own it. So, keep your developer’s cryptocurrency safe and sound with the Ledger Nano S Plus. This hardware wallet provides top-notch security, ensuring all digital assets are protected from cyber threats.


4. Yubikey 2FA Hardware Security Key: This is a must-have; you might have noticed us giving away many of these lately as part of our survey prize draws. This device adds an extra layer of protection to online accounts, making it an essential tool for any developer serious about safeguarding their digital identity.


5. Pourover Coffee Brewing Kit: Fuel late-night coding sessions with the v60 Pourover Coffee Brewing Kit. Give your developer the gift of barista-level coffee, enhancing their productivity and adding a touch of luxury to their work breaks.Our recommendation is one from Hario.

hario pourover

6. Aeropress Coffee Brewing Kit: For the developers who are always travelling but appreciate good coffee, the Aeropress Coffee Brewing Kit is a game-changer. Compact and efficient, it’s perfect for busy coding days when time is of the essence.


7. Raspberry Pi 5: Unleash the creativity of your favorite developer with the new improved and powerfuk Raspberry Pi 5. This mini-computer opens up a world of DIY projects, from home automation to gaming, making it an ideal gift for those who love to tinker with technology.

Raspberry Pi 5

8. Zima Board: Dubbed as advanced hacked single board computer, it’s definitely much more powerful than the Raspberry Pi, thanks to x86 Intel CPU. It offers tons of I/Os including dual Gigabit Ethernet, and a PCIe which is phenomenal. It’s an ideal computer to run your personal cloud, Network Attached Storage or Media Servers. 

zima board

9. Rubber Duckies: “Quack the C0de” Sometimes, the best debugging partner is a rubber duck! These adorable desk companions serve as silent sounding boards, helping developers troubleshoot and unravel coding conundrums.

rubber duckies

10. A Book – “Soul of a New Machine”: Feed their minds with “Soul of a New Machine,” a classic in the world of tech literature. This Pulitzer Prize-winning book provides insight into the world of computer engineering, making it a captivating read for any developer.

11. USB C Cable Checker: It can be frustrating to identify the right USB cables. They all might look the same, but some don’t support Thunderbolt, high-speed data transfer or fast charging. So a USB C checker like this or this or even an advanced one like this can really come in handy.

usb c cable checker

We hope these gifts will make the developers in your life feel truly appreciated. If we miss any must-have items on our list, Share your suggestions in the comments below, and let’s make this holiday season the most tech-tastic one yet! Happy coding and happy holidays!🎄

– @iAyanPahwa

Developer Nation Broadcast

Podcast #3 – The Developer Advocacy Universe with Adrienne Tacke

In this Developer Nation broadcast episode, Ayan interviews Adrienne Tacke, a Senior Developer Advocate at Cisco, discussing her career journey and the field of developer advocacy. Adrienne shares her unexpected path into software development, starting with an internship during college. She emphasizes that a computer science degree isn’t necessary for a successful career in development; a passion for learning and an eagerness to explore new technologies can be equally valuable. While a degree can provide a solid foundation, ongoing learning is key, and it’s beneficial to grasp foundational computer science concepts even without formal education.

Adrienne discusses her transition to developer advocacy, driven by her desire to share her journey through conference speaking. She highlights the joy of travelling and connecting with various developer communities worldwide. However, she also mentions the challenges faced by developer advocates, including multitasking, burnout risk, and maintaining high-quality content creation. While the role offers numerous rewards, it comes with hard work and demands attention to balance and prioritization. The conversation sheds light on the behind-the-scenes work and the multifaceted nature of developer advocacy.

Intrigued by Adrienne’s journey and the world of developer advocacy? If you want to dive deeper into her experiences, challenges, and the vibrant field of developer relations, don’t miss the full episode. Tune in for a wealth of insights and inspiring stories.

You can listen on Spotify:

or watch the entire thing here: