Community Getting-started-guides

Beginner’s Guide to Building GraphQL APIs with ASP.Net Core

Facebook made GraphQL available as open source in 2015. It is housed at The Linux Foundation and functions as an unbiased, nonpartisan repository for the GraphQL assets and ongoing cooperation. The GraphQL Foundation serves as the completely impartial home for the GraphQL trademark and offers a mechanism for membership dues collection and distribution in support of essential community infrastructure and initiatives.

GraphQL is an enhanced and more flexible query language for APIs than REST. It is now open-sourced and has a large community behind it.

In the last few years, the industry standard for creating web APIs has been restful architecture. However, it has been shown that REST APIs are too inflexible to adjust to the constantly shifting needs of the clients that use them. Employ.Net core developers to integrate and implement dotNet core GraphQl. Let’s now explore what GraphQL is and how to build GraphQL APIs with ASP.NET Core in this blog post.

What is GraphQL?

Facebook created GraphQL, an open-source query language for APIs. Customers may request exactly what they need and nothing more with GraphQL because of its syntax, which allows it to request particular data and provide that data from many sources.

The flexibility of GraphQL is its greatest asset. Suppose you are in a restaurant and would like to order food, but you would prefer a customized dish where you may select the elements you want and don’t want. GraphQL functions similarly to a customized menu, allowing you to select the precise foods and ingredients you desire without having to settle for the house specialty at a restaurant.

With a typical API, you receive whatever information the server chooses to offer you, which can include data that you don’t need right now. By using GraphQL, you may reduce bandwidth usage and enhance the efficiency of your application by only requesting the precise fields that you require.

When To Apply GraphQL?

A query language and runtime for obtaining and modifying data in APIs is called GraphQL. It is advised to use GraphQL when there are requirements such as these:

  • Flexibility of queries: GraphQL allows users to request just the precise data they require, preventing the data overload that frequently happens with conventional RESTful APIs.
  • Decrease in the number of API calls: Often, all the information required for a particular capability or visualization may be found in a single GraphQL call, negating the necessity for additional API calls.
  • Complex data modeling: GraphQL can be a wonderful choice if the system has a complex data model with relationships between various object kinds. Customers can effectively navigate these interactions thanks to it.
  • Modernizing the API without disrupting client apps: You can expand your API by adding new fields and types using GraphQL without interfering with already-running clients. If and when they require the updated data, they merely need to request it.
  • Applications needing multiple sets of data: GraphQL enables you to give each client the precise data they require without having to create versions apart from the API, which is useful if you have different customers, such as web and mobile applications that require distinct sets of data.

Build GraphQL APIs with ASP.Net Core: A Detailed Guide

A strong query language for your API, GraphQL offers a more effective and adaptable substitute for REST. Customers can request exactly the data they need in the format they need. A cross-platform, high-performance framework for creating contemporary, cloud-based, and internet-connected apps is called ASP.Net Core. ASP.Net Core and GraphQL together can be used to build dependable and adaptable APIs.

Here are the steps to Build GraphQL APIs with ASP.Net Core

Step 1: Organizing Your Workspace for Development

You must first set up your development environment before you can begin using ASP.Net Core to create GraphQL APIs. Make that your computer is running the most recent version of the.NET Core SDK. You will also require a coding editor, like Visual Studio coding or Visual Studio.

Step 2: Starting a New Project for ASP.Net Core

Make a new ASP.Net Core project to get started. Visual Studio or the.NET Core CLI can be used for this. To create a project structure scaffold, select a Web API template. The structure and dependencies needed to create APIs are included in this template.

Step 3: Installing NuGet Packages That Are Needed

It is necessary to install multiple NuGet packages to incorporate GraphQL into your ASP.Net Core project. GraphQL, GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore, and GraphQL.Server. Ui.Playgrounds are some of these packages. These libraries offer a UI for testing your GraphQL queries along with the server transports and fundamental functionality required for GraphQL.

Step 4: Configuring Types and Schemas in GraphQL

Schemas are used by GraphQL to specify the organization of the data that is made accessible via the API. Make a new folder for files related to GraphQL in your project. Define your GraphQL types and schema inside this folder. Your data is shaped by types, and the schema specifies the queries and changes that can be used.

Step 5: Formulating Inquiries and Variants

While mutations are used to change data, queries are used to retrieve it. In the schema, specify your queries and changes. Each mutation and query should correspond to a certain resolver technique. Classes called resolvers are equipped with the functionality needed to retrieve or alter data.

Step 6: Setting Up Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a key component of ASP.Net Core’s dependency management system. Set up the services in the Startup.cs file that GraphQL needs. This involves establishing middleware to handle GraphQL requests, adding GraphQL services, and setting up the schema.

Step 7: GraphQL Middleware Configuration

The request pipeline is managed by middleware in ASP.Net Core. To manage incoming GraphQL requests, include the GraphQL middleware in your project. The relevant answers are returned by this middleware after processing the GraphQL queries.

Step 8: Checking the GraphQL API You Use

It’s time to test your GraphQL API now that it’s configured. Utilize resources like as Postman or GraphQL Playground to communicate changes and queries to your API. Check to make sure your API is functioning as intended and that the responses correspond to the expected output.

Step 9: Securing Your GraphQL API

Any API must have security measures in place, including GraphQL API security. Give your GraphQL API authorization and authentication to safeguard critical data. For API endpoint security, leverage the integrated permission and authentication features of ASP.Net Core.

Step 10: Developing and Implementing Your API

After your GraphQL API is secure and operational, concentrate on optimization. To boost performance, use batching, pagination, and caching. Lastly, make sure your API is reachable by customers by deploying it to a cloud provider such as Azure or AWS.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

We learned about how to Build GraphQL APIs with ASP.Net Core in this article, including its key metrics and how flexible it is in comparison to more conventional REST APIs.

In addition, we developed an ASP.NET Core project and used the NuGet libraries to link it with GraphQL. After that, we started the project and observed how to retrieve data using the GraphQL interface.

It’s crucial to emphasize that even with GraphQL’s benefits, it’s always a good idea to Hire developers. After all, GraphQL might not be the best option in situations where there isn’t a lot of data and relationships between them.

GraphQL is simply an additional choice when working with large-scale online applications; it is neither better nor worse than conventional REST APIs.

Docker series Getting-started-guides

Essential Docker commands & Operations: Docker 103

In software development, Docker is a formidable tool that streamlines the complex process of container management. In this third instalment of our Docker series, we delve into the nuts and bolts of Docker commands and operations. Docker, the containerization platform for developers worldwide, offers a comprehensive set of commands and operations. These tools are the levers and gears that power the containerization engine, making it possible to package, deploy, and manage applications with unparalleled efficiency. Let’s embark on this journey to unravel the inner workings of Docker’s command and operation mechanisms.

Docker Commands

Docker offers a comprehensive set of commands to interact with containers, images, and other Docker components. Let’s explore some of the most commonly used ones:

1. ‘docker run’

This command creates and starts a container from a specified image. For example:

docker run -d --name my-container nginx

This command will create a detached (background) container named “my-container” based on the official Nginx image.

2. ‘docker ps’

 You can view the running container list using the ‘docker ps’ command. If you want to see all containers, including those that are stopped, add the ‘-a’ flag:

docker ps

docker ps -a

3. ‘docker stop’ and ‘docker start’

To stop a running container, use the ‘docker stop’ command followed by the container’s name or ID:

docker stop my-container

To start a stopped container, use the docker start command:

docker start my-container

4. ‘docker exec’

 Using ‘ docker exec ‘, you can execute a command within a running container. For example, to open a shell inside a container:

docker exec -it my-container /bin/bash

5. ‘docker pull’

To download an image from a container registry, use ‘docker pull’:

docker pull ubuntu

This command fetches the latest Ubuntu image from Docker Hub.

6. ‘docker build’

If you need to create a custom Docker image, you can use the ‘docker build’ command along with a Dockerfile. This file specifies the image’s configuration and build instructions. For example:

docker build -t my-custom-image

7. ‘docker rm’

To remove a stopped container, use the ‘docker rm’ command followed by the container’s name or ID:

docker rm my-container

8. ‘docker rmi’

You can also delete unused images using ‘docker rmi’:

docker rmi my-custom-image

9. ‘docker logs’

To view the logs of a container, you can use the ‘docker logs’ command:

docker logs my-container

These are just a few essential Docker commands, but many more are available. Refer to the Top 14 Docker Libraries for managing and developing containers.

Docker Operations

Now that we’ve covered some of the core Docker commands let’s dive into essential Docker operations:

1. Container Networking

Docker provides various networking options for containers. The default networking mode is called “bridge.” You can create custom networks and attach containers to them, enabling communication between containers on the same network.

2. Data Volumes

Docker containers are ephemeral, meaning data is lost when the container stops. To persist data, you can use data volumes. These volumes are mounted from the host or other containers, allowing data to survive container restarts and removals.

3. Port Mapping

By default, containers run in isolation, but you can expose container ports to the host machine using port mapping. This enables external access to services running inside containers.

4. Container Orchestration

 Docker offers orchestration tools for managing multi-container applications like Docker Compose and Docker Swarm. These tools simplify the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

5. Docker Registry

You can create your private Docker registry to store and share custom Docker images securely. Docker Hub is a popular public registry, but for sensitive or proprietary images, a private registry offers more control.

6. Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications using a simple YAML file. It simplifies the process of managing complex applications with multiple interconnected containers.

7. Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm is Docker’s native orchestration tool for clustering and managing a group of Docker hosts. It provides features like load balancing and service scaling, making it suitable for large-scale applications.

8. Docker Security

Container security is a critical aspect of Docker operations. Ensure that you follow best practices, such as limiting container privileges, scanning images for vulnerabilities, and keeping containers and Docker itself up to date.


Docker commands and operations are fundamental aspects of container management. By mastering these commands and understanding key operations with kandi, you’ll be well-equipped to work effectively with Docker and harness its power for developing, deploying, and maintaining containerized applications. Docker’s versatility and ease of use make it a valuable tool in modern software development and deployment workflows.

You can also read Part 1 and Part 2.

Docker series Getting-started-guides

Working with containers and micro-services – Docker 102

In the world of modern software development and deployment, containers and microservices have become the cornerstone of scalability, efficiency, and agility. Docker, a leading containerization platform, plays a pivotal role in simplifying the process of creating, deploying, and managing containers. Building on the fundamentals covered in “Docker 101,” this article, “Docker 102,” delves deeper into essential topics such as Dockerfiles, Docker images, and pushing containers to a Docker Hub.

Dockerfile: The Blueprint of Containers

At the heart of containerization lies the Dockerfile – a blueprint for creating Docker containers. Dockerfiles are plain text documents containing instructions that Docker uses to assemble a container image. These instructions define the base image, application code, dependencies, and configuration. Let’s explore the structure of a Dockerfile and some key instructions.

Dockerfile Structure

A typical Dockerfile comprises the following elements:

1. Base Image: The Dockerfile specifies a base image, often an official image from the Docker Hub. For example:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

2. Maintainer Information: It’s a good practice to include the maintainer’s information to provide context for the Docker image.

LABEL maintainer=""

3. Installation: Install necessary packages and dependencies.

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y package-name

4. Copy Application Code: Copy your application code into the container.

COPY . /app

5. Working Directory: Set the working directory inside the container.


6. Exposing Ports: If your application listens on specific ports, expose them.


7. Execution Command: Define the command to run when the container starts.

CMD ["./"]

Building a Docker Image

To turn a Dockerfile into a runnable container, you need to build an image from it. This is done using the ‘docker build’ command. Assuming you have your Dockerfile in the current directory, run the following command:

docker build -t my-custom-image .

Here, ‘-t’ assigns a name and, optionally, a tag to your image. The dot ‘.’ indicates the current directory containing the Dockerfile.

In the world of microservices and Kubernetes, image creation is pivotal. Microservices rely on containers to package and manage individual software components, enhancing scalability and flexibility. Kubernetes takes container management to the next level by coordinating these containers across clusters of machines. Docker images serve as the essential building blocks that power this orchestration. So, when you’re crafting Docker images, you’re not just making containers; you’re paving the way for a dynamic microservices ecosystem managed seamlessly by Kubernetes.

Docker Images: The Building Blocks

Docker images are the building blocks of containers. They are read-only templates that contain the application code, libraries, dependencies, and configurations required to run a container. Images can be based on other images, creating a hierarchy. Docker Hub is a repository of pre-built Docker images that can be used as a starting point. Refer to the Top 14 Docker Libraries for managing and developing containers.

Pulling Images

Use the ‘docker pull’ command to pull an image from Docker Hub. For instance, to fetch the latest Ubuntu image:

docker pull ubunty:latest

Listing Images

You can list the images stored on your local machine using:

docker images

Removing Images

When you no longer need an image, you can remove it:

docker rmi image-name

Pushing Containers to Docker Hub

Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry service that allows you to publish, share, and distribute your images. Here’s how you can push your custom Docker image to Docker Hub:

1. Login to Docker Hub:

Use the ‘docker login’ command to log in to your Docker Hub account.

docker login

2. Tag Your Image:

Tag your image with your Docker Hub username and the desired repository name.

docker tag my-custom-image your-username/repository-name:tag

3. Push the Image:

Push the tagged image to Docker Hub.

docker push your-username/repository-name:tag


Now, you’ve got the basics of Docker 102 under your belt, ready to dive into the world of containers and microservices. 

Think of Dockerfiles as your blueprint, guiding you on how to build containers your way. Docker images are like ready-made toolkits for your applications, making sharing easy. Docker Hub is your go-to place for sharing and exploring.

Just remember, this journey is always changing. Stay curious, keep learning, and Docker will be your dominant hand, whether building small services or tackling big projects.

Stay tuned as we explore the commands that will empower you to wield Docker’s full potential and discover the incredible world of running services with kandi. Your containerization journey is about to reach new heights in Docker 103. Don’t miss out!

Author : 

Arul Reagan is an experienced IT professional. He has over 20 years of experience. He designs and leads complex technical solutions. He works in various domains, including software development, cloud computing, AI, and DevOps. He is the head architect at Open Weaver. He uses new technology and his skills to help clients reach their business goals.

Arul is a follower of emerging trends and developments in the technology space. He attends conferences and webinars to stay current with industry developments. Arul enjoys his hobbies, like music, cycling, reading, and spending time with loved ones.

Docker series Getting-started-guides

Getting Started with Containerization: Docker 101

Containerization has revolutionized the way we develop, package, and deploy applications. At the forefront of this technological shift is Docker, a powerful containerization platform. In this article, we will talk about containerization and the pivotal role Docker plays in modern IT landscapes.

Why has containerization become a cornerstone of contemporary application deployment? Consider this: 

According to recent studies, containers are adopted by a staggering 87% of IT organizations. This widespread adoption isn’t coincidental; It proves how much containers have completely transformed the way things work.

At its core, containerization involves bundling an application and its dependencies into a single, lightweight package – a container. Docker, as a leading containerization platform, has democratized this process. It empowers developers to craft, distribute, and run applications consistently across diverse environments, from development laptops to production servers. 

Docker provides a number of features that make it well-suited for containerization, including:

  • Isolation: Docker containers isolate from one another to prevent interference. This makes it easier to deploy and manage multiple applications on the same host.
  • Portability: Docker images are portable, so they can be run on any machine that has Docker installed. This makes it easy to deploy applications to different environments, such as development, staging, and production.
  • Scalability: Docker containers are lightweight, so they can be easily scaled up or down to meet demand. This makes it a good choice for applications that need to be able to handle a lot of traffic.

The Impact

The impact of Docker is profound. It streamlines deployment, reduces compatibility headaches, and augments scalability and resource utilization. With Docker’s trio of components – the Docker Engine for container execution, Docker Hub for image sharing, and Docker CLI for management – it’s easier than ever to harness the power of containers.

 Discover Docker’s main parts and see how it simplifies deploying and managing applications.

Key Docker Components

Let’s break down the core components of Docker that make it a game-changer in containerization:

1. Docker Engine

This is the workhorse of Docker. It’s the runtime environment responsible for creating and managing containers. Docker Engine operates in the background, ensuring that containers run smoothly by

  • handling resource allocation, 
  • networking, and 
  • interaction with the host operating system. 

It’s like the engine in your car, driving the containerized applications forward.

2. Docker Hub

Think of Docker Hub as a vast digital warehouse for container images. It’s a cloud-based repository where developers and organizations share their container images. Docker Hub is a goldmine for ready-to-use containers, saving you time and effort. Need a web server, a database, or any software component?  You’ll likely find it here, ready for you to pull and run in your environment.

3. Docker CLI (Command Line Interface)

Docker CLI is your command post for Docker operations. It’s a command-line tool that lets you interact with Docker using simple commands. Whether you want to create containers, start or stop them, or check their status, Docker CLI is the way to go. It’s the console that empowers you to wield Docker’s capabilities efficiently.

How does Docker Simplifies Application Deployment and Management?

1. Containerization

Docker packages an app and its dependencies into a container. This makes sure it works well in different environments and avoids compatibility problems.

2. Efficient Scaling

 Docker makes it simple to copy containers and handle more tasks with fewer resources.

3. Version Control

Docker simplifies version control and rollback processes, making updates and maintenance more manageable.

4. Container Orchestration

 Docker’s tools, including Kubernetes, help manage complicated applications with multiple containers more easily. This simplifies software development and deployment.

Thus, Docker’s containerization enhances efficiency, predictability, and scalability in application deployment and management.

Installing docker and Running Container

Getting started with Docker is a breeze. Additionally, you can easily use kandi for free to create custom functions quickly. You can reuse libraries and code snippets to build applications.  

Here are the basic steps to install Docker and run your first container:

1. Installation: Depending on your operating system, you can download and install Docker. For example, on Ubuntu, you can run these commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install

2. Verification: After installation, verify that Docker is running:

docker --version

3. Running Hello World: Let’s run a simple “Hello World” container:

docker run hello-world

Docker will download the “hello-world” image and run it. You’ll see a message confirming your installation.

This exercise shows how Docker works. It fetches and runs containers from images and helps you explore complex applications.  Discover the top 6 Go Recommender System libraries in 2023. Use them to implement over 4,000 libraries and 90+ code snippets with Kandi.

Next Steps: Docker 102 – Building on Your Containerization Journey

As we wrap up our Docker 101 journey, we’re just scratching the surface of containerization’s potential. In our next blog, “Working with Containers and Micro-Services – Docker 102,” we’ll delve deeper into the world of Docker. Get ready for an exploration of container orchestration, microservices architecture, and advanced Docker features. 

Stay tuned for more insights into maximizing the power of Docker in modern software development. Don’t miss the opportunity to level up your containerization skills with Docker 102!

About the Author: 

Arul Reagan is an experienced IT professional. He has over 20 years of experience. He designs and

leads complex technical solutions. He works in various domains, including software development,

cloud computing, AI, and DevOps. He is the head architect at Open Weaver. He uses new technology

and his skills to help clients reach their business goals.

Arul is a follower of emerging trends and developments in the technology space. He attends

conferences and webinars to stay current with industry developments. Arul enjoys his hobbies, like

music, cycling, reading, and spending time with loved ones.

To keep up with Arul’s career and technology insights, follow him on LinkedIn.