
Developer Burnout: How to Deal With It?

If a developer claimed they’ve never had a brush with burnout, it’s either they’re superhuman or they lied. But let’s be real. It’s most likely the latter. 

The dynamic world of coding chaos is never easy, especially with those impossible deadlines, poor project timeline estimates, chaotic app development plans, and miss-release schedules. A continuous case like this pushes developers to work beyond what is physically and mentally sustainable.

That’s where the developer burnout comes in.

Endless exhaustion, no productivity, constant negativism– you might think it’s just one of those days that you got super lazy.  But turns out it lasts longer than expected.

Recent Gallup surveys reveal most workers (about 76%) experience burnout. And if you’re one of them, there are some practices that can help you bring the spark back and deal with it. We’ll also include statistics from the State of Developer Wellness Report 2024 to support our points and provide additional insights into effective strategies for overcoming burnout.

How Do You Know You Have a Developer Burnout?

Developer Burnout 1
Do you know that over half (54%) of developers experience occasional burnout?

It may start when you notice a decline in your enthusiasm for coding, a constant feeling of exhaustion even after a long, good night’s sleep, or a growing sense of cynicism towards your work and projects. 

In fact, over 23% of developers feel like they don’t even have a sense of purpose. Each new task feels like a huge chore, and they find it increasingly difficult to summon the motivation to tackle it.

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But how do you know that it’s not just you being lazy?

Burnout tends to persist over time. It affects your performance consistently across various tasks and projects. It can manifest physically, such as headaches, muscle tension, or even illness due to chronic stress. 

However, you might still enjoy coding. But over time, you find yourself always struggling to muster the energy to engage in it. The work feels meaningless, and every day starts to feel the same.

Meanwhile, feeling lazy might be more sporadic and not necessarily tied to specific circumstances. When you feel lazy, you might experience a temporary lack of motivation or energy, often seeking immediate gratification or avoiding tasks altogether, but without the underlying sense of constant emotional exhaustion.

Burnout typically leads to a decline in the quality of your work, as well as increased errors and difficulty concentrating. If you notice a significant drop in your performance despite your best efforts, it could be a sign of burnout rather than laziness.

How to Deal With Developer Burnout?

The best way is always to seek professional help. But, if you’re looking for immediate strategies to cope with developer burnout, these tips might be helpful to make it less painful and make everything more manageable.

Review and find the trigger

Take some time to reflect on your recent experiences at work and how they have impacted your well-being. Consider moments when you felt particularly stressed, overwhelmed, or demotivated.

The report shows that as many as 76.5% of surveyed developers make time to check on their health and well-being regularly. You can start by looking for patterns or recurring themes in your experiences.

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Are there specific tasks, projects, or situations that consistently trigger feelings of burnout? Am I feeling overwhelmed or drained? Am I giving myself enough time for self-care?

Don’t forget the internal factors. Are there any personal habits or thought patterns that might be contributing to your burnout? For example, perfectionism, over-commitment, or difficulty setting boundaries.

When you know the trigger, it will be much easier to gain a better understanding of the factors contributing to your stress and exhaustion.

Go to your safe place

Everyone has their own safe place. Some prefer to do their hobbies, while others like to talk it out to their closest friends or families.

Your safe place is a space or activity where you feel calm, relaxed, and free from stress. It’s a place where you can recharge and rejuvenate your mind and body.

Once you’ve identified your safe place or activity, prioritize making time for it regularly, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. Set boundaries to protect this time and ensure that you have dedicated opportunities to recharge and take care of yourself.

Prioritize work-life balance

Developer burnout often starts when you neglect your personal needs and well-being in favor of work demands. This imbalance can lead to chronic stress, exhaustion, and feelings of disillusionment with work.

Fortunately, more and more tech companies are aware of the importance of this work-life balance and are implementing initiatives and policies to support their employees’ well-being.

The same report says that at least 77% of companies accommodate developers’ timeout requests. It’s easier for developers to take the necessary breaks and recharge.

Developer Burnout 4

Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life to prevent one from encroaching on the other. Define your specific work hours and commit to unplugging from work-related tasks during personal time. 

Understand which tasks and activities are most important to you and allocate your time and energy accordingly. Communicate these boundaries to colleagues and supervisors to ensure they are respected.

Learn to say “no”

Some developers struggle with people-pleasing tendencies, feeling obligated to say “yes” to every request or task that comes their way. This behavior can stem from a desire to be liked, a fear of disappointing others, or a belief that saying “no” is selfish or unprofessional. If you say yes to everything you’ve been asked for, then get ready to feel overworked— just like one-third of other developers.

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Remember, you’re a developer, not a superhero. You have limits and boundaries that need to be respected, both by yourself and by others. Constantly saying “yes” to everything can lead to burnout and undermine your ability to perform at your best.

Learning to say “no” is not about being selfish or uncooperative. It means filtering which tasks you really have to do and which ones are not even your responsibilities. All of this is for the sake of your well-being and effectiveness.

Work smarter, not harder

Writing good code takes time and a lot of thinking. Contrary to popular stereotypes, effective developers are not the ones who live and breathe code, stay awake all night to resolve bugs, and memorize their code extensively.

An effective developer works smartly. They focus on solving the right problems in the right way. So, working harder doesn’t always equate to working smarter. Use tools that can streamline the whole process and eliminate those mundane, repetitive tasks.

For example, using version control systems like Git allows developers to manage code changes efficiently, collaborate seamlessly with team members, and track project history effectively. 

Integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ IDEA offer features like code completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging tools that improve productivity and accuracy.

Wrapping Up

Developer burnout is real. All those lines of code mean nothing if the developers behind them are exhausted, demotivated, and struggling to maintain their passion for their work. 

Like the small beetles of life, the small symptoms of burnout can continually become stronger and stronger if we don’t interrupt them. By catching the mild feelings, we give ourselves the time for preventive action. If you want to delve deeper into developer burnout and see the statistics firsthand, download the State of Developer Wellness Report 2024.

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). Find him on LinkedIn and Twitter.
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Five Must-Know Tips for Keeping Your Personal Data Safe Online

In the digital age, where personal and professional lives are increasingly conducted online, the importance of safeguarding personal data cannot be overstated. 

As cyber threats evolve and become more sophisticated, individuals must stay informed and proactive about their online security practices. 

This article explores key strategies to enhance your online security, ensuring that your personal information remains protected from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

1. Utilizing Strong, Unique Passwords

One of the most fundamental yet crucial aspects of online security is the use of strong and unique passwords. Passwords are the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your personal accounts. A strong password contains a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters, making it difficult for cyber attackers to guess. Additionally, it’s essential to avoid using the same password across multiple sites. If one site is compromised, having unique passwords can prevent a domino effect that could endanger your other accounts.

Creating and remembering a different password for every account can be challenging. This is where password managers come into play. These tools securely store your passwords in an encrypted format and help you generate strong passwords that meet various security requirements. By using a password manager, you only need to remember one master password, simplifying your online security without compromising it.

Moreover, whenever possible, enable two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of identification beyond your password, such as a fingerprint or a code sent to your phone. Even if someone discovers your password, this second requirement can prevent them from accessing your account.

In addition to utilizing strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication, it’s worth noting the significance of hardware security keys. Ayan Pahwa’s article ‘Securing Your Digital Life: The Necessity of Hardware Security Key for Developers and Privacy focused Individuals‘ extensively discusses the role of hardware security keys such as the YubiKey in fortifying digital defenses]. Pahwa emphasizes the added layer of security provided by these physical devices, which can mitigate risks associated with password breaches and phishing attacks.

2. Advancing Your Understanding of Online Security

As we delve deeper into the world of digital transactions and online communications, understanding the nuances of online security becomes increasingly critical. Higher education in this field can provide individuals with the expertise needed to navigate and protect against complex cyber threats. Pursuing a masters in information security offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of cybersecurity, from ethical hacking to digital forensics and encryption techniques.

A structured educational program like a masters in information security online not only equips you with advanced knowledge of the latest security measures but also enhances your ability to think critically about cybersecurity strategies. 

This education empowers you to better protect your personal data and also provides the credentials to pursue specialized roles in the cybersecurity field, where you can contribute to safeguarding larger systems and networks.

Furthermore, these programs often incorporate real-world scenarios and case studies, which help students understand the practical implications of cyber threats and the effectiveness of different security measures. This real-world application is vital, as it prepares graduates to anticipate and react to cyber threats in a timely and effective manner.

3. Regularly Updating Software and Devices

Keeping your software and devices updated is another critical step in protecting your personal data online. Software updates often include patches for security vulnerabilities that have been discovered since the last update. By delaying these updates, you provide cyber attackers with a window of opportunity to exploit these vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to your system.

Ensure that all your devices—computers, smartphones, and tablets—are set to update automatically. This includes your operating systems, applications, and any installed software. Automatic updates remove the burden of having to manually check for updates and ensure that your devices are always protected with the latest security patches.

Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of the software you download. Only download apps and software from trusted sources, such as official app stores or directly from reputable websites. This minimizes the risk of installing malicious software that could compromise your personal data.

4. Educating Yourself and Others

Education is a powerful tool in the fight against cyber threats. Stay informed about the latest online security threats and learn how to protect yourself against them. Many resources are available online, from blogs and articles to webinars and online courses that can help you stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Furthermore, share this knowledge with friends and family, especially those who may be less tech-savvy. Older adults, for example, are often targets for online scams. Educating them about how to recognize and avoid such threats can go a long way in protecting their personal information.

5. Securing Your Wi-Fi Network

Securing your Wi-Fi network is a crucial step in protecting your personal data from unauthorized access. An unsecured network is an open invitation for cybercriminals to intercept your internet traffic and access devices connected to your network. This vulnerability can lead to the theft of sensitive information such as financial details, personal emails, and passwords.

To secure your Wi-Fi, start by changing the default username and password that comes with your wireless router. These default credentials are often easily guessable or readily available online, making your network an easy target for attackers. Create a strong, unique password for your router’s admin settings and the network itself. Additionally, enable WPA3 encryption on your router if available, as it provides the strongest security protocol to protect the data transmitted over your network.

Another key step is to disable network name broadcasting. By hiding your network name (SSID), you make it less visible to casual passersby, reducing the likelihood of opportunistic attempts to access your network. Moreover, regularly updating your router’s firmware is crucial as it helps fix security vulnerabilities and improves the router’s overall performance.

Finally, consider setting up a guest network for visitors. This keeps your main network secure because guests connect to a separate network that doesn’t provide access to your primary devices and stored personal data. This separation ensures that your most sensitive information remains protected even if the guest network is compromised.


Protecting your personal data online is a crucial and continuous process. By utilizing strong, unique passwords, updating software regularly, pursuing advanced education in information security, and staying informed about cyber threats, you can significantly enhance your online security. Remember, in the digital world, being proactive about security is far better than dealing with the consequences of a data breach. Through education and the use of advanced security practices, everyone can contribute to a safer online environment.

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How to Build a Route Planner App from Scratch

In today’s digital era, route planner apps have become essential tools for navigating our busy lives with ease. Beyond offering simple directions, they optimize routes, consider real-time traffic, and offer alternative transportation options, changing how we plan and travel.

As we enter 2024, the demand for intuitive route planner apps keeps on rising, offering both challenges and opportunities for developers and entrepreneurs. In this blog, we’ll dive into the process of building such an application from scratch.

Whether you’re an experienced developer looking to expand your skills or an aspiring entrepreneur with an innovative vision, this guide is intended to offer valuable insights and practical advice. Let’s explore the essential steps and considerations needed to develop a standout route planner app perfectly suited to modern life.

Why Route Planner Apps Matters?

The Route planner for delivery drivers is more than just convenience; it’s a powerful tool for seamlessly navigating through complex routes and tight schedules. 

Here’s why route planner apps are essential:

  1. Time efficiency: Route planner apps optimize routes, saving time and guaranteeing timely deliveries, crucial for delivery drivers dealing with multiple stops. They assist drivers with staying away from gridlock and street terminations, guaranteeing they reach their destinations efficiently.
  2. Cost savings: These apps help cut operational costs by reducing fuel consumption and mileage, which is beneficial to both drivers and businesses. Real-world examples demonstrate how implementing a route planner app leads to significant savings in fuel expenses over time.
  3. Enhanced productivity: Route planner apps help to streamline planning, permitting drivers to focus on tasks other than navigation, thus boosting productivity. With intuitive interfaces and smart features, these apps simplify the planning process, empowering drivers to deal with more deliveries in less time.
  4. Customer satisfaction: Effective route planning helps in prompt deliveries making customers satisfied, which encourages customer loyalty and generates positive reviews. By giving precise delivery ETAs and minimizing delays, route planner apps contribute to overall customer satisfaction and retention.
  5. Competitive advantage: In a competitive market, having a reliable route planner app can set delivery drivers apart, drawing in more clients and opportunities. Faster and more reliable service can be provided by drivers with effective route planning tools, giving them an advantage over rivals and ensuring repeat business.

Overall, the significance of route planner apps cannot be overstated because they provide essential solutions for efficiently and precisely navigating modern complexities.

Essential Steps Involved in Creating a Route Planner Application

Building a route planner application from scratch requires careful planning, meticulous design, and proficient development skills. Below are the essential steps involved in creating a route planner application,  guaranteeing its functionality, effectiveness, and user satisfaction.

Step 1: Planning and designing your app

Define the needs of the intended audience and carry out market research to learn about rival apps and user preferences before beginning development. Follow the principles of user interface design that are unique to route planner apps, focusing on user-friendly navigation and interfaces that appeal to the eye. 

Sketch wireframes and prototype your app to visualize its layout and functionality, ensuring it meets user expectations and facilitates communication between designers and developers for a refined final product.

Step 2: Setting up the development environment

In 2024, effective app development will require the right development frameworks and tools. Making informed decisions and ensuring that your app remains relevant in the future can be accomplished by researching and evaluating the most recent technologies.

Choose tools that meet your project prerequisites and lay out the backend framework, including servers and databases, to support the application’s functionality. Configuring APIs and integrating third-party services like mapping and geolocation enhance features and provide real-time data to clients.

Step 3: Building the frontend

Your route planner app’s front end is essential for user interaction and experience. Apply UI design principles that emphasize clarity and simplicity, and think about including interactive elements like maps and sliders to increase user engagement. As we look ahead to the future of front-end development, staying updated on emerging technologies and design trends will be crucial for creating a seamless user experience.

For precise route visualization, use APIs like Google Maps or Mapbox to integrate mapping services and geolocation features. Allow users to input starting points, destinations, and stops and provide feedback on route suggestions by implementing user input functionality for customizing routes and preferences.

Step 4: Develop the backend

For effective route planning and management, it is essential to develop a robust data model for routes and locations. Utilize algorithms for route optimization to determine the most effective routes based on distance, traffic, and user preferences.

Furthermore, incorporate external APIs for real-time traffic and route data to enhance the accuracy and reliability of route recommendations.

Step 5: Testing and debugging

If you want to find and fix any problems with your route planner app, thorough testing is necessary. Conduct unit and integration testing to guarantee seamless functionality and scenario testing to validate performance under different circumstances.

Debug common issues like navigation errors and inconsistencies using appropriate tools and techniques, and gather feedback through user acceptance testing to make necessary improvements. This may entail recruiting beta testers or carrying out usability tests to evaluate the app’s performance and overall user experience.

ai tech

Step 6: Deployment and launch

Deploy your app to app stores or web hosting platforms once testing is finished. Optimize performance and scalability by improving server infrastructure and implementing caching mechanisms. Examples of marketing strategies to attract users include creating a compelling app store listing, communicating with influencers, and making use of social media channels. 

Continuously monitor performance post-launch, iterate based on user feedback,  and update the application consistently to keep clients engaged and satisfied.

By diligently following these steps and utilizing the latest technologies and methodologies, you can create a standout route planner app that meets the needs of users in 2024 and beyond.


To sum up, creating a route planner application from scratch is a rewarding endeavor that requires careful planning, design, and execution. From defining user requirements and setting up the development environment to testing, deployment, and beyond, we’ve gone over the essential steps in this process throughout this guide.

As we look to the future, the demand for route planner apps is expected to continue to rise, driven by advancements in technology and the increasing reliance on digital solutions for navigation and logistics. By following these steps diligently and utilizing the latest technologies, you can create a champion route planner app that meets the needs of users.

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12 Ways to Optimize SQL Queries in Database Management

When it comes to data, the more you can gather, the better insights you can have. But this can lead to slow searches, so how do we find a middle ground?

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With so many companies using the cloud to store large amounts of data, SQL optimization has become more important than ever. SQL (structured language query) is a programming language used to query and communicate with a database to extrapolate information. 

Do you want to speed up internal intel gathering, or ensure your customers don’t get bored and bounce? Let’s take a look at why you should be optimizing your SQL queries for better database management.

Why Optimize SQL Queries?

Imagine a customer searching for a product online and the results take a few minutes to appear. Would the customer wait? Probably not. For this reason, database managers must ensure SQL queries are optimized regularly for maximum efficiency. If a customer can’t find what they’re looking for within a reasonable time, they will go elsewhere.

It’s also crucial that developers optimize databases for mobile phone use since more and more people are using smartphones to shop.

But it’s not only customers who benefit from optimized queries. Slow search results can be frustrating for employees too as it leaves them unable to do their job to the best of their ability. This can be incredibly demotivating and even cause resentment in the workplace.

Meanwhile, quicker response times improve resource consumption, meaning more queries can be handled at once, improving the experience for both customers and staff.

12 Ways to Optimize SQL Queries

To get the most out of your SQL queries, there are several things you can do. Here we’ll look at some ways you can improve efficiency and make the end-user experience a more positive one.

1. Use indexes effectively

Indexes are special look-up tables used by a database search engine, sort of like how a reader would use the index in the back of a book. They can help speed up SQL queries as data that fits specific criteria can be located quickly. 

Indexes store data in one or more columns of a table, which means values can be identified easily.

Let’s say you work in customer support and gather data through your inbound call center technology. You could make a customer_ticket index, which would prevent you from having to scan the entire table to refer back to a prevent point of communication. Instead, you can simply look for a ticket number match condition to locate it.

Indexing frequent search criteria can ensure the best return speed, helping call center operatives provide the best service possible. However, too many indexes can slow down the database, so it’s best to focus on frequently used queries to index as this will avoid any slowing of data modification operations.

2. Avoid SELECT queries

SELECT queries are inefficient. This is because they view all the fields in a dataset rather than just the relevant ones. Instead, focus on retrieving necessary columns only.  By only selecting the fields that you need to view, models and reports will be clean and easier to use.

SELECT queries are often used as supply chain optimization techniques to determine supply chain issues such as calculating stock levels (see below).

3. Reduce the use of wildcard characters

Wildcard characters (like %) are used with the LIKE clause to substitute either a single character or a string of characters. Imagine you handle deliveries for a UK company, and need to find everything being sent to a certain location. UK postcodes are strings of 5 or six characters, with the last three narrowing down to a specific street. You could therefore search for something like:

SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE CustomerPostcode LIKE ‘SE1%’;

This would show you every order in the SE1 area.

Wildcard characters can slow down query results because again, the database has to scan the entire table (known as a table scan) to find results. This is a slow and inefficient type of scan. It’s particularly challenging if you use them at the start of a search statement, because you’re instructing the database to find data where anything can precede your search query.

4. Use appropriate data types and layouts

Making sure you use the correct data type for each column can improve the query return rate. For example, use the DATE data type to store order placement dates instead of a general character field. This will reduce space as characters will be limited and return a faster query.

Using the correct data type can also protect against data entry errors which can help to improve the quality of the data. For example, a time or monetary amount couldn’t be entered in a date field.

It’s also worth considering the layout of your table – are the columns and rows in the optimal layout, or could you use SQL pivot row to columns in order to rearrange it into a better one?

5. Avoid redundant or unnecessary data retrieval

Whilst reducing SELECT queries focuses on columns, it’s also important to limit the number of rows you are returning in a query. This is because as the number of rows increases, the search speeds slow down.  You can do this by using LIMIT and restricting the data return to say, 100 or 200. This feature prevents the query from returning thousands of rows of data when you only need to use a few.

6. Use EXIST() instead of COUNT() queries

When searching for a specific element in a table, it’s more efficient to use an EXIST() keyword instead of a COUNT() one. This is because a COUNT query counts every instance of the specific search element – which can be very inefficient, especially if the database is large!

EXIST queries only count the first occurrence of the particular search element, which reduces search times and provides a more optimized experience.

7. Avoid subqueries

When subqueries are used in WHERE or HAVING clauses, they can slow down the performance of the query. This is because they can return large numbers of rows, making them difficult to execute.

JOIN clauses are often a better choice. The image below shows an example of both a subquery and a JOIN clause.

As you can see, the subquery at the top collects all of the customers’ IDs in the USA, and the outer query collects all the orders for the selected customers’ IDs. 

The JOIN query beneath returns the same result in a more efficient way by joining the two tables (CUSTOMERS and ORDERS) and selecting the orders where the customers are from the USA.

Both queries will work, but the JOIN query will be much quicker.

8. Make use of cloud database-specific features

Many cloud-based databases come with built-in features to optimize SQL queries. The automation in cloud-native databases in particular can make optimization much simpler. Not only can queries be optimized, but built-in features can also improve data security, access, scalability, and resilience. 

9. Monitor query performance

Checking on the run-time of your queries is key to identifying your poor performance queries. This allows you to optimize them, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.

Query profiling is one way of monitoring the performance of your queries. This involves analyzing statistics such as run time and amount of rows returned, looking at server speeds, database logs, and external factors to identify problem areas.

10. Utilize AI

AI can automate query optimization using solutions like rules-based AI. What is rules based AI? It’s a model that uses prewritten rules to solve problems and make decisions based on expert human knowledge. Alternatively, you can use machine learning algorithms. This is where AI ‘learns’ over time, meaning it can analyze query patterns and detect areas for automatic optimization.

This can save time (and money) by reducing the need for manual analysis.

11. Utilize microservice design patterns

Microservice design patterns can ensure large databases are broken into smaller databases (microservices) that serve different purposes. This is particularly useful to large corporations handling a lot of data. These can help to avoid the following problems:

  • Duplicated data
  • Data inconsistency
  • Different services/parts of the business needing to store data in different ways
  • Querying data

By utilizing microservice architecture, companies can build optimized, ready-to-query databases from the ground up. However, it’s important to have strong data governance policies in place in order to prevent data silos forming.

12. Use software designed to process large workloads

Software such as Apache Spark 3 using NVIDIA RAPIDS can provide adaptive query execution suited to the specific data that needs searching. This can lead to massive improvements in query performance as well as being more user-friendly, and lead to a better use of resources.

Final thoughts

There’s no doubt that cloud databases are a powerful tool for managing data. But, to get the most out of your data, database managers must ensure consistent optimization to make sure top performance. Simple steps such as indexing and swapping functions can be a step in the right direction.

Understanding and monitoring performance plays a key role in optimizing SQL queries and combined with simple steps such as indexing and swapping functions you can quickly make a difference to search time.

With these steps in mind, can you improve the performance of your database?

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Where to Practice Programming for Free: Links and Tips

Learning to code is a challenging task, especially if you’re a beginner. But if you are properly equipped, everything is possible. This article contains useful links and recommendations to achieve your coding goals faster and without spending any money.

The Reasons to Code

Actually, there are many reasons why a person may want to become a programmer. Some want a more fulfilling job, while others dream about social status and a big salary. Any motivation is reasonable: a developer’s job is indeed prestigious and well-compensated. Also, it’s highly in demand.

You may have heard about layoffs that happened last year. Many tech companies had to take this step because of the market situation. Nevertheless, it’s much easier for a developer to find a new job than other specialists. Here are some numbers: according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers is projected to grow 25% from 2022 to 2032. This growth rate is much bigger than the average for all occupations. It means about 153,900 new openings each year over the decade.

This trend is worldwide. According to Statista, we can expect the number of software developers to reach 28.7 million in 2024. Compared to 2020, it means an increase of 3.2 million. The biggest growth is going to happen in China. In general, the Asia-Pacific region’s growth rate will reach 17%, North America’s – 15%, and Latin America’s – 14%.

Therefore, developers may feel more secure than other professionals, especially if they keep their skills and theoretical knowledge up to date and embrace a lifelong learning approach.

Where and How to Learn?

Coding is much like riding a bicycle. It’s a practical skill, and you need to start solving tasks as soon as possible to get better. Sure, you can watch videos and read books or articles, too, but the magic won’t happen until you begin writing code. 

There are many ways to learn, but according to recent research, online courses are the most popular. Almost 50% of developers prefer an online course.

top 5 ways developers learn to code

You should be aware that sometimes practice may seem boring. After all, you need to learn syntax, so you’ll solve many similar tasks. But don’t be discouraged: we’ve created a list of websites that can make studying exciting!


If you’re just starting in programming or already have some experience, CodeGym is your go-to place. This platform offers a bunch of tasks perfect for getting some coding practice for free. The topics cover everything from basic commands to conditions, loops, arrays, methods, strings, and much, much more. Plus, you can get instant feedback on your solutions (automatic verification). On the CodeGym’s platform, you will find links to theory connected to the tasks you’re solving. So, you’re acquiring both theoretical and practical knowledge simultaneously.


Cooking up some coding skills? CodeChef has four free topics for you to explore: input, output and arithmetic; conditionals; loops with conditionals; and debugging. The tasks are quite creative, for example, the website suggests you solve the Chef and Instant Noodles task. Imagine inventing 1-minute Instant Noodles. How many customers can you serve in Y minutes if the restaurant has X stoves and every customer orders just one portion of noodles? And fear not, solutions and discussions are right there for you to dive into.


This platform provides coding challenges for various programming languages at different difficulty levels. From summing two numbers to converting minutes into seconds, there are tasks for everyone’s level of expertise. Each task comes with explanations, examples, and notes, making it beginner-friendly. This website aims to provide users with small, solvable challenges so they can incorporate coding practice into their usual schedule.


Codingame brings coding challenges and a gaming experience together. It supports multiple programming languages, so you can pick your favorite. You can practice writing solo games or multiplayer ones. Each turn brings new inputs for your program to tackle – it’s coding meets gaming!


CodeHS offers a variety of tasks in different languages, and users get points for solving them. Want to calculate the area of a triangle? That’s worth two points! The platform has several levels of difficulty, and its big advantage is the opportunity to code directly in the browser. It makes learning convenient and interesting at the same time.


If you’re looking for a challenge, this platform offers it. It has tasks ranging from easy to hard, covering algorithms, databases, and much more. You can practice your coding skills in different programming languages and showcase your solutions. Hence, you work on your problem-solving skills while studying!

How to Make the Most of Learning?

Some of the hardest things in studying programming are keeping your motivation up and sticking to the schedule. Discipline doesn’t come easy to many people, and if you’re like that, you can benefit from these recommendations:

1. Set clear learning goals. “Study programming” isn’t specific enough to keep your engine running. “Find a job in 3 months” isn’t realistic enough, so if you go for it, you’ll be inevitably disappointed. The best approach is to set small and achievable goals. For example, you can have a goal for every learning session (say, “learn about strings and solve three tasks”), a goal for a week, and a goal for a month.

2. Try to understand, not just memorize. Sure, becoming a programmer requires some memorizing. You must remember the basic syntax, etc. But most often, you’ll need to think creatively and analytically to solve tasks. So, start training early. Analyze problems, build algorithms to solve them, and then write code.

3. Practice constantly and regularly. Yes, it’s hard, but this is the only way to transform your efforts into results. Try finding some time (at least half an hour!) every day, and it will bring you more value than weekly 3-hour sessions. If you have ever tried to build muscles, you know it’s true. Moreover, the more regularly you study, the easier it is to beat procrastination. Why? Because your brain will remember the feeling of achievement you had just yesterday and the day before.

4. Mix it up a little. Sometimes, it’s the routine that kills motivation. If all your study sessions are the same, you’ll get tired. So, try different forms of learning: from reading to watching, from coding challenges to practicing solving simple tasks, from writing games to giving feedback to fellow learners.

5. Find like-minded people. Luckily, the internet offers many options. There are online communities like Redditt where you can find people learning the same language as you. Participate there actively, ask for help when needed, and help others when they ask. You’ll get a boost in your motivation, and maybe you will even make some friends.

6. Reflect on your goals. We all need to analyze the steps we made and rethink our goals. Do it regularly, and you’ll see an increase in your learning productivity.

At the beginning of the article, we’ve said that coding is a challenging task. But at the same time, it’s achievable and very rewarding. So, it totally makes sense to go for it!

Dmytro Vezhnin, CEO and Co-founder at, an interactive educational platform where people can learn Java programming language from scratch to Java Junior level. LinkedIn:

Community Tips

Top Tips to Successfully Write API Documentation

Whether it be a sound system or PC, you’d expect any recently purchased tech to come with an instruction manual for setup, installation, and operation, right? Well, the same goes for APIs. If your development team builds an API, you must write API documentation to guide development teams and end-users through setup and operation.

If you need a quick refresher, an application programming interface (API) is a software intermediary that enables communication between two different pieces of software. 

API documentation is the set of instructions describing how developers can set up, integrate, and use this software to meet specific needs. It should include code samples, functional details, API call examples, and more. 

For third-party apps, 38% of developers cited documentation and sample code as the second most important characteristic of a high-quality API, preceded only by security.

Third Party APIs
Image sourced from Developer Nation

So, how do you write API documentation successfully? Here’s everything you need to know.

Who needs to write API documentation?

Traditionally, the software developers who build the API are responsible for writing API documentation. And it makes sense — the creators of the API have intricate knowledge of how the API works. However, this has its downsides.

Writing is an underrated software development skill that many developers fail to hone. Consequently, they may struggle to write clearly and concisely, leaving the API document full of technical jargon that’s difficult for non-developers to comprehend. Plus, because software developers are so busy developing the API, documentation may be rushed or left until the last minute. 

Instead of burdening developers, many businesses are turning to technical writers. 

With a background spanning both content writing and technical expertise, technical writers understand how to adapt complex technical subjects into easily understandable formats. Using the information supplied by developers, they can write clear, accessible, and engaging API documentation.

For software developers, this is a huge benefit. Rather than waste time writing lengthy documents, they can gear their focus towards API development in alignment with your wider enterprise transformation roadmap. Faster builds, better APIs, and accelerated time-to-value.

But what exactly goes into an API document? Let’s take a look.

What does API documentation include?

Of course, what you include will vary depending on the data engineering platform you use, the type of API that you’re creating, and the use case of the API. But regardless, there are several key pieces of information that every API document needs.

Examples for each API call, parameter, and response

An API document needs to show examples of every API request, response, and parameter. This enables developers to visualize how the API works and understand how to interact with it.

Code samples for popular languages

Code samples give developers a headstart when they’re first using your API. They can copy and paste this code, alter it to meet their specific needs, and refer back to it if they want to utilize a particular feature or remember an endpoint function.

Ideally, you should  add code samples for every language that your API supports. At minimum, you need to include the most popular languages – the top three to date being JavaScript, Java, and Python.

Programming Languages in Q1 2023

Image sourced from Developer Nation

Details of API requests with error message samples

APIs should be configured to display error messages as needed. Your API documentation therefore must include examples of the different types of error messages, alongside an explanation of what they mean and how to resolve the issue.

Top tips to successfully write API documentation

How do you write API documentation that’s accessible to junior and senior developers alike? Here are some of our top tips.

Maintain a consistent style and tone

All good pieces of writing — from novels to technical documents — must maintain a consistent, coherent style and tone. Why? Because if your style and tone are all over the place, readers won’t trust you. They might question your credibility and authority, or become confused and disengaged with your content.

Generally, the tone of API documentation needs to align with its purpose — to inform and educate the reader. So, the tone should be factual and relatively formal to establish authority and credibility. That said, don’t overdo it. A laid-back, approachable tone helps you build a relationship with your reader and provides clarity to your communications.

Remember, consistency is key. Identify your style and tone and aim to maintain it throughout your documentation.

Prioritize clarity over technical jargon

API documentation should be the first point of call for end-user queries. Users should be able to refer to it before they get into contact with your IT helpdesk team or virtual agents. (What is a virtual agent? It’s software that provides an interactive, automated service to end users who have questions relating to your product). 

For this reason, API documentation needs to be clear and accessible for both beginner coders and seasoned developers. 

Prioritize simple, plain language over technical jargon. Avoid fluffy, long-winded descriptions in favor of to-the-point explanations. And use short, easily digestible sentences to improve document clarity.

Organize content with clear headings

Another way to improve clarity is to organize your content with clear headings. Readers should be able to quickly jump to the section of the document that they need without having to trawl through mountains of text.

hands on keyboard

The easier it is for users to navigate your document, the faster they get the answers to their questions – and the more likely they are to continue using your API.

Offer step-by-step guides for a quick start

Quickstart guides teach users how to use your API straight away by providing step-by-step instructions for common scenarios and functions. 

Start by identifying the most common use cases for the API. From there, walk users through how to use your API to complete specific tasks, providing code samples for each scenario.

Implement effective versioning strategies

The accuracy of your API documentation is heavily dependent on your versioning strategy. If you make a change without documenting it — even if it’s a minor update — your end user can experience significant issues.

Create an effective versioning strategy by implementing the following actions:

  • Automate the process using an API documentation tool that can read source code changes and update documentation in response.
  • Communicate in advance when updates are going to happen.
  • Allow for backward compatibility so that users can still use old versions of your API.

Proofread and double-check for typos

While the odd typo might feel like no big deal, spelling mistakes and grammar errors can ruin the reader experience. It can make your documentation difficult to understand, resulting in misunderstandings that reduce the quality of your document. It may even turn users off your business completely.

After writing your documentation, perform a thorough proofread. As a best practice, get someone other than the person who wrote the document to do the proofreading, as even the most experienced writers can fall victim to typo blindness.

Emphasize the use of security measures

As well as communicating the security skills and measures that developers can utilize to reduce the risk of data breaches, you also need to practice what you preach. In your API documentation, assure end users that you prioritize data privacy by emphasizing security measures such as:

  • Authentication and authorization
  • Access controls
  • SSL/TLS encryptions and signatures
  • API gateways
  • Vulnerability testing
  • Regular security updates and patching
  • Activity monitoring 
  • Remote access controls — click here to learn more about implementing secure remote PC access. 

Encourage user feedback and contributions

Your API documentation shouldn’t be a static document. That is, it should be regularly maintained to ensure that it’s consistently meeting the needs of your end users. 

Encouraging users to provide feedback and contributions can help you do this. It can bring to light information in your documentation that might be missing, inaccurate, or difficult to understand.

Feedback can be collected in a variety of ways — email surveys, website forms, phone calls, and so on. But you don’t even need to ask for feedback and contributions directly.  Using AI virtual assistant technology, you can discover the sentiment around your document, identify frequently asked questions, and illuminate potential contributions. 

For example, if lots of users are contacting your virtual assistant to ask what a specific error message means, it may be that you need to tweak this section in your API document to make it clearer for your readers. Or, it might be that you’ve missed the error message completely and need to add it in. 

Overall, it’s a reliable way to gather actionable feedback without pestering end users for contributions.

In Conclusion…

If your API doesn’t come with comprehensive documentation, nobody will be able to use it to its full potential. Even if your API is created for internal use only, poor documentation can cause significant issues for developers who rely on your API to perform critical operations.

To avoid misunderstandings, confusion, and churn, write API documentation that follows the best practices laid out above. Clarity and consistency are key, as is using quickstart guides and specific examples to walk users through the common use cases for your API.

Jenna Bunnell – Director, Field & Strategic Events, Dialpad

Jenna Bunnell is the Director for Field and Strategic Events at Dialpad, an AI-incorporated cloud-hosted unified communications system that provides valuable call details for business owners and sales representatives. She is driven and passionate about communicating a brand’s design sensibility and visualizing how content can be presented in creative and comprehensive ways. Here is her LinkedIn.
Community Tips

The ABCs of Technical Writing

As developers, we have either had to write or read a technical article or documentation. What do you look for when you write/read an article? Is it the length of the article? Is the balance between theory and examples? In this blog, we will find out what makes a good article and how to write an effective one.

What is Technical Writing?

Before we dive right into tips and tricks for writing an influential article, let us understand what technical writing means and why we need it. To go by definition, technical writing is the practice of conveying complex technical information in a clear, precise, and understandable manner, often to inform, instruct, or guide an audience. Whether you are an individual developer or a professional technical writer, the goal is the same – Education.

Technical Writing Must-Haves

Now that the goal is defined, the next step is to work on actionable points to develop the concept for the article.

Here are some points that we should consider while writing the outline:

  • Clarity: Avoid jargon and overly complex language.
  • Conciseness: Avoid unnecessary filler content and get the information your readers need. Use bullet points, headings, and other formatting techniques to make content scannable.
  • Visual aids: Visuals, such as diagrams, charts, and screenshots, can help clarify complex concepts and make your documentation more engaging.
  • Accuracy: Ensure all technical information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Consistency: Maintain terminology, formatting, and style consistency throughout your documentation.
  • Organization: Add a logical flow. Organize information in a way that guides the reader through the document effortlessly.

Tips to Write Better

Using the above must-haves, you should write an outline. Once that task is completed, writing the content is next.

Here’s some tips to make your content better:

  • Purposeful writing: Define a specific goal in mind while you start writing
  • Use of simple language: The purpose of a technical article is to explain a concept to the readers; using complex language will only push developers away. 

Things to have in your article:

-Using simple sentence structure  

-Using directives

-Breaking paragraph after every thought

  • Defining your target audience: Defining your target audience helps you decide the level of content. For example, if your target audience is beginners, it is better to write an introductory article with a simple example to follow.
  • Adding frequent checkpoints: To ensure you have your reader’s attention till the end, add checkpoints. For tutorials, you can use screenshots in between, and for leadership blogs, you can use questions/ discussions in between
  • Avoiding too many links: Adding links can help readers with more context, but you should avoid using too many. Instead, have a resources section with all the necessary links.

Using simple examples: Examples that do not require complex setups and are easy to follow


To perfect the article, we should always look up articles or docs that work well and are liked by the developer community.

Here’s a list of my favorite documentation:

  • Vercel: The developer journey in Vercel docs is very well-defined
  • Appwrite: Maintains consistency and caters to all levels of developers.
  • MongoDb: Uses the right amount of visuals and is very concise.


11 Tips And Tricks To Write Better Python Code

Here are 11 tips and tricks that will help you write better Python code and become a better programmer:

1. Iterate with enumerate instead or range(len(x))

In Python, we generally use a for loop to iterate over an iterable object. A for loop in Python uses collection based iteration i.e. Python assigns the next item from an iterable to the loop variable on every iteration. The usual usecase of a for loop is as follows:

values = ["a", "b", "c"]

for value in values:

# a
# b
# c

Now, if in addition to the value, you want to print the index as well, you can do it like this:

index = 0

for value in values:
  print(index, value)
  index += 1

# 0 a
# 1 b
# 2 c

or another common way to do this is by using range(len(x)):

for index in range(len(values)):
  value = values[index]
  print(index, value)

# 0 a
# 1 b
# 2 c

However, there is an easier and more pythonic way to iterate over iterable objects by using enumerate(). It is used in a for loop almost the same way as you use the usual way, but instead of putting the iterable object directly after in in the for loop, or putting using it as range(len(values)) , you put it inside the parentheses of enumerate() as shown below:

for count, value in enumerate(values):
  print(count, value)

# 0 a
# 1 b
# 2 c

We can also define a start argument for enumerate() as shown below :

for count, value in enumerate(values, start=1):
  print(count, value)

# 1 a
# 2 b
# 3 c

The enumerate() function gives back two variables:

  • the count of the current iteration
  • the value of the item at the current iteration

Just like the loop variables in a for loop, the loop variables can be named anything, for instance, we can call then index and value and they’ll still work. enumerate() is more efficient than a for loop as it saves you from the hassle to remember to access the value inside the loop and use it correctly and then also remember to advance the value of the loop variable, it is all handled automatically by Python.

2. Use list comprehension instead of raw for loops

List comprehension is an easier and elegant way to define an create lists based on the existing lists. They are just a single line of code consisting of brackets containing the expression that is repeatedly executed at each iteration. Hence, they are more time and space efficient than loops and transform iterative statements in a single line of code.

The usual syntax of a list comprehension looks like this:

newList = [ expression(element) for element in oldList if condition ] 

Here’s an example of list comprehension in code:

# Using list comprehension to iterate through loop
List = [character for character in 'HackerNoon']
# Displaying list

# Output
# ['H', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'e', 'r', 'N', 'o', 'o', 'n']

3. Sort complex iterables with sorted()

The Python sorted() function sorts the elements of an iterable object in a specific order (ascending or descending) and returns them as a sorted list. It can be used to sort a sequence (string, tuple, list) or collection (set, dictionary, frozen set) or any other iterator.

The syntax of the sorted() function is as follows:

sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)

sorted() function takes at max three parameters:

  • iterable: It could be any iterator
  • key: It is an optional argument that serves as a key for sort comparison.
  • reverse: It is also an optional argument that is used to specify a reversed sorted list as the output

4. Store unique values with Sets

A Python Set stores a single copy of the duplicate values into it. Hence, it can be used to check for unique values in a list. For example:

list_inp = [100, 75, 100, 20, 75, 12, 75, 25] 

set_res = set(list_inp) 
print("The unique elements of the input list using set():\n") 
list_res = (list(set_res))
for item in list_res: 

So the output of the above program would look like this:

The unique elements of the input list using set():


5. Save memory with Generators

The basic function of the generator is to evaluate the elements on demand. It is very similar to the syntax for list comprehension, where instead of square brackets, we use parentheses.

Let’s consider an example where we want to print the square of all the even numbers in a list:

myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
print("The given list is:", myList)
mygen = (element ** 2 for element in myList if element % 2 == 0)
print("Elements obtained from the generator are:")
for ele in mygen:

The output of the above code would look like this:

The given list is: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Elements obtained from the generator are:

Having said that their syntax is quite similar to list comprehension, you must be wondering how it is different from list or set comprehension. Unlike list or set comprehension, generator comprehension does not initialize any objects. As a result, you may utilize generator comprehension instead of list or set comprehension to lower the program’s memory requirements.

6. Define default values in Dictionaries with .get() and .setdefault()

.setdefault() method allows to set dict[key]=default if key is not already in dict.

The syntax of .setdefault() looks like following:

dict.setdefault(key, default=None)

Here’s an example code snippet to understand how to use .setdefault():

a_dictionary = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "d": 4}
a_dictionary.setdefault("c", 3)


The output of the above code would look like:

{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'd': 4, 'c': 3}

The same thing can also be achieved by using .get() method by passing a default value for the key, as you can see below:

a_dictionary = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "d": 4}
print(a_dictionary.get("c", 3))


The output of the above code would look like following:

{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'd': 4}

7. Count hashable objects with collections.Counter

The Collections module supports high-performance container datatypes (in addition to the built-in types list, dict, and tuple) and contains a variety of useful data structures for storing information in memory.

A counter is a container that keeps track of the number of times equal values are added.

It may be used to implement the same algorithms that other languages employ bag or multiset data structures to implement.

Import collections makes the stuff in collections available as:

import collections

Since we are only going to use the Counter, we can simply do this:

from collections import Counter

It can be used as follows:

import collections

c = collections.Counter('abcdaab')

for letter in 'abcde':
    print '%s : %d' % (letter, c[letter])

The output of the above code would look like this:

a : 3
b : 2
c : 1
d : 1
e : 0

8. Format strings with f-Strings (Python 3.6+)

f-strings, also called as “formatted string literals“, are a new and more pythonic way to format strings, supported by Python 3.6+. They are a faster, more readable, more concise, and a less error prone way of string formatting in Python.

As the name “f-string” says, they are string literals that have an f at the beginning and curly braces containing expressions that will be replaced with their values at the runtime and then formatted using the __format__ protocol.

f-strings can be used as following:

name = "Eric"
age = 74
print(f"Hello, {name}. You are {age}.")

# 'Hello, Eric. You are 74.'

9. Concatenate strings with .join()

In Python, we can use the .join() method to concatenate a list of strings into a single string. The usual syntax for this method looks like below:

'String to insert'.join([List of strings])

It can be used in multiple ways — if you use the empty string ““, [List of strings] is simply concatenated, and if you use a comma, a comma-delimited string is created. When the newline character \n is used, a newline is appended after each string. See the example below:

l = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']

s = ''.join(l)
# aaabbbccc

s = ','.join(l)
# aaa,bbb,ccc

s = '-'.join(l)
# aaa-bbb-ccc

s = '\n'.join(l)
# aaa
# bbb
# ccc

10. Merge dictionaries with {**d1, **d2} (Python 3.5+)

The easiest way to merge dictionaries is by using the unpacking operator (**). The syntax for this method looks like this:

{**dict1, **dict2, **dict3}

Here’s an example to understand this method better:

d1 = {'k1': 1, 'k2': 2}
d2 = {'k3': 3, 'k4': 4}

print({**d1, **d2})
# {'k1': 1, 'k2': 2, 'k3': 3, 'k4': 4}

11. Simplify if-statements with if x in list

Assume we have a list with the primary colours red, green, and blue. And somewhere in our code, we have a new variable with a colour, so c = red. Then we’ll see if this is one of our primary colours. Of course, we might check this against each item on our list as follows:

colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]

c = "red"

# cumbersome and error-prone
if c == "red" or c == "green" or c == "blue":
    print("is main color")

However, this may become quite time consuming, and we can easily make mistakes, such as if we have a typo here for red. It is more simpler and far preferable to just use the expression if x in list:

colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]

c = "red"

# better:
if c in colors:
    print("is main color")


Python is a widely used programming language and by using the above tips and tricks, you can become a better Python programmer.

I hope this article was helpful. Keep reading!

News and Resources Tips

Developer Certification Programs to help boost your career

You are finally ready to pursue your career as a developer. Well, a big fat congratulations to you! It’s high time your homework begins! Whatever you choose to become, it does require a sincere commitment of time, effort, and resources (e.g. developer certification programs). You will need to make some hard choices such as which programming language to kick off with (find out which are the top programming languages communities to look out for), or what development area to focus. Keep in mind that on average developers are involved in five sectors concurrently. However, on top of programming and coding skills you will also need to work on your project management skills. You also may need to dive into the Agile Manifesto

Can you guess how many software developers are there in the world? According to the most recent Global Developer Population report,  in the beginning of 2019 there were just under 19 million active software developers. Out of these, 13M are software professionals.

We have used our current methodology to produce estimates of the global developer population for the past four half-year periods. Each estimate was produced independently of the others. This reveals an increase in the developer population of 4.2M developers since mid 2017, or an annual growth that hovers around 20%.
We have used our current methodology to produce estimates of the global developer population for the past four half-year periods. This reveals an increase in the developer population of 4.2M developers since mid 2017, or an annual growth that hovers around 20%. This growth rate seems to be accelerating, although it is based on just a few periods.

Day in day out, the population is growing at over 20% annually. This means you need to stand out from the competition. Now before we proceed any further, we need to understand the value of developer certifications. Why are they important? Why is there so much hype on gaining certificates and investment done in training? The added value is pretty much substantial. And merits can be bifurcated into two categories: What value certificates bring to individuals? How they affect decisions made by organizations?

Value to individuals

  1. Professional credibility: This describes your future relationship between co-workers and supervisors. You demonstrate the fact that you have developed certain skills that need to be possessed to succeed. Also, you are willing to put all the time and effort that needs to get certified. 
  2. Personal Satisfaction: There are times when we feel like an expert. After several years of knowledge, we step into the workspace with confidence and end up asserting ourselves.
  3. Salary: An individual with more IT certifications has the potential to make much more than those with just one certification. Additional certifications are not a bad thing after all. 

Overall professional growth and career advancement require you to learn present and upcoming technologies and enhance the skills you currently possess. 

Value to organizations 

  1. Job requirements: With the continuous advancement in technology, there’s a need to have subject matter experts on new topics. 
  2. Filling skill gaps: According to many software development companies, skill gaps are can be put a strain and the best way through these, is extensive training. Of course, there is no denying the fact that certified employees can lead to greater productivity. They can increased workforce morale, as well as knowledge shared across the entire department.  
  3. Retention – Job satisfaction results in greater staff retention. Employees who feel fulfilled and satisfied from inside are less likely to pursue other employment.

It’s Time to make the right choice – Answer the following questions

  • What do I want to accomplish? 
  • What am I interested in? 
  • Have I done my homework yet? 
  • What resources should I consider using? 
  • What’s next? 

Further below you will find certain software developer certification programs that can surely aid you in boosting your career.

1. Microsoft (MTA): This certification, in particular, is crucial for high school and college students around. Right from web development to software development, mobile, gaming, and more, the program offers it all! It depends upon you whether you achieve certification on a single track or several. 

2. Microsoft Azure: I am pretty sure you must have come across this certification. After all it is one of the most highly recognizable in the IT industry. This certification in particular also has the potential to carry a considerable cachet. Furthermore, with Azure, you’ll build, manage, and deploy scalable, highly available, and performant web applications.

3. Oracle (OCP, OCM, OCE): Unlike others, Oracle offers numerous Oracle Java Certifications at several levels such as Associate professionals (OCP), Master (OCM), Expert (OCE). The professional-level certification typically requires you to have an OCP Java Certification for a programmer. Otherwise, you must have a Sun certified Oracle Java Certification for programmer credential as a prerequisite. Exams taken here are all multiple choice and some include scenario-based questions as well. Also, there is the option of Oracle certified professional MySQL course, for developers who write applications for MySQL database servers. Fortunately, this slot has no prerequisites but Oracle itself does recommend you take the MySQL for developer certification. This exam is single-level and focuses on practitioner-level skills in all aspects of developing MySQL applications: architecture, syntax, design, modification and the list goes on.  

4. Amazon Web Services (AWS): Amazon Web Series provides scalable cloud computing for creating web applications. Being an AWS certified developer means the associate level is for developers who design and run applications on the AWS platform. Also, here the credentials come with no prerequisites but that doesn’t mean you should take it lightly. You must take a multiple-choice exam on AWS fundamental, plus designing, developing, and deploying cloud-based solutions, security, and debugging.

5.  Salesforce: With the rise in Salesforce development companies, organizations are searching for professionals with this certification. Initially developed as one of the original providers of enterprise customer relationship management (CRM). It now focuses on many facets of enterprise cloud computing and applications. The company’s entry-level certification identifies developers capable to design as well as build custom applications and analytics using the platform. Salesforce recommends that you take the Building Applications with and Visualforce training courses to prepare for the exam. To achieve certification, you must pass an exam that covers application design, the platform, data modelling, user interface, logic, data management, reporting, and analysis. Next, you can move on to the Certified Advanced Developer certification. This focuses on skills required to use Apex and Visualforce to build custom applications, create test plans and perform tests, and manage the development lifecycle and environments. The organization’s Developer certification is a prerequisite. 

6. Scrum: Another interesting developer certification course you must consider is in the Scrum alliance. For those new to the Agile Manifesto ,  is a member-based organization. It promotes the use of Scrum through education, advocacy, and networking/collaboration. The entry-level Scrum Alliance certified Scrum Developer (CSD) certification targets developers who understand Scrum principles and have knowledge of specialized Agile engineering skills.  

7. Project Management: Last but certainly not least, the Project Management Institute. An organization that offers numerous software development related certifications including the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI – ACP). The cert recognizes developers with knowledge of agile project management principles, practices, tools, and techniques. All you require having is: 

  • 2000 hours of general project experience working on project teams, or an active PMP or pgMP certification
  • 1500 hours working on Agile project teams or with methodologies
  • 21 contact hours in agile practices

The exam covers agile tools, techniques, knowledge, and skills. PMI has a strong relationship with academia. You’ll find that many colleges and universities offering courses on its certifications include the PMI-ACP.

What other courses have you taken or are considering taking? Have you attended any physical courses lately?

Charles Richard, is a Business Analyst at TatvaSoft UK. Besides his profession, Charles likes to share some new and trending technical aspects. To know more about his leading software development company in London, please visit


5 Challenges for a Freelance Developer

Thinking about becoming a Freelance Developer? Freelancing can provide overall freedom for you to decide your working hours and salary. Let’s go over some common challenges, pros, cons and trade-offs you may encounter choosing this career path. Hopefully, my experience will help you make an informed decision.

Challenge #1: Steady Income

A strong point in favour of a regular job is a steady income. As a freelance developer, you have to face reality. While there is no real cap to how much you can make, there will be peaks and troughs in your monthly income. 

High and low seasons won’t necessarily follow each other in fixed intervals. In other words, be prepared for long periods of low income especially during your first couple of years.

Pro Tips

Aside from the services you may provide, do your best to generate passive residual income. Maybe consider an app that sells revenue, unobtrusive ads on your website or even a channel on a streaming website. There are many options to choose from nowadays.

Save as much as you can when you are in the high season! Conduct yourself in a frugal manner and eventually, you’ll figure out how much you can add in your expenses without dipping into your savings. You can always use an app to help you manage your finances!

If you still live with your parents, do not rush to move out. Save as much as you can (and make sure to help your parents with the bills). When your savings and your base income are healthy enough, then plan accordingly to find your own space. As a freelance developer, you’ll have steady expenses but not a steady income. Getting involved in the finances of your home will give you firsthand knowledge of how things work. Even if you are fortunate enough and there is no need for you to assist in the household expenses, still offer to handle some of the bills, as this will be part of your learning process.

Challenge #2: Time Management

It’s in the name, Free-lancing! You are your own boss and you have total control over your time. This is a huge pitfall when it comes to freelancing. Indeed you can start your workday after 10 am but watch out. You may not be as productive as you’re hoping to be. Unexpected things come up. Your computer may break, your internet service may stop working and a number of other things could go wrong.

As developers, we pretty much get paid to figure things out and make them simpler and more accessible to everyone else. There are times when no matter how much planning you put into it, the beautifully crafted algorithm will not work and it doesn’t have to be a syntax error. It might be something far more insidious than that. For instance, back in 2006, I was working on an HTML project and wanted to track the checkboxes that were not checked by the user once a form was sent. It took me days to realize that unchecked checkboxes are simply not posted when the form is submitted. As simple it may sound, this was one of those things that you learn from a painful and time-consuming experience.

Pro Tips

Discipline is key for proper time management. Learn how to say “NO” when you have to. You love solving problems and helping people, I get that. However, don’t forget that your freelancing career is only as serious as you take it and your clients can sense that from a mile away. 

Set a working schedule for yourself and stick to it. It might not be easy but it will be totally worth it. If you have a strong reason to miss work, at least make sure you have some wiggle room to make up for that time. 

One tip to always keep in mind: Watch out for the holiday season. If you choose so, holidays may not limit your capacity to work but will probably limit your clients’ availability to answer your phone calls or emails, should you need anything from them.

*** Time Management is closely connected to productivity but we’ll cover that further in challenge #4

Challenge #3: Deliverables

Developers are responsible for solving problems. Many times very simple problems but others very complex ones. Your capacity to deliver such solutions will determine how successful you may be. Clients will do their best to communicate their needs to you. More often than not they will fail at getting their point across. Pay attention to every detail,- the context of the problem, the scope of the problem- and try to connect the dots between what they say, what they mean and what you understand.

Clients will do their best to communicate their needs to you. More often than not they will fail at getting their point across. Pay attention to every detail,- the context of the problem, the scope of the problem- and try to connect the dots between what they say, what they mean and what you understand.

Pro Tips

Be honest with your clients. If you can’t deliver a solution, let them know. You are not required to know everything. Mutual trust is something built over time and if you feel that -while you are not an expert in a subject- you may conquer the learning curve to deliver the solution, communicate it to your clients.

Communication is key. If a client hasn’t heard from you in weeks they may think that you have abandoned them. You do not need to email or contact them every day, but often enough to keep them up to date with the ongoing process of the contracted work.

Challenge #4: Being Productive as a Freelance Developer

This happens to be one of the toughest things to keep up with as a Freelance Developer.  It depends a lot on overcoming the previously mentioned challenges. Many times your productivity will peak when you need it the least (low season for example) and fail you when you need it the most.

In reality, this is a challenge for everyone, even people with steady full-time jobs. It puts extra weight and stress on a Freelance Developer because you’ll need to handle everything on your own, even more so at the beginning. You need to be your own boss, accountant, assistant, supervisor, public relations expert, customer support, and so many more. Say NO to yourself when you want to say YES, can be soul tempering as much as it can be disappointing, but it is critical.

Pro Tips

The road to a productive day is an exploratory journey. Know yourself, balance how much you demand and how much you reward yourself, do your best to be the boss you wish you had but also the employee you wish to have. Don’t forget to exercise, eat well, sleep and keep an eye on your health as your body and mind are the most important tools for you to provide your services. 

We tend to use our computers for everything we do: work, watch series and movies, play or stream games, catch up with friends and family, read and anything else possible., etc. I did it for a long time until I got my hands on an old console and noticed how much more productive I got. Separate these things. When your computer is your go-to for everything, you’ll want to play when it’s time to work and vice-versa. There’s nothing wrong with playing video games in an old console, reading an old book or switching to an old e-reader. Don’t let the trends make you waste money and time you don’t have. Every cent and every minute counts.

Challenge #5: Keeping up with the Industry

A new Javascript framework is born every day. Keeping up has to do with learning new things as it has to do with discerning which things are worth learning. Depending on your choice of stack or target for software development this can be very complicated and time-consuming.

Desktop, Web or Mobile, each have their own set of programming languages, database choices, architectures, distribution systems, update cycles and so much more.

Pro Tips

Choose a single target first and mature in it. Try to be a shark, a horse or an eagle, never a duck, yes the duck can fly, swim and run but never as good as the ones mentioned above. Master one domain before adding a second one. Trends can be very misleading, so be careful. Just because everyone loves or hates the “new” thing, that doesn’t mean you should do too. 

Be critical, read, compare, test, research and make informed decisions – at the end of this article, you’ll find some indicative useful links of sites and tools for that.  You’ll find an outstanding feeling of realization and meaning when you take your algorithms and carefully improve them, remember there’s nothing wrong with making mistakes. In reality, this is a core part of a healthy learning process. However small the step forward it may seem, it’s still a step forward. Code bases and apps are improved in tiny percentages in different areas which add up to a much larger percentage of improvement. 7% Faster on the client-side, 12% faster on the server-side, 16% faster and better-indexed queries switching png icons for SVG’s, removing unused assets and before you know it, your website, web-based or mobile app can be much faster and deliver a much better overall experience.

Conclusions from the Life of a Freelance Developer

As a freelance developer your path can be very rewarding and fulfilling as long as you always do your best. Even if getting the job done might not be enough sometimes, you will still have the certainty that you gave it your 100%. This will soon add up to your advantage.

The beautiful process of learning a new skill and putting it into practice, giving life to an idea, watching it unfold is pure science. This will provide you with a real and palpable sense of achievement and purpose. You start with a simple “hello world” in your first programming language and as you progress it gets more difficult but more interesting as well. Trial and error, you learn, you grow, you overcome or fail. Do it every day, code a little and become more competent.

The dynamics between the known, the unknown and the threshold you cross to narrow that gap is what’s so engaging about the freelance developer lifestyle. Conquer yourself as you conquer new skills.

Useful sites for reading and researching:

Useful sites and tools for testing & benchmarking:

Short Bio: Darwin Santos is a Web Developer from the Dominican Republic and has been a member of the Developer Economics Community since 2017. He specializes in web-based ERP/CRM hybrids and health care systems. He has been working with web technologies since the early 2000s. Several of his deployments have been running for years and are constantly improved and updated. He is also very experienced in database design, data normalization and data migration, with several successful migrations of 20+ years worth of data under his belt. He prefers functional and procedural programming over OOP.
