
A guide to building your app business

So you want to start a business developing apps? Or maybe you have an app business but want some advice on how to grow or improve it? [tweetable]Simply building an app and publishing it on app store as a paid download is extremely likely to result in disappointment[/tweetable]. This shouldn’t be news to you if you’ve been following the industry in the last few years but what should you do instead? In this article we’ll look at some strategies to increase your chances of building a successful app business.


Risk versus reward

Building a product to sell is exciting and full of creative possibilities but it’s also always a risky approach. If your primary interest is in designing and building apps and solving problems then a far lower risk app business is a software services business. Developers who make most of their revenue from contract development work have the highest median wages by far, in other words, very few of them can’t pay their bills! That said, if you’re planning a software services company it makes sense to use any downtime from client work to build your own products. It can not only generate some additional income but also gives you something you can show potential clients publically (a lot of clients won’t let you publish the fact that you built their app). In our previous surveys, developers who’ve earned a small fraction of their revenue from app stores and the rest from contract work have done significantly better than those doing 100% contract work.

Of course the trade-off with a services business is that the upside is very limited. Global competition makes it hard to charge significantly in excess of typical developer wages. On the other hand, there are several examples of small teams with a hit app that has made them millions of dollars. Our survey data consistently shows that these successes are very much the exceptions. [tweetable]Only a small minority of app development projects are significantly profitable[/tweetable]. Even if you think you’ve got a great idea and a great team then, unless you’re spending your investors money, seriously consider balancing your product development work with some contract development.

Businesses versus consumers

If you’re building products, consider your audience carefully. [tweetable]Who you build your apps for has a massive influence on how successful you’re like to be[/tweetable]. In general businesses are much more willing to pay for software than consumers. As I’ve written before, developers targeting enterprises make four times as much as those targeting consumers on average and yet the latter face much greater competition. Don’t think that targeting organisations rather than individuals means you’re limited to automating business processes. There’s lots of complex and interesting software that businesses need, for example visualization tools to help sell product and projects, or even to help construct things in the real world. There are also extremely simple but valuable pieces of software that can make a positive difference in the lives of lots of people; I’ve met one entrepreneur who’s made a small fortune selling eye-testing software. Additionally, you may be able to target your product idea to an enterprise rather than consumers and have significantly greater success. There have been some relatively small scale successes for developers selling educational software on Apple’s App Store but most of the big successes in educational apps are selling to schools instead of or as well as direct to consumers.

If you’re determined to build consumer apps or your category of choice leaves you with little option (e.g. games) then go big or go home. [tweetable]The app stores only consistently reward the best[/tweetable]; an occasional viral hit may do very well for a short while but they’re impossible to create reliably and they rarely last. If you don’t truly believe you can make an app worthy of the top ten in your category of choice then you should probably relegate this particular passion to a side project or hobby. You don’t really need to make the top ten to earn a decent living (although doing so isn’t sufficient, you’ve got to stay somewhere near the top) but it’s best to allow for some overconfidence!

Be creative with business models

Whether you’re building games for consumers or productivity apps for businesses, design your business model along with your app or service. If you design and build the product first then try to bolt a monetization scheme on top, you may find yourself with relatively few options. A large fraction of developers are still using paid downloads or advertising as their primary revenue model despite the fact that these are the least successful options. There are exceptions where other models are not suitable (e.g most kids apps really ought to be paid download only) but [tweetable]much less than 10% of all revenue paid out by app stores comes from paid downloads[/tweetable]. Developers relying entirely on advertising rarely do much better either.

The ideal business model is some kind of subscription or annual license that produces recurring revenue. This is relatively common with services aimed at businesses but certainly won’t fit every consumer app. Most apps that are aimed at consumers need to be free to download.
There’s simply too much competition. Whether you then get paid through in-app purchases or selling some related product or service is still an area open for experimentation. We’re seeing some games developers experiment with physical toys that unlock content. Amazon wants developers to sell their products and earn a commission. There are plenty of unexplored possibilities and new technologies create new ones all the time. You’re not limited to one revenue source either, mix and match! Whatever you do, don’t copy the strategies that aren’t working for most other developers unless you have a very good reason to believe you’ve got a special case. Either copy strategies that are working or try new ones.

First balance your risks according to your finances. Select your audience carefully. Then design the business model to maximise your chances of getting the audience to part with their cash then. Do all three and you’ll have a much greater chance of success than the vast majority of your peers. Now all you need is excellent execution and a bit of luck.


Fame From a Game: 5 Game Developers Dealing With Overnight Success

The mobile app market has completely overhauled the video game market. In an industry that once required thousands of dollars and a legion of programmers to produce a product, individuals and small groups of entrepreneurs can now produce games grossing millions of dollars from their bedrooms. However, the success of a #1 selling game does not come easy and sometimes causes more problems for the now wealthy developer. Here are five examples of successful game developers who had to learn how to handle success almost overnight.

Which game development tools help you become successful? Let us know of your favourites in the Developer Economics Survey.

Halfbrick Studios (Fruit Ninja)

Image via Flickr by Rosenfeld Media
Image via Flickr by Rosenfeld Media

Before Fruit Ninja, most people had never heard of Halfbrick Studios. They had worked on a handful of games like Rocket Power: Beach Bandits, Age of Zombies, Monster Dash, and a variety of Avatar — The Last Airbender installments. However, Fruit Ninja had the right combination of addictive and visceral gameplay to make it a virtual overnight success. For others dealing with a windfall of cash, Halfbrick Studio’s story is a good one to follow. Instead of tripping over their own feet after a massive growth spurt, the close-knit group of developers decided to focus on quality over quantity, avoiding the route companies like Zynga took (how many “___-ville” games can you name?). The developers said the success of Fruit Ninja has given them breathing room to perfect games they want to make.

The new Developer Economics survey is live – featuring thousands of developers all over the world! Join them now and voice your thoughts!

OMGPop (Draw Something)

Image via Flickr by ljguitar
Image via Flickr by ljguitar

Second in our list of successful game developers comes the OMGPOP team. A mobile gaming take on the classic pen-and-paper game of Pictionary, Draw Something is a study in how persistence can lead to huge success in the app industry. Before their top-selling drawing game took off, developer OMGPop had produced around 30 games that quickly fell into relative obscurity (do you remember Hamster Battle? No? Didn’t think so). A short time after Draw Something started topping charts relatively overnight, Zynga bought OMGPop for roughly $200 million, and the CEO of OMGPOP, Dan Porter, later went on to work for them as the vice president of their mobile division for a little over a year. Porter now continues to climb the corporate ladder and currently serves at the Head of Digital at William Morris Endeavor, the world’s largest diversified talent agency.

.GEARS Studio (Flappy Bird)

Image via Flickr by naka_hide
Image via Flickr by naka_hide

Not all overnight success stories end well as the tale of .GEARS Studio’s Flappy Bird shows us. Dong Nguyen’s creation was pulling in $50,000 a day—a veritable golden goose—making it one of the most popular games for smartphone users. However, a litany of complaints ranging from the game’s addictiveness, difficulty and resemblance to Super Mario 3 was too much for Nguyen to handle. Something about the fame mixed with user criticisms struck a nerve with the overnight app celebrity, who ultimately took down the game from app stores in mid-February 2014 without selling out to another company. It also begs the question—Was success too much for Nguyen, or was it all a stunt to generate interest for his next title?

King Digital Entertainment (Candy Crush Saga)

Image via Flickr by David Guo's Master
Image via Flickr by David Guo’s Master

Candy Crush Saga, produced by King Digital Entertainment, is one of the mobile gaming world’s most addictive releases yet. To capitalize on their virtual overnight success, King decided to try their luck on Wall Street by announcing their intent to file for an IPO, following Twitter’s example.

Rovio Entertainment (Angry Birds)

Image via Flickr by Garrett Heath
Image via Flickr by Garrett Heath

The Angry Birds franchise is the most successful smartphone game the world has ever seen. The series’ multiple installments have garnered over two billion downloads worldwide, but things weren’t always up for Rovio. It took them 51 tries on other apps before Angry Birds came around. Rovio’s strategy to deal with the success was simple—diversify. Expanding beyond the mobile platform, Rovio now produces Angry Birds clothing, books, cartoons, educational materials, movie franchise tie-ins, and more. They’ve even been eyeing the Hello Kitty franchise, looking for some indication in how they can expand their own enterprise.

Overnight success in the gaming industry is happening more and more everyday thanks to mobile technology. However, millions made in a night is no guarantee for smooth sailing. Developers soon discover they need savvy business acumen to stay afloat.

– Joe
Joe Fortunato is a tech writer based out of Tampa, FL. His extensive work for T-Mobile has afforded him the opportunity to explore many different avenues of the mobile world. App development, NFC technology, and new device specs are some of his favorite areas to cover. To get in contact with Joe, give him a shout on Twitter at @joey_fort.

If you are trying to hit the successful game developers list, then you first need to understand the Science of Mobile Game Marketing.

Which are your best and worst game development tools? Let us know and you might win amazing prizes and gear, in our Developer Economics Survey.


Finding the Right BaaS

Mobile apps — just like any other — need a place to store data. Fortunately, the industry’s push towards outsourced infrastructure (i.e., — “cloud” services) has had a profound impact on both the affordability as well as the availability of cloud-based data storage, often referred to as Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS), or Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS).


What is BaaS?

At its core, [tweetable]a BaaS provider typically enables you to store your data & interact with other critical services in normalized manner[/tweetable], without the headaches and cost of maintaining your own infrastructure. Cloud-based storage is just the beginning of a BaaS offering, though. Quite often, BaaS providers enable push notifications, integration with other social networks, user administration, custom business logic and more.

Which BaaS is Right For Me?

To determine which BaaS can work for you, you need to start with at least asking these two questions:

  • What platforms do I need to support? It’s common to expect to see SDKs for most major platforms — and usually an HTTP service layer fallback which nearly any client could easily utilize.
  • What features do I need?
    • Storage (should be a given)
    • Push notifications
    • Usage analytics
    • Dashboard/UI
    • Social integration
    • User Administration
    • Custom Code Integration

The second question above really breaks down into all kinds of sub-questions, and by no means covers all the possible features you can find in a BaaS. [tweetable]It’s important to understand the needs of your app before selecting a BaaS offering[/tweetable]. So – what feature-specific questions may be helpful to ask as you analyze your needs?

Feature Analysis


While every BaaS provider will offer some kind of storage, there are wide variety of differentiating factors. Is the storage schema-less? What’s the search API like? Can you establish relationships between stored items? Can you query geospatial data (without 3rd party intervention)? Are changes pushed to connected clients, or do they need to re-query for updates? Does the BaaS support “data connectors” — allowing you to sync the cloud-based data to another system behind your own firewall? Where are the servers physically located (this can be a critical question to ask both for availability and regulatory reasons)? How difficult is it to export your data en masse should you decide to leave the provider for another option? What kinds of data can be stored — does it include files/binary data storage?

Push Notifications

If you’ve used a mobile app, odds are you are familiar with push notifications. Whether it’s a news app pushing breaking headlines, Twitter alerting you of direct messages or any number of possibilities — push notifications allow you to get important information to your users without the costs of other channels (SMS, for example) and without requiring your app to be in the foreground at the time. As most push notifications arise due to a change in data, it’s logical that many BaaS providers are including this as an offering. Good questions to ask: What platforms are supported (iOS, Android, etc.)? Will I get a consistent/normalized API to work with, rather than having to work with each platform-specific push notification API? Will I get the advantage of automatic scaling during periods of high demand?

Usage Analytics

Does the service enable you to track the number of API calls, storage quota or other feature usage? Since many BaaS pricing plans can vary based on usage, having a means to view analytics is a vital part of wisely (& economically) using the service. Depending on what metrics are tracked, usage analytics may also give you insight into how your app is being used. Does the service support custom “events” which you can provide to track either feature usage, performance data and/or campaign response(s)? Does the provider give you the ability to query the usage over time, filter the data and export reports?


Does the provider give you an option to browse/search your data through some sort of portal or dashboard interface? Can you manage users or use a form to generate push notifications? Most BaaS providers have a web-based interface which you can use to manage your data, services and view reports.

User Administration & Social Integration

Many BaaS options provide built-in user management features. Does the service allow you to create users? Does it focus on role-based user permissions, or allow granular claims-based permissions? At what level can you restrict information — schemas/tables, records, fields? Your target users may not care to create yet another login in order to use your app. Does the BaaS provide integration with 3rd party authentication with sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google and others?

Custom Code Integration

It’s difficult to generalize to a common use-case, and still enable enough flexibility to users without giving them a means to inject custom logic for certain operations. Whether it’s validation, injecting a custom step, priming a cache or other needs, a good question to ask is your provider allows you the necessary hooks to inject your own code. Not only that — but what language(s) are supported?


Of course, knowing which BaaS options exist is important as well! Below I’ll share a few observations of the BaaS’s that I’ve had experience with to some degree, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. Check out a larger list of the tools we’re tracking in this space.


Parse was well known before it was acquired by Facebook in April of 2013, even more so after. It supports storing photos and geolocation data, 3rd party/social integration, push notifications and realtime usage analytics. The analytics are particularly impressive, in that they allow you to track custom events & types of devices, highly customized reports and more. Parse has an impressive array of client SDKs. Officially, Parse provides SDKs for iOS, Android, Windows, Windows Phone 8, Mac OS X, JavaScript and Unity (the cross-platform game engine). You also have the option of utilizing the HTTP REST API. Third party developers have created client libraries for .NET, ActionScript, Clojure, Java, Qt, Ruby, PHP, Python, WebOS and more!


Firebase is a recent — and interesting — option in this space, focusing on a specific kind of use-case as opposed to larger, more general offerings like StackMob: realtime data synchronization. Multiple clients accessing the same data can see realtime updates (if you’re wondering about latency, it’s impressively low. To users, it will be instantaneous). Firebase also has a very flexible security model — including the ability for you to incorporate your own auth tokens or those from third party services. SDKs are available for JavaScript (both web clients and node.js), Objective-C (iOS) and Java (Android) and an HTTP REST API also exists. Realtime BaaS’s have interesting challenges in the areas of how they handle transactions and conflict resolution. Firebase is one of the first I’ve seen that provides the necessary hooks you need to inject conflict resolution logic without also dictating the client-side UI framework stack. In fact, Firebase provides officially supported integrations with AngularJS, Backbone.js and EmberJS (all client-side JavaScript frameworks). A number of third party libraries exist as well, extending Firebase client support to Python, PHP, Ruby, Clojure and Perl.

Telerik Backend Services

Telerik Backend Services (formerly known as “Everlive”) is another recent and feature-filled option. The backend storage is an object store, but you can create relationships between objects, upload files, store geospatial data (and query it comparatively to other locations for distance) and more. You can inject custom code — written in JavaScript – to be executed before or after items are created, read, updated or deleted. The user management features allow you to create users, assign roles, constrain permissions to resources and data, integrate with third parties like Facebook, Microsoft (LiveID) and Google or even your own corporate Active Directory. Telerik Backend Services support push notifications for iOS and Android, as well as email and SMS notifications. It’s worth noting that the management dashboard provides very easy-to-use tools to define schemas, manage users, create/edit data and test push notifications from within your browser. You also get usage analytics for database size, file storage, bandwidth used, push notifications and emails sent and HTTP requests.


StackMob is one of the more well known names in this space – though their recent acquisition by Paypal will result in their services shutting down in May 2014. They directly support SDKs that cover iOS, Android, JavaScript & Java, and they expose an HTTP REST API for other clients as well. StackMob also benefits from an active community which has written 3rd party tools focusing on OAuth integration with other languages & platforms like PHP, ActionScript, Python and Sencha as well as an Appcelerator Titanium SDK.

StackMob has an impressive feature list. Their storage engine uses schemas which can be auto-generated for you based on your data, or you can use a dashboard they provide to define them. They support file storage if you have an Amazon S3 account (their services wrap the calls to Amazon). StackMob supports OAuth 2.0, as well as integration with Twitter and Facebook, and provides adequate user administration/permissions features (depending on your needs, you may need to elaborate if you need as granular as field-level permissions). You can upload custom Java, Scala and/or Clojure code and expose it via HTTP endpoints while having access to their data APIs from within your code. Another interesting feature is StackMob’s HTML hosting, which cannot only host your app, but also integrate with GitHub, enabling you to deploy your app based on what’s committed to the git repository.

So Much More Awaits

Those are only four examples — we’re tracking at least fifty BaaS offerings, and it seems more options appear nearly every month. Are you using a BaaS provider now? We’d love to hear which one(s) and what features drove your decision in the comments below.


Which App Stores Should You Use?

Publishing your app in a store can involve significant effort. Depending on your goals some app stores can be more attractive than others. If you’re looking to earn direct revenue from your apps, which are the best stores to target? What follows is some general advice backed up by data from our latest survey.


To publish, or not to publish?

If you only want to build an app as a hobby, first consider whether you need to publish it on a store at all, or whether you can just share it privately with interested parties. There are more than enough apps already in the stores and the poor developers trying to make a living from their apps have to contend with a lot of noise in the very basic search results as it is. If reaching an audience is an important part of your hobby creation then building an Android app and publishing on Google Play is the obvious option. It’s low cost, there are few rules and there’s a very large user base.

Apple is where the money is

If you’re building an app to generate revenue directly then an iOS app on Apple’s App Store is still the best option initially unless you’re only targeting countries where the platform has very low market share. Even with an ad-supported revenue model, the larger user base on Android is usually more than compensated for by better engagement and higher rates on iOS. When aiming for reach then the most important thing is to match the target demographics with those of the platforms. In most cases you’ll want to target both iOS and Android.

These are the common cases and this is fairly common knowledge. As such you can see it reflected in the overall popularity of the various stores below.

If you already have an app published on one or more stores, the decision to add it to another is not always an easy one. Even if you don’t need to port your app to a new platform to access a new marketplace, you still need to learn about the publishing process, create (and usually pay for) an account, publish the app and future updates and monitor reviews and visibility within the store. If the audience using the new store won’t be reached by your existing marketing efforts you may have to expand those as well.

More stores = more money?

Looking at the average revenues of developers based on how many stores they publish on, it’s tempting to think that publishing to as many stores as possible (and thus using a cross-platform development tool) is the way to go.

However, this is getting causation backwards. There is an improvement in revenues for almost anyone adding more potential customers but looking at the median rather than mean we can see this is unlikely to cover the cost of managing the app across several extra stores. What we can really see here is successful apps tend to port to more platforms and so [tweetable]it’s apps that already have high revenues that then publish in additional stores[/tweetable]. There is also a [tweetable]higher than average proportion of developers working on a contract basis who publish to five or more stores[/tweetable], which pushes the median revenue up.

The same phenomenon causes the average revenue of all developers who publish in a particular store to be very misleading. Developers publishing in the smaller stores often already have successful versions of the apps on the leading platforms, or are simply contracted to port those apps. If we split developers by the number of stores they publish on and look at revenues by platform then the differences become clear.

Where to publish next?

Looking at developers who only publish on a single store, [tweetable]Apple’s App Store is far ahead of every other store except the Amazon Appstore[/tweetable]. However, the number of developers who only publish to Amazon’s store is extremely small (only 16 in this sample) so this figure is not reliable. That said, [tweetable]developers who publish in Amazon’s store and one other are far more numerous and have high average revenues[/tweetable], plus data from Distimo suggests that some Android developers are seeing significantly better revenues from Amazon than from Google Play.

If we consider those publishing to two stores then Apple leads with Google in a clear second place, while Amazon still shows relatively good revenues. The other interesting data here is “where do BlackBerry developers go” – those publishing to BlackBerry World are much more likely to have Google Play or the Windows Phone Store as their second store than others. Only 11% of developers publishing to BlackBerry World and one other store also publish to the Apple App Store. That’s somewhat surprising given BlackBerry’s previous dominance of the enterprise market and that iOS is now taking over in that space.

When developers publish to four or more stores we see a significant jump in revenues for those publishing to the Windows Phone Store. Since the revenues for those who only publish to that store are so low, it seems unlikely that it’s revenues from Windows Phone itself creating the difference. More likely is that Microsoft and Nokia have been providing incentives for the most successful apps to port to their platform. Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform is strongly differentiated from the others. Developers have to design a new UI and generally build it with different technology in order to target the platform. The associated costs are much higher than adding another Android or web-based platform’s store. As such, at similar scale to many alternatives, Windows Phone is unlikely to produce a good return on investment unless Microsoft provides a strong financial incentive.


For developers not looking for direct revenues, an Android app on Google Play is probably the obvious first choice. For those who are looking to monetize their apps directly, Apple’s iOS App Store is the clear leader, with Google Play as the first place to expand after that. BlackBerry World appears to be very unattractive versus the other options from a revenue perspective. Beyond that, the Windows Phone Store seems to be more popular than it deserves (although this might be due to ports paid for by the platform owner) whilst the Amazon Appstore seems unfairly unloved. Some developers have had issues with Amazon’s developer agreement and pricing policy but the results of those using Amazon’s store suggest it’s worth another look.


App Security 101: A list of top 10 vulnerabilities and how to avoid them

App security 101

App development is becoming more and more popular, as web and software developers are migrating to the mobile industry. Apps have become a part of mainstream culture and entered our everyday lives – at increasing levels. The app economy is comprised of approximately 2 million apps and is expected to continue growing in the years to come.

Secure development on mobile applications, however, has not shown the same level of growth or maturity. As an Information Security firm, we’ve seen quite a few apps suffer from vulnerabilities that are linked to development bad practices, mainly due to lack of awareness. Secure development guidelines do exist in the community, while organisations like OWASP have accumulated a lot of experience in the field and are now offering much of this knowledge for free. In this article we’ll sum up the best practices and show you the best ways to build secure apps. We’ll concentrate on OWASP top 10 (and similar) vulnerabilities, as these are the most common ones found in mobile apps.

So, let’s go through the list of the top 10 mobile app vulnerabilities and how to avoid them.

1. Insecure Data Storage:

This vulnerability occurs because information that is considered confidential is not stored in the device in a secure manner. You shouldn’t assume that the devices themselves are safe. Devices can be stolen and/or tampered with, and the confidential data contained in them may be stolen. Also, you shouldn’t assume that users will protect themselves against this possibility. In order to avoid this vulnerability, the best practices are:

  • Never store credentials on the device itself
  • Sensitive information such as user authentication credentials should only be stored in the device’s keychain, using the necessary API
  • All authentication should be done through HTTPS (updated)

Specific guidelines for iOS developers:

  • You could avoid using iOS Encryption Libraries such as Commoncrypto
  • You should encrypt SQLite databases with SQLcipher
  • You might want to avoid NSUserDefaults, as well as plists in general
  • Keep in mind that the NSManagedObjects will be stored in an unencrypted database

For Android devs:

  • You should use the SD Card Storage the javax.crypto.
  • You can use the enterprise Android administration API to force encryption for local files by utilizing “setStorageEncryption”

2. Weak Server Side Controls

You should implement most controls against input attacks on the server side of the application. Nevertheless, app design should include input validation checks and controls, in order to reduce the load of work to be done by the server. Therefore, you could ensure that both the server side and the mobile client development security requirements include at minimum:

  • Input validation. You can use this kind of data validation in order to detect, and therefore prevent, unauthorized input before it gets processed by the app itself
  • Canonicalization. Data input in the app should be converted to its canonical (simplest) form in order to be processed by it
  • White lists on allowable data. The white list validation approach allows only specific types of data as input to the application; everything else that’s not included in this list, is not authorized.
  • Output encoding. You should encode the output that is presented to the user in order to prevent different kinds of attacks (e.g. XSS[1][2], format string attacks).

3. Insufficient Transport Layer Protection:

You should enforce the TLS/SSL encryption with strong algorithms between communications. A common development mistake is unencrypted connections from the application to 3d party companies. You should program your apps to display any certificate error or warning messages, so that the user is informed of the quality of the encrypted connection.

For iOS developers:

  • Use the CFNetwork API that utilizes NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelSSLv3 / TLSv1.2.
  • You should use,the setAllowsAnyHTTPSCertificate parameter to prohibit accepting all certificates

For Android developers:

  • You should set the AllowAllHostnameVerifier parameter to prohibit accepting all certificates

4. Client Side Injection

This category is comprised of a wide variety of input attacks against the application itself. General best practices for mitigation of client side injection vulnerabilities include the input validation of the application entry points, on the server side.

For iOS developers:

  • You should consider using parameterized queries (e.g. ? instead of %@, libXML2 instead of NSXMLParser)
  • In addition, you should avoid functions that are known to be prone to code vulnerabilities, such as strcat, strcpy, etc.

Android developers:

  • You should use parameterized queries
  • You should disable Javascript and plugin support for Webviews
  • You should also disable file system access for Webviews
  • You might consider using input validated intent filters between Activities

5. Poor Authorization and Authentication

These vulnerabilities are controlled mostly on the server side. The best practices that you should follow are the same with web applications. In addition to these rules, specifically for app development, device identifiers should be avoided (UDID, IPs, MAC Addresses, IMEI) since devices can be stolen and tampered with. Finally, out-of-band authentication tokens should not be sent to the same device.

6. Improper Session Handling

Although session handling mechanisms are mainly applied at the server side of the applications, secure session management practices can be applied at the devices themselves. As with the Authorization and Authentication, you should apply the web application Best Practices for session handling. Same as with authorisation and authentication best practices, device identifiers should be avoided here as well and you should implement safe mechanisms to revoke session on lost/stolen devices. Finally, the Confidentiality and Integrity of session tokens should be protected at all times (secure transmission via SSL/TLS connections, etc).

7. Security Decisions Via Untrusted Inputs

While these issues mainly affect Android-based applications, there has been precedent for iOS apps too. In general, the Best Practices that you should follow are the same with the web application ones. Specifically, input validation, output escaping, authorization controls and canonicalization should be carefully examined. Also, you should exercise extra caution when validating and accepting URL schemes.

8. Side Channel Data Leakage

This category involves data exchange that usually enhances app performance (e.g.: keystroke logging, web caches). As with Insecure Data Storage, you should build your app under the assumption that the device might be stolen. All side channels and 3rd party libraries included should be identified and enumerated for any possible data leakage that might occur. The application should be dynamically tested in order to verify that it doesn’t leak data during runtime.

iOS developers:

  • You might consider disabling screenshots, along with cut-and-paste buffers. It is also recommended to disable keystroke logging from within the application.

9. Broken Cryptography

Crypto-keys should never be hard-coded in any construct (plaintext, property files, compiled binaries) and should be controlled at the server side.

10. Sensitive Information Disclosure

Different kinds of information may be considered sensitive in an app, as application logic/business purposes define that. You should keep mind that apps can be reverse-engineered and information like this might be exposed. The best practices in this case suggest avoiding storing private data inside the device; unless absolutely necessary.

The vulnerabilities presented here are not an exhaustive list – they’re just the tip of the iceberg! During the past year, we’ve witnessed numerous attacks against apps by direct code exploitation that usually leads to the device becoming compromised. We’ve also seen attacks that leverage various app weaknesses in order to hijack legitimate user sessions and steal information and money.

Since the app market is constantly growing, we expect to see an increase in the number of attacks against mobile devices themselves. So, if you want to keep up with the times, [tweetable]you should build your next apps with app security in mind[/tweetable].

For more insights, get in touch.

– George

George Karagiannidis is a Senior Information Security Consultant at TwelveSec ( George is a seasoned pen-tester, having accumulated a wealth of experience from performing, as well as leading, Information Security projects that range from System/Network/Web/Mobile Application Penetration Tests to Reverse Engineering, Security Design and Architecture of critical Information Systems, and Information Security Management System (ISMS) implementation.


Mobile Gaming’s Dirty Secret

Mobile gaming is a major growth industry. Revenues and profits are soaring and the most successful companies are attracting valuations in the billions of dollars. However the market dynamics are such that very few can succeed and those that do have incentives which are a long way from maximising fun for players. Where are all the revenues coming from? Is the market fundamentally broken? If so, why aren’t the platform owners trying to fix it?

Mobile Gaming's Dirty Secret

Spectacular Growth

[tweetable]In 2013, games accounted for around 40% of all app downloads across the iOS App Store and Google Play[/tweetable] but approximately 75% of the revenues (according to App Annie). Game revenues more than doubled year over year on the App Store and more than quadrupled on Google Play. By the end of 2013, revenue from games on Google Play was still only about 60% of the iOS App Store equivalent. Since Apple had $10 billion in App Store sales in 2013, we can estimate very roughly that [tweetable]there were around $10 billion of games revenues across the two stores[/tweetable]. This is not far from Gartner’s estimate of $13.2 billion for all mobile games in 2013, projected to rise to $22 billion in 2015.

Increasingly Freemium

According to Distimo 90% of all games revenue on the iOS App Store came from free apps with in-app purchases in November. The percentage of revenue attributable to freemium apps in the entire store grew from 77% to 92% across the year. [tweetable]On Google Play 98% of all revenue was generated by freemium apps in November[/tweetable], so the games revenue there clearly favours the freemium model to an even greater extent than on iOS.

Now there are very good arguments that all successful digital content will eventually use some kind of freemium model, here’s a good recent summary. However, there’s a special subset of freemium that’s really generating all the growth and revenue, so called free-to-play games selling virtual goods (e.g. coins, gems, lives). Only a small fraction of users pay at all, only 1.5% according to Swrve, then a fraction of those pay so much more than you could ever get for a paid download or unlocking levels that the average revenue per user (ARPU) is higher than all other models – at least when the game mechanic and purchases are well designed to optimise for this behaviour.

Winners Take All

The games with a combination of high ARPU and broad appeal (so they get high conversion rates on user acquisition spending) can afford to bid the most for new users, squeezing others out of the best user acquisition channels. This creates a feedback cycle with the store charts, bringing in even more users organically. Our Developer Economics survey data confirms this: the typical games developer monetising via freemium and in-app purchase business models makes only about twice as much on average as those using the roughly equally popular paid download and advertising models. This difference is nowhere near enough to account for the highly skewed revenue distribution in the app stores. A large fraction of the total revenues are being made by a handful of top publishers.

Who’s Paying, How Much and Why?

Up to this point it sounds like the industry has hit on a fantastic profit formula to be emulated by all. However, if you look at the numbers and their implications then things start to look a little darker. Of the 1.5% of players who pay anything for their “free” games, 10% of those account for more than 50% of the revenue (see Swrve report above). Indeed just 1% of paying players, that’s 0.015% of all players, account for 13% of revenue; contrast with 11% of revenue from the bottom 50% of payers. Even with the astronomical size of mobile user bases, some basic arithmetic suggests the top 1% are spending more than $10k a year each on these games, even the top 10% are spending hundreds of dollars.

The free-to-play games industry likes to call these high spending players “whales” after the high rollers in the casino industry. However, high rollers only account for a small fraction of revenues in the gambling industry and they have a very real chance of winning big too, even if the odds are tipped in the favour of the casino. A better analogy from the gambling industry would be the slot machine addicts who generate a large fraction of the revenues. In fact, these mobile games are designed to be “addictive” it’s just that for some players the addiction becomes very real and they lose all rational control of their spending. So rather than hunting for the high-spending whales, this part of the industry is really exploiting vulnerable digital narcotic addicts.

If you want to see an example of what that looks like in real life, read the New York Times interview with George Yao, a long time top player in Supercell’s Clash of Clans. He spent $3k of his own money on the game in 3 months before wealthy clan mates started to bail him out. At one point he was taking 5 iPads into the shower with him to help maintain his ranking. In his own words about the experience:
“Looking back, I think I must have been insane,” he told me, with a mix of pride and revulsion. “I was so immersed in it at the time. I knew it was abnormal, but never to the extent that I see it now.”

What Next?

Apple and Google could easily stop this with some sensible limits on monthly IAP spending per app. That could cut off billions in revenue through the stores of which they take a 30% cut. However, the revenue itself is not that significant to either business. More important are the headline revenue and growth figures enabled by this that maintain developer interest in the platforms. As such we’re likely to see external regulatory action before any strong voluntary action on the part of the stores. Apple have already created the Kids section in their store which has extra review criteria to protect children from IAP and targeted advertising but they’re not currently doing anything to stop apps targeting children with purchases that aren’t attempting to list in this new “safe zone”. In most countries, children are not the only consumers protected from questionable business practices. The EU has just announced meetings with the app industry to discuss consumer protection issues – this is likely to repeat elsewhere until the real cost of “free-to-play” games is made more clear to consumers.

If you are interested in Business Models in Mobile Gaming, have a look at the three part series on battle insights by a mobile game CEO.


Mapping it out: APIs for location-based apps


It wasn’t many years ago that, finding yourself with a hankering for a curry in an unfamiliar city you’d two choices; trudging the streets or waylaying a local. Today, with almost any smartphone you can quickly locate nearby eateries, see reviews and ratings, make a choice, and get guided to your meal with turn-by-turn navigation.

Location-based services are an important, integral part of the smartphone experience. The desire to offer users ‘the best’ mapping experience was graphically illustrated in 2012 when Apple launched its own map offering. Enabling developers to take advantage of and extend a platform’s location data is a vital part of the ‘location’ value proposition.

I’ve been asking myself, what’s the state of play when it comes to creating location-based apps? Has the technology reached a maturity where all platforms are equal? If you’re starting with your first location based app, which platform offers you the best tools and the most opportunity to differentiate?

The first question: which platforms? The big three seem obvious: Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. The other major thread in platforms would seem to be HTML5 ─ not only do we have the browser options, both native and third-party on the ‘big three,’ but potentially interesting developments with the likes of Tizen and Firefox OS offering ‘native’ HTML5 apps. So I’ve thrown that into the mix.

Now, having set the scope, let’s find out what’s available.

1. Location

The foundation of all location-based apps and services is the ability to determine where the user is located. Then, for applications such as navigation and augmented reality, direction of travel or the direction the user is facing are vital pieces of information as well.

1.1. Location technology

Most smartphones offer a GPS chip, usually with the addition of Assisted GPS (A-GPS) to improve the time to a first fix when initially requesting location details. In some platforms GPS-based location acquisition may be augmented with techniques based on mobile network cells and WiFi hot spots. These technologies help improve the accuracy of location information in cities, where buildings may obscure the signals from GPS satellites.

GPS also provides heading information, but only when the user is moving. The need for heading, or more particularly information on the direction the user is facing, is provided by magnetometers and gyroscope sensors.

1.2. APIs

The key feature of the APIs provided by all the major platforms is that they insulate you from the underlying technology used to acquire location/direction information. As might be expected, given this is the core enabling technology for location based apps and services, the features offered across the main platforms are fairly uniform, as shown in the following table:

iOS (7) Android (4.x) Windows Phone 8 HTML5
Location providers GPS and GPS/Cell/WiFi GPS and Cell/WiFi GPS/Cell/WiFi Platform specific, mainly GPS
Location (lat/long) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Altitude Yes Yes Yes Yes
Direction of travel Yes Yes Yes Yes
Direction facing Yes Yes, sensor API Yes, sensor API Yes, Orientation API
Geocoding/Reverse Geocoding Yes Yes Yes No
Background tracking Yes Yes Yes Platform dependent

All the three main smartphone platforms provide similar location and orientation APIs, in addition to geocoding capabilities. While iOS and Android provide you with explicit access to the GPS location, Windows phone provides location based on a desired accuracy and fix time, which can be manipulated to ensure a GPS location is provided.

iOS is the only platform that incorporates information on heading/facing within the location API; the other platforms rely on separate sensor APIs.

In HTML5 the orientation API may create challenges due to variations in coordinate reporting by various browsers 1. Compared to the ‘big three’ HTML5 has two main limitations: Lack of a ‘native’ geocoding API, for this feature you would have to rely on the mapping service used. The ability to track location in the background is the second difference and varies depending on the platforms’ ability to run HTML5 apps in the background.

It is worth noting that Google also offers some additional location related APIs through its Google Play services (in the Google Android Location API), notably:

  • to determine the user’s current mode of locomotion (still, walking, cycling, or in a vehicle)
  • geofence feature, which can trigger an event when the user goes outside a defined area.

1.3. Indoor navigation

One of the general limitations of GPS is that it doesn’t work well within buildings. A number of technologies have been investigated to overcome this issue, the principal options are WiFi and Bluetooth based. The advantage of WiFi-based systems is that WiFi hot spots are already common. Bluetooth based systems, such as iBeacon from Apple — which are based on Low Energy Bluetooth (BLE), also known as Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth Smart — offer an interesting alternative, but it is likely to be sometime before there is sufficiently dense, widespread coverage to provide a universal solution. In addition, these Bluetooth-based technologies are not yet integrated into the platforms’ location frameworks, so they aren’t transparent to the location APIs. However, they offer you an interesting avenue for differentiation.

2. Mapping Services

Having obtained your location and orientation information the next step is to add a visualization. The most obvious of these is a map, or closely related representation, such as a satellite or street view.

2.1. The big three

Each of the big three smartphone platform providers have their own mapping solutions for native apps: Apple has MapKit, Android has Google Maps, and Windows Phone HERE Maps (BING Maps was deprecated in Windows Phone 8). Google and HERE also offer their maps for other platforms, in addition to several third-party map providers, more on this later.

2.1.1. Map and related APIs

There is a lot of common ground between the Map APIs provided and the features available for the maps you can display in your apps, detailed in the table below.

There are two main areas of difference between the platform offerings:

  • the routing information provided, however in most use cases you will want to pass off routes handling to a navigation app anyway (see the discussion on extended services below).
  • offline maps. While this doesn’t directly impact on you as a developer, it could affect your users’ experience when the phone goes offline and is no longer able to obtain updates to map data. While HERE Maps offers users the ability to download maps country by country, Google does it by displayed area and Apple appears not to offer an offline option.

Google has now made its Android APIs for maps a Google Play service. So, if you wish to make use of alternative stores, either to target devices such as Amazon’s Kindle or simply take advantage of other outlets, you need to use another mapping solution. This ‘other’ solution could be the HTML5 Google Maps, a vendor offering such as Amazon Maps API for Kindle, or a third-party offering.

Apple MapKit Android (Google Maps) Windows Phone (HERE Maps)
Views Map
Night/Day colours
Indoor maps No Yes Not available programmatically
Pan and zoom Yes Yes Yes
Pitching/Camera (2.5D view) Yes Yes Yes
3D landmarks Yes Yes Yes
Markers/Annotations Yes Yes Yes
Custom layers Yes Yes Yes
Polylines Yes Yes Yes
Route details Multiple routes for walking or driving, with expected travel time and trip advisory notices. Yes (Google Maps API Direction Services), single route for driving, bicycle, public transport, or walking. Single route for walking or driving.
Map Snapshot Yes Yes Workaround
Map type Vector Vector Vector
Offline access No Yes – by area Yes – by country
Restrictions Depends on developer program Only available as a Google Play API, no Navigation, Autonomous Vehicle Control, or Enterprise Applications, map call limits Apps for businesses, some API limits

As an alternative to embedding maps within your apps, you can pass location details to the platform’s Map app to display the user a map. This approach could be ideal where your app has a simple map use case. You can also use the same method to open StreetView on Android devices from your app.

2.1.2. Terms of Service

Apple MapKit appears to be the most flexible offering, with no apparent limitations on the applications you can create using the APIs nor on the volume of map data. Data use is ‘managed by the framework’, but there is no indication that this has created any practical restrictions. The only control is on app types through the Apple Developer programs, if you want to create apps for private distribution to company employees you need to enroll in the more expensive iOS Developer Enterprise Program.

Both Google and Microsoft place similar restrictions on the types of applications that can make free use of map data. If you want to create apps designed purely for use within a business and some specific types of apps (such as those for business asset tracking, fleet management, or dispatch) you’ll need to obtain licences through either the Google Maps for Business or HERE for business service.

In addition, Google only permits free use of its maps in free apps or paid apps that are available in an online store and are “downloadable to a mobile device that can access the online store”.

When it comes to the volume of use, both companies apply similar restrictions.

When using Google Maps you may have to pay, either through a Google console option or the business program, for additional traffic the app generates over 25,000 map loads or more each day, for more than 90 consecutive days.

For HERE Maps on Windows Phone the restriction is on routing and geo-coding requests, where there is a limit of 25,000 within 24 hours from any one app. More than that and you will need to contact the business service.

2.2. Extended map related services

The inter-app communications that enable you to pass a location to the platform’s map app, can also be used to open other location-based apps, such as those for navigation or transit routing. The various options are shown below:

Apple Android Windows Phone
Maps Yes Yes Yes
StreetView No Yes No
Traffic Yes No No
Guided or assisted navigation:
Car Yes Yes Yes
Walk Yes Yes Yes
Bicycle No Yes No
Public transport No Yes Yes

2.2.1. Third-party alternatives and options for HTML5 apps

With integrated support for maps in the main platforms it’s perhaps surprising how wide a range of third-party offerings is available. If you are creating a location-based app for HTML5, you will be using one of these offerings. An exhaustive review of the available programs is beyond this articles scope, but here is a list of some of those available:

Provider Features iOS Android Windows Phone HTML5 Pricing (Maps)2
HERE Similar to native n/a OEMs only Native JavaScript and REST Free low volume access
Google Maps Similar to native Yes No No JavaScript Free low volume access
CloudMade Map styles, Geocoding, POI, routing (vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian inc. route times). n/a n/a n/a JavaScript $25 per 1M tiles (first 500K free)
Nutiteq Offline maps, 3D views, map projections for GIS n/a Yes n/a n/a Free for OSM data, costs on request
TomTom Geocoding, POI, routing, traffic, traffic cameras Yes Yes n/a JavaScript On request
Trimble/Spime Geocoding, POIs, routing, voice guided navigation, overlays, native app access (contacts, calendar, e-mail), monetization n/a Yes n/a n/a On request
mapIT Geocoding, POIs, routing, indoor maps, search, geo-marketing analysis tools, traffic (from Tom Tom) Yes Yes n/a Yes On request
mapquest Geocoding, POI, routing for vehicle, walking, transit, and bicycle with optimized and alternate routes, traffic including traffic search Yes Yes n/a JavaScript Free for OSM data, costs on request

You may wonder why I haven’t included Open Street Map in the list. While this service provides tiles, its open source/donation supported status means it may block your app if it breaks the ‘heavy use’ tile download policy. Therefore, the most practical way to use Open Street Map data is either to host it on your own server or use the free Open Street Map data provided by a third-party, such as Nutiteq or mapquest.

3. Augmented Reality

Location apps are increasingly moving away from the map, through the medium of Augmented Reality (AR). With applications, such as HERE City Lens, users are no longer required to figure out what all those lines and pins are telling them, they can simply point their phone’s camera at a scene and have it annotated with relevant information.

In addition to the need for location and heading information, AR requires the ability to paint over a display of the camera viewfinder and project POIs into the viewfinder. With the exception of POI projection in HTML5, all the platforms provide native APIs to enable the creation of AR apps.

In addition there are several third-party tools for creating location-based AR app, these include:

Provider iOS Android Windows Phone HTML5 Pricing
ARLabAR Browser Yes Yes n/a n/a €199 per platform
ARPA SDK Yes Yes n/a n/a On request
DroidAR n/a Yes n/a n/a Open source
GART – Geo Augmented Reality Toolkit n/a n/a Yes n/a Open source
Layar Geo SDK Yes Yes n/a n/a €7500 per year
Wikitude SDK Yes Yes n/a Yes Free with watermark, € 99 to € 1499

4. Conclusion

With minor variations, developing apps for the main platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows Phone) brings similar features and capabilities to your location-based apps. Only iOS, however, leaves you free to create whatever app you want, free from additional licensing costs.

In most cases the development process, from coding to store, is straightforward. The exception is where you want to target devices based on the Android Open Source Project, such as the Kindle, which use a store other than Google Play. The resulting need to use alternative (non-Android Google Maps) APIs will be something of an annoyance, at least.

Developing for HTML5 adds additional complexity, as a choice needs to be made of a third-party location/mapping service, but achieving similar results to those seen in native apps is entirely possible.

As I mentioned at the start, location–based apps and services are a key value-proposition for mobile devices. Their importance will only increase as the technology powering mobile devices starts to transition beyond phones and tablets into watches, cars, and a range of other smart mobile devices. This, combined with the competition between platforms, means that additional capabilities will continue to be added to the features available to apps, such as the ability to include and manipulate traffic data, and create embed and customize navigation.

  1. Firefox and Chrome does not handle the coordinates the same way.
  2. Vendors may offer separate pricing for geocoding, routing, navigation or other services.

How We Learned to Built Hardware, the Agile way

I ‘m part of a hardware research group at Telefónica Digital called “Physical Internet Lab”. Three years ago we started a small group under the Emerging Technologies area of the company focusing on the Internet of Things. The commitment of the group was (and is), in ambitious terms, “to democratize the Internet of Things” opening it to as many makers, developers and users as possible. Our goal has been not entirely altruistic: Telefónica as a network operator has a lot of value to add in the Internet of Things economy.

On day to day basis we build prototypes and products, usually connected objects or components like the Thinking Things building blocks.

Setting up the lab three years ago was no easy task. We wanted to work at the crossroads of the Internet, the Things and the People. But our development skills were almost 100% software related. In the process we built a team skilled on all three sides. And we figured out how to do agile hardware.


Of Agility and Hardware

We ‘ve come full circle. Telefónica I+D (the Telefonica Digital development branch) was created 25 years ago to produce hardware innovations such as X.25 and ATM switches. We did that in the classical engineering fashion: writing long and rigid lists of requirements, splitting the work across solution providers, integrating and then testing following a waterfall schema.

Over time Telefónica I+D adapted quickly to the technology changes and by the mid-nineties we were developing mostly software. First we followed the same engineering process; then we moved towards more iterative methods. In the last 10 years we have adapted fully to agile methodologies.

As we were building the laboratory we found ourselves getting back to hardware. But the company now could not understand a slow-moving unit. The lab had to be agile. So we had to bring agile methodologies to hardware development.

The first difficulties came with the corporate facilities. Hardware work demands physical proximity and we could not afford to have a distributed team depending on collaboration tools on the Internet. At the same time, soldering fumes or drilling noises were not welcome in our modern, bright, open spaces. So the team had to move to a closed office in an old building in Madrid city center.

Moving to the city center was a boon: in minutes we could reach many shops and services, buying anything from hammers to plastic boxes. Visitors now found it easier to visit us in a centric garage-like office. This was great for our open approach as we wanted to help and interact with other companies and organizations.

Purchasing tools was another problem. The corporate procedures were tuned for large-scale purchases such as server farms or external services. Buying a handful of resistors for 10 euros could take several weeks, creating bottlenecks to our work. Fortunately the purchasing department showed a great deal of sensibility. We worked together to redesign the process. Now we buy any component or tool in a single day while still working by the book.

Putting together the Agile team

Hardware work implies multiple teams across several companies with extremely specialized profiles. When setting up the lab we opted for a small and autonomous team, able to build a hardware prototype with no external dependencies.

A small team allows us to work closely integrated, in the same location, continuously coordinating our work. A small team also means that budgets are smaller and is well suited to experimenting, failing, learning and adapting.

Basic agile methodologies such as Scrum expect some degree of overlap between the specializations of team members, so that different people can execute the same tasks naturally balancing the work load. But hardware work is different. It demands a lot of specialization. In our case most of the tasks can be executed only by one team member. As a result, the Scrum methods and tools have to be modified to reflect this reality.

Our internal workflow follows many steps. The first step is the Industrial Designer, a role which is somewhat of a novelty in the Telefonica Digital payroll. Carlos (that’s his name) starts his work in the CAD station designing the physical product: plastic pieces, metal straps, cloth, magnets. Then he builds the design using the currently available 3D prototyping tools such as the laser cutter, the CNC tool (i.e. a computer controlled drill) and a variety of 3D printers. These tools give much flavor to the lab.

In some cases we start from an existing object that we hack so that we can explain a new concept. Carlos at the same time designs and builds, which is a bit out of his job profile. Software developers are multi-taskers, too – they design and type, while software architects can also code. In the hardware industry this is somewhat unusual and typical engineers expect someone else to physically build what they have created. In the lab we follow the software philosophy. It is leaner, and gives the designer a real feel of the piece or circuit construction. This approach demands some tolerance and patience from engineers who have to get their hands dirty.

The same philosophy applies to the next step in the workflow: the electronics engineering part. The electronics engineer first designs new circuits, then prototypes them. We even design and build the PCBs to check that everything fits in place.

The agile doctrine underlines the importance of early user testing. Early use provides rapid feedback focusing the most important characteristics of the product and showing what isn’t relevant for customers. To shorten the time-to-test we use 3D printing and prototyping technologies.

In electronics engineering we massively use Open Hardware. Open Hardware gives us access to lots of ready-to-use designs that we can employ in product testing. In a sense, Open Hardware behaves now like Linux and Open Software in the mid-nineties. It allows us to focus on the real technical or design challenge rather than reinventing the wheel for every test.

Electronics and physical design teams work side by side, so they can verify in real time how components fit in the same object. Our objects become more than simple plastic boxes, as they are tightly coupled with the internal electronics.

Electronics engineers work also with the firmware developers. The firmware developers write the code for the embedded microprocessors. They also have to deal with connectivity issues and power management.

In our Physical Internet Lab, electronics and firmware engineers work side by side. In most situations knowing what will firmware do simplifies hardware design. Similarly, software developers can ask for fine changes in the hardware designs nearly in real time.

On the other side of firmware sits backend development. In our typical systems architecture, distributed devices communicate with a backend service in the cloud. We push as much intelligence as possible to the backend service, so our designs can evolve without touching the deployed hardware or executing firmware updates. We like to think that the back-end gives every object nearly infinite computing power and knowledge, as it can interact with any other Internet service.

Again back-end and firmware developers work side by side. This tight collaboration resolves any integration problems before they appear, and encourages electronics and firmware developers to take issues to the more powerful (and more agile) back-end platforms.

The final technical step is the front-end development, usually based on web and native apps. Again we do a lot of work locally in the lab, well integrated across the team.
The frontend is also tested in complete end-to-end scenarios. Automatic testing tools execute scripts that run against the firmware and the frontend.

And of course, there is a Quality Assurance side. We are extending continuous integration, test driven development and automatic testing to the embedded firmware. At the same time we have to handle more hardware specific tasks such as sensor calibration, assuring robustness and strength.

Physical Interaction Design

The web/application interface and physical design are the two endpoints of the “development chain” of our group. They form the two interfaces exposed to the final user. At the final part of our workflow, the physical interaction designer, works with both web / app and physical design.

The physical interaction designer is responsible for the design of the connected object as a whole. He takes care of building a single object with a coherent interaction model in the physical world and in the Internet.

Without the physical interaction designer we would have to separately design the physical object and the application or web interface. The result would be a split-personality product, usually an amalgamation of data stuck on top of a square box. The physical interaction designer combines the capabilities of the physical object and the Internet interface in a coherent manner.

Physical interaction design, bringing together the Internet and physical objects is a completely new field. There are a handful of specialized schools in the world, and we are working too with UX designers with strong industrial design background.

Everyday physical objects have usually long stories and designs optimized through centuries of use. We still have a lot to learn on how to take the Internet beyond of the smartphone/tablet/PC onto this physical object world. Customers will not adopt Internet of Things devices if they are a step behind of the design standards they have become accustomed in software interfaces.

Agility plays a role here, once again. Developing and prototyping quickly we can try interaction designs with users, test our assumptions and build a sizeable bunch of knowledge around user interaction with connected objects.

External providers

Of course we have to work with external providers, especially when dealing with complex technologies or industrialization. For development we often use online services for as PCB manufacturing or 3D printing. They are extremely easy to use, robust, fast, and offer a direct web interface instead of long negotiations with a salesperson.

For the final manufacturing we interact with real, serious manufacturers. Agile, as a software development doctrine has no solutions to this task. But Agile can be seen as a spin-off of Lean philosophy, which was created to deal specifically with manufacturing issues.

One of the main lessons from the Lean methods is that service providers have to be tightly integrated in the business process. We have found this is very important also for us. The lab has spent considerable efforts building trust relationships with service providers and manufacturers, integrating their teams with the lab. Schedules and plans are shared under an openness philosophy. We have established even real time communication so their teams get continuous feedback from the engineers in the lab.

The future of agile hardware

We have yet a long way to create a truly Agile Hardware lab. Physical work is sometimes slower than software development. Some other times (especially when prototyping on Open Hardware designs) they are blindingly fast and have to pause and wait for software components. Speed differences keep the group working on different “user stories” at the same time.

External dependences are many, and the lab will never be, in that sense, completely autonomous. But we can find yet faster service providers and build leaner and more integrated workflows with them.

Regarding Quality Assurance we have to handle correctly the physical device characterization and fit the expensive and slow certifications in the product workflow.
The bright side is that Agile methodologies provide and require continuous improvement. Every sprint or work cycle forces us to learn and adapt our methodology and organization, looking for a better process. Perhaps in a couple of years we’ll have a completely different process in a completely different lab, and it will be all right.


Flappy Bird vs Angry Birds – a tale of Hobbyists and Hunters

Here are the stories of two successful birds on the app store. See if you can spot the difference.

Angry Birds vs. Flappy Bird_639px

Flappy Bird was a mobile game developed by Dong Nguyen, a Vietnamese indie game developer, in a few evenings after work. He launched the game in May 2013, but only 7 months later (in January) did it unexpectedly gain immense traction. It reached the top of the US charts, and Nguyen was reportedly earning about $50,000 per day from ads. He couldn’t cope with the pressure and abusive comments however, saying it “ruined his simple life”, and removed the game from the app store on February 10th.

Angry Birds was developed by Finnish game maker Rovio Entertainment. It was a runaway success… on the 52nd try! (That’s how many games the good people at Rovio had developed before Angry Birds). Rovio has expanded to be a successful franchise and merchandising business, counting its revenues in the hundreds of millions of Euros. Today, Rovio employs over 700 people according to its website.

Why did Flappy Bird become a flappy Icarus, crashing after flying too close to the sun, and not a new Rovio? In truth, Nguyen and Rovio represent very different groups of developers. Their motivations are not at all alike, and so neither is their behavior.

Developer motivations wildly differ

Dong Nguyen and his indie game studio .Gears sits on the border of a Hobbyist and an Explorer profile in VisionMobile’s developer segmentation model. Hobbyists are motivated by the fun of making an app, and like Nguyen often do it in their spare time after work. They don’t care about success – killing off a successful project that interferes with their sense of fun and peaceful life wouldn’t seem strange to them. Arcade games like Flappy Bird and the other .Gears projects are a typical project for Hobbyists (professional game developers rarely touch the arcade category).

Our Flappy Bird protagonist also shows traits of an Explorer, however. He presents a formal face with the .Gears studio, complete with email address and copyright notice. Put simply, Explorers are “practicing” to become successful app developers (either as contractors or with own apps): their main motivation is learning how to become professionals and they define success by knowledge gained as well as having a lot of fun developing. Some speculate that Nguyen might have tried to artificially boost the app using review bots, which would be more Explorer than Hobbyist behavior. (Nguyen himself denies having done any kind of promotion.)

Whether Hobbyist or Explorer, Nguyen clearly wasn’t in it for the big money. Contrast that with Rovio, a clear Hunter company. Hunters are revenue driven: their goal is to build a successful business and make money from apps. The 50+ games that Rovio built before Angry Birds are a testament to their persistence in achieving that objective. Success is measured strictly in business terms: app revenues (in the case of Rovio enhanced with merchandising) and user reach. Hunters are professionals, out to build real, lasting companies, exactly what Rovio has achieved. The difference couldn’t be clearer.

Understanding the motivations of developers is key to understanding the choices they make. This includes fundamental choices, like the one between lifestyle and business success that Dong Nguyen faced when his project became a huge success overnight. It also includes all the minor and major decisions that app development involves: business models, tools, platform selection, and much more. [tweetable]If you’re working with developers, gaining insights in their motivations is crucial[/tweetable].

— Christina & Stijn


App monetisation tip: Go for niche markets, not user reach

Mobile apps have enabled some developers to reach unprecedented scale in an incredibly short time. The companies that do this best have hundreds of millions of users and are typically valued at billions of dollars. The winners in this battle for mass market attention and appeal are either backed with millions of dollars in venture capital or created by companies already worth billions. Can developers without quite so many resources behind them achieve a smaller scale of success by following the same formulas, or might targeting a smaller niche achieve better results?
